Get Them Together!!!

I'm a Gangster...But Not a Normal One

Can't Stop - One Way



L.Joe's POV

I'm walking beside Hoya hyung. He seems like he's in a VERY deep thought.

"Hyung...." I said but... he's still walking unconsciously.

"Uhhh.... hyung." I poked him and stopped walking but he still kept going on.

"Uh, hyung..... hyung..... be ca-" BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Uh-oh.*

"OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!" I had to cover my ears for that one.

Hoya hyung was walking sooo carelessly he crashed into a coconut tree. I held my hand out to help him up. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him but he nearly fall down again so I have to let him rest under the tree.

"What were you thinking about, hyung?" I asked and sat down next to him.

"Do you notice?" he said and trailed off. "Notice what?"

"Notice that Minji and L are caring too much about each other..." he said and I looked at him.

"Hyung.... do you think those two like each other?" I said.

"And they don't know it." he said and nodded. We stared at each other for a moment and smirked.

"Should we...." I started.

"Help them...." Hoya hyung continued.

"Get together?!" said a voice that sounds so excited. We jumped and looked behind us and saw Dongwoo hyung smiling like a fool.

"HYUNG!!! When did you come?!" Me and Hoya hyung said at the same time. "When you crashed into the coconut tree, Hoya." he stated and shrugged.

"Oh... hehehe..." blushed Hoya hyung and rubbed the back of his neck.

"So....... we should plan this out! Both of them are sooooo stubborn so it's gonna be a bit hard.." said Dongwoo hyung and swung his arms around mine and Hoya hyung's shoulder.

"But hyung.... we have a problem." I said. "What problem?" the two of them asked and looked at me.

"Well, I've been noticing that Joon is always looking at Minji. I mean like, in a loving way." I said and looked back at them. Hoya hyung nodded thoughtfully.

"I've been noticing that too..." he pointed out but Dongwoo hyung smirked.

"Aish, don't worry about that! What we gotta do is get Minji and L together and Joon would dissapear like POOF!" he said and pushed us forward.

"Now, Let's go play! Otherwise we'll miss all the fun." he said and ran towards the beach with Hoya hyung. I smiled and shook my head, not believing that those guys are actually gangsters.


"Eh? Minji..... where's L.Joe, Hoya hyung and Dongwoo hyung?" I asked Minji but she giggled and pointed to a direction. "They're right there." she said and I turned to the direction.

"WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" yelled the two hyungs and came running towards us while L.Joe is laughing and running behind them. I shook my head at the sight while Minji is in a fit of giggles.

"HYUNG!!!" yelled L.Joe and ran pass the hyungs and jumped on me and I crashed down to the sand. "L.Joe!! Can't breath!" I gasped and he got off me.

"Hehehehehe mianhae hyung." he apologized and stood up. I jumped up and he grabbed mine and Minji's hand. "Let's go play!!!!!!" he yelled and pulled us towards the BtoB guys.

Hoya's POV

"Guys, guys!" Dongwoo hyung clapped his hands when we arrived where Infinite (-L and Minji) and Teen Top(-L.Joe) are sitting.

"What is it?" asked Sunggyu hyung and looked at us. "Have you guys notice about L and Minji?" I asked and all of them nodded, which surprise me.

"They seem to care for each other don't they?" said Sungyeol and smiled. We all looked toward the direction where Minji and L are playing with BtoB and L.Joe.

"You don't mind L liking Minji, right?" someone asked me and I turned around seeing Woohyun looking at me.

"I don't mind." I answered and smiled. He patted my an empty space and I sat down. I looked at Minji and L.Joe pushed her towards L and made an 'okay' sign with his hands. L caught Minji and now they're being too awkwardly shy. *They have to improve their relationship more than this....*


but what they didn't know, that someone was listening to their conversations....... secretly.


Helllooo!!! ^^

สวัสดีจร้า!!! (Sawasdee (Ja)!!!<------(means hello in thai but in a friendly way)

Bonjour!!! OMG I'm so hyper today!! What about YOU?

Hehehe how's the chapter????

Hoya: It was good author-ssi.

WOAH... when did you get here?!

Hoya: Not too long ago. Just finished tying Sungjong and Ricky *points to the dark corner* up cuz they ate too much sugar again....

O-oh..... okay.... well Guys! I have to go now!

I love you subbies and readers!! <3

xXInspirit4lifeXx + ~Lee Howon~ 

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Chapter 52: happy ending!!! ~~~~
well i didn't expect that L.joe will be their brother too...
this story is just WOW!
Chapter 52: Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
This is my kind of fanfic about gangs fighting romance clubs and more (:
Really really good jod ^_^
Chapter 52: Kiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaa so cute <3
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 52: Thank you thank you!!!
chocolateeshh #5
Chapter 51: I WANT VIXX <3 UPDATE SOON ^^
JJevangel #6
Chapter 51: Vixx^^
Update soon~
Chapter 51: eyyyyy.... minji's pregnant, right right right author~nim??? hahaha
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwww.... so sweeet.
Chapter 50: Haha..she's L from now on>.<
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so cute!!!