Baby Talk

I'm a Gangster...But Not a Normal One

Narrator's POV

It's been a year since their marriage, and our Kim Myungsoo is not quite happy about something....

"Yeobo~~~~ I want a baby!!" L whined as he clinged on his wife's arm.

"Kim Myungsoo!" Minji blushed and slapped his arm. Speaking the truth.... They already did 'that' on their honeymoon, without protection too, but L doesn't know when Minji will get pregnant.

"It's been a year, Yeobo, I really want a baby...." L pouted and slumped down on the sofa.

"Why do want a baby so badly?" Minji asked him. He smiled and looked at her.

"I don't know, actually, but I want someone to call me daddy and call you mommy....." He trailed. Minji smiled. She too wants a child, but she just doesn't want to say it.

"What will you name our child then?" She asked.

"If we get a girl, she will be called Hyun Ae and if we get a boy he will be called Won Sik. Sounds good?" L said proudly without hesitation.

"Yeah, sounds nice." She smiled. She then suddenly felt her stomach churn.

"Myungsoo, I don't feel good..." She said as she felt like she's going to throw up.

"Seriously, I don't feel we--" she stopped in mid sentence as the vomit came up. She ran straight to the bathroom, confusing L.

"Baby? Baby! Are you okay?!" He yelled. He suddenly flinched at the sound of his wife. He stood up and ran to her to the bathroom.

"Baby?" He said as he slowly peeked through the door. Minji was just flushing the toilet with a bright red face.

"Do you want to go the the hospital?" He asked as he watched her wash her face and mouth.

"I'm fine..." She croaked as he hugged him. "I'm just going to get some rest." She smiled as she walked upstairs.

"What's with her...?" He pouted and walked back to the sofa.


"Minji! I beg you, please go get a check up at the hospital! You're really sick!" L pouted and he touched his wife's pale face.

"I'm fine, Kim Myungsoo. Don't worry about me." She grabbed his hand and pulled it away. 

"How can I not worry? You've been throwing up all the time in the past three days, and now you suddenly hate the smell of roses!" He screamed. Minji sighed.

"Do I really have to check up at the hospital?" She asked.


"Okay, fine. I'll go. But seriously, I'm perfectly fi---" she stopped mid sentence and ran off to the bathroom again.

"You're not fine! I'll take you to the hospital NOW." L fumed and he went to get his and Minji's jackets. When Minji walked out of the bathroom, he quickly pulled her away and dragged her outside. He slipped on his shoes and told her to wear hers. He gave her the jacket and they got into the car.

"And when we get to the hospital, DO NOT tell the doctor you're fine. Actually, you just keep quiet and I'll explain to the doctor myself." L said as he drove to the nearest hospital.

"But--" Minji started.

"No buts. I don't want you being all sick and stuff." He cut her off. Minji pouted and sank down in her seat.

"I'm perfectly fine..." She mumbled.

"You're not!"



Sorry it's a short chapter.

I have bad news and good news today.

And bad news always come first. So the bad news is..... THE STORY WILL END NEXT CHAPTER!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

And good news? I WILL MAKE A SEQUEL FOR THIS STORY!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!! (It's about their child)

i will post the link here on the next chappie so... Please wait!!!! 

Guess what band will be in it! Between ----- Myname or Vixx???

Comment below if you wanna guess :)



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Chapter 52: happy ending!!! ~~~~
well i didn't expect that L.joe will be their brother too...
this story is just WOW!
Chapter 52: Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
This is my kind of fanfic about gangs fighting romance clubs and more (:
Really really good jod ^_^
Chapter 52: Kiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaa so cute <3
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 52: Thank you thank you!!!
chocolateeshh #5
Chapter 51: I WANT VIXX <3 UPDATE SOON ^^
JJevangel #6
Chapter 51: Vixx^^
Update soon~
Chapter 51: eyyyyy.... minji's pregnant, right right right author~nim??? hahaha
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwww.... so sweeet.
Chapter 50: Haha..she's L from now on>.<
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so cute!!!