You're Officially Mine

I'm a Gangster...But Not a Normal One

Narrator's POV

Graduation is a special day. For other people, it means they have completed their studies and are now ready to work, but for Kim Myungsoo?? It means he could finally marry Minji.

Today, BAP and the BtoB guys are here with them to help them with their plan.

"Dongwoo hyung. Is everything okay there?" L whispered through the earpiece.

Dongwoo rolled his eyes as he was arranging the proposal stuff.

"Yeah, but why are you whispering anyways?" He said. L paused and chuckled.

"I guess I'm too into the spy thingy." He chuckled. After a while, he heard ruffling noises from above him. L quickly dug under the bench and pulled a serious ninja face.

"What the hell was that.." He whispered to himself as he glanced up to the source of the noise. Well, he was a scaredy cat alright...

"What are you doing down there, Myungsoo?" Sungyeol said from on top of the tree.

"Shouldn't I be asking you why the hell you're up there?" L retorted as he crawled out of his hiding spot. He glared up at the older man.

"Trust me, this will be romantic." Sungyeol smiled down as he waved around a bag of fake snow.

"What's that?" L asked, not knowing what was inside. Sungyeol threw some at is face and L quickly dodged.

"Okay, fake snow?! I mean, it's already freezing here and icy, why do you need more snow?" 

"Hey! It's a good idea, so shut up!" Sungyeol yelled. L knew he couldn't persuade Sungyeol to come down anyways so he just let him be that way.

While all the commotion outside, Minji is about to step out of the school grounds.

"Noona! Wait!!!" Zelo yelled, panting heavily because he chased her all the way down the hall. Minji turned around, surprised.

"I thought you went home?" She asked the tall boy.

"Nahh, Daehyun hyung wanted to catch up with Sunggyu hyung so I'm left alone now." Zelo sighed dramatically as Minji giggled.

Zelo's phone rang suddenly, causing both of them to jump.

"I'll be back, I'm just getting this call." Zelo's said hurriedly as he picked up he call, knowing very well who it's from.

"Choi Junhong! Are you doing your job?" Yongguk's voice screamed through the phone, even though is voice is extreme deep.

"Yes, hyung. But be quick! You know Noona is impatient." Zelo and pretended to smile when Minji looked his way.

"You can bring her out to the parking lot now. I'll drive her there." Yongguk answered and hung up immediately. Zelo whined mentally and walked back to Minji.

"Noona! I'll take you to the parking lot, and then I will meet with Jong Up hyung and Daehyun hyung." Zelo smiled.

"It's okay, Junhong-ah. I can go by myse---"

"No!" He shouted. Minji froze and looked at him.

"Okay then..." She trailed as Zelo hooked arms with her.

"So, Noona. How's Myungsoo hyung?" Zelo asked her. She smiled dreamily and sighed.

"He's sweet. I never thought I'd see him like this. Heck! I didn't even thought we would be with each other!" She giggled.

"I never knew you would have a boyfriend either, Noona. But good luck." Zelo said and waved her off to the parking lot. She waved back confusedly. 

"What does he mean...?" She mumbled.

"Don't mind him." Yongguk said, appearing behind her mysteriously.

"Ahh! Oh, Yongguk! You scared me!" She screamed and slapped his chest.

"Sorry." He said, rubbing on the sore spot. "Come on I'll drive you." 

"Huh? It's okay--." Minji started.

"No it's not okay." Yongguk interrupted her and dragged her to his car, pushed her into the car, got in his seat and drove off.

"Don't you have something else to do?" She asked, looking at him.

"Nahh." He smiled and his phone rung. He sent a quick charming smile to Minji and picked up the call.


"Yongguk! Where are you?! Are you near?" Himchan's voice talked through the phone.

"Kind of....." Yongguk answered as he can see the sign for the park.

"Crap! How long will you get here?" Himchan asked, panicked.

"Around 10 minutes maybe?" Yongguk asked really unsure. Luckily, Minji wasn't paying any attention to the conversation and is about to doze off.

"Okay.. Well that's enough time. Just drop her off in front of the park, okay?" Himchan ordered.

"And how the hell would I persuade her to go out?!" Yongguk hissed, knowing Minji is so stubborn she won't go by herself.

"Just say a surprise his waiting for her." Himchan said, rolling his eyes. The situation he is in right now is quite messy. All the Infinite guys are running around like crazy, and the BtoB guys are busy preparing with Teen Top and BAP.

"Okay, we're nearly there." Yongguk warned as everyone on the other line hushed.

"Okay, thanks man." Himchan quickly said and hung up.

"Minji" Yongguk yelled, causing Minji to jump up in fright.

"What?!" She screamed.

"There's a surprise waiting for you." Yongguk started nervously.

"Where?" She asked and the car stopped in front of the park.

"Here." He smirked and pushed her out of the car and drove away as fast as he could.

"Yah! Bang Yongguk! You crazy bastard! Aish, that stupid .." Minji cursed for a moment and remembered where she was.

"Huh, I wonder what surprise." She rolled her eyes and stepped into the park. She saw Sungjae sitting there with his legs crossed and in his hands is a paper.

"Sungjae?" She called out. He kept still like a statue, not moving one bit. She walked up to him and saw the paper in his hand, which was a card. She read it out loud, "Walk straight forward. Notice me in a little tree."

She furrowed her eyebrows and sent a glare at Sungjae. He shivered but remained silent and still. She pouted and walked forward like the card says, and met with Youngjae and Hyunsik. Hyunsik is sitting on a swing, looking like he's laughing while Youngjae was behind him looking like he is pushing him. The swing was frozen in mid air with Hyunsik holding out a card.

"This is not a poem." She read, chuckling a little. "Walk forward until you see the little hobaby and the dinosoo." She bursted out laughing and spotted Youngjae's shoulders shaking a little too.

She walked on and found her brother, Hoya and CAP on a couple bicycle. Its weird how they say CAP is a dinosaur.In front of the bicycle was another card.

"Now walk to the left and look on the floor, you might spot another dinosaur." She read.

She then turned left from the two and walked a bit forward, but then she looked down a bit. She saw Dongwoo in mid falling.

"How did you manage to do that?" She gasped and she waved her hand around his body. Her hand accidentally tugged on the wire he was hanging to, causing him to shake and flinch from the sudden movement. She noticed in his hands was a card.

"You're nearly there, just take a turn, to the right and you'll see something that makes your stomach churn." She read, this time, she didn't want to go, because she didn't wanna see anything that can make her stomach churn, but from Dongwoo's shaking the whole time, she has to go.

She turned right and nearly had to puke. The scene was............... L.Joe and Chunji's face was only centimeters apart, and they acted like they're gonna kiss, and Ricky and Changjo did the same. In Changjo's hand was a card, but a smaller one.

"Seems like this scene is like your first kiss. Walk on until you reach the end. Quick before we all throw up on each other... Trust me, we don't like it too." She read and laughed. She patted Changjo's back and walked away, pushing L.Joe's head towards Chunji's for a joke. She walked and walked until she found a river, with no turnings, so she's guessing it is the dead end. She saw the rest of BtoB guys (excluding Sungjae and Hyunsik) and BAP (excluding Youngjae) Niel and Sunggyu all standing in line with a suit on and holding a large card each, with one letter each.

"W.I.L.L.U.M.A.R.R.Y.M.E." and right after she read it, they parted in half, revealing L in his suit with a bouquet of multiple colored roses.

"Lee Minji, will you marry me?" L said kneeling down on his knees, handing her the bouquet. She saw the ring shining brightly in the midst of the roses.

All of a sudden, fake snow started falling and beautiful singing started.

Proposal by Noel. (Play for a better setting!)

"Kim Myungsoo..." She started, tears forming in her eyes. L took a deep breath and gave her his charming smile. He grabbed the ring from the bouquet and kissed her hand.

"Will you marry me? Will you be my wife? Will you be the mother of my future child? Lee Minji. I love you."

"I will. I love you too." She cried as L quickly slipped the ring on her finger and crashed her with a bear hug. L smiled and her hair affectionately. He leaned in and kissed her, with passion and love. 

"WOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!" The guys cheered, interrupting their moment.

"You just ruined the moment!" L yelled but he can't stop smiling like a mad man.

"But we stopped Minji from getting pregnant before marriage!"




Sorry for not updating for so long :( 


Hehehehe, and I posted this chappie on Valentines! And L proposed!!!!!


hehehe I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Bye bye!!


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Chapter 52: happy ending!!! ~~~~
well i didn't expect that L.joe will be their brother too...
this story is just WOW!
Chapter 52: Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
This is my kind of fanfic about gangs fighting romance clubs and more (:
Really really good jod ^_^
Chapter 52: Kiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaa so cute <3
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 52: Thank you thank you!!!
chocolateeshh #5
Chapter 51: I WANT VIXX <3 UPDATE SOON ^^
JJevangel #6
Chapter 51: Vixx^^
Update soon~
Chapter 51: eyyyyy.... minji's pregnant, right right right author~nim??? hahaha
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwww.... so sweeet.
Chapter 50: Haha..she's L from now on>.<
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so cute!!!