Where are they?

I'm a Gangster...But Not a Normal One


Ricky's POV



It's getting darker!! >.< 

I got a radioactive symbol.

Okay, I'm so scared now. I looked at every tree and looked around the floor if I could find the symbol.

Ah! Found it! It was on a tree to my left. Does that mean I have to walk left? Probably.

Changjo's POV

Be a man, Changjo. Be a man.... whew~

Breath in, breath out. Everything's gonna be okay.

I got a biohazard symbol. My eyes darted everywhere just to find this stupid ONE symbol.....


It's on the floor. I think it means to go straight ahead. Okay, Changjo. FIGHTING!

Niel's POV




I looked around, shivering. Then I realised, I stepped on a stick. hehehe.

I got a toxic symbol.

Where are you? Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?

Oh! There it is! On the tree on my right.

I must walk to the right then.

Chunji's POV

Whoooo~ This is so scary. It's so dark now TT.TT

Oh God~ How am I supposed to find a wings symbol? =.=

Come out wherever are stupid symbol. I wanna get outta here now.

Oh, there you are :)

It's on the ground. Huh? Where am I gonna go now then? Maybe straight ahead.

Let's Go Go Go!~

C.A.P.'s POV

Everyday I'm shufflin'~~~~ LOL >.< LMFAO.

So~ where's my Mockingjay?~ Yeah, I know. HUNGER GAMES.

Now where is it? Nope, not here. Not here either. Not there. Ah! there!

The tree to my left. I gotta walk left then.

L.Joe's POV

Where's my Infinite heart? :( I can't find it!!~

Left? Right? Straight? Behind?

huh~ :( Am I lost? It's so dark! 

Ah! FOUND IT!!! At last!!

On the left tree. Walk left. Walking... walking....

"AHHHH!!!" cried a voice.... hmmm, a familiar one. I ran to where the noise came from. Some one fell down. Ricky?

"Ricky?" he turned his head to me. He was crying. OMG!

"Ricky! What happened?! Why are you crying? Did you fall down? Are you hurt?" I'm soo worried!

"Hyung.... It hurts." he said while sobbing. He was holding his leg. I inspected it. O.o it has a HUGE bump.... it must hurt alot.

"Come on, Ricky. Hyung will give you a piggy back ride. Hop on." I said while crouching down. He got on me. He's not that heavy.

"Hyung, I'm sorry. I have to trouble you." he said with a soft voice.

"It's okay. You have to be with me okay? We'll follow my path. Or yours?" I asked.

"Ummm, let's go with mine hyung. Since you came to my path."

"Oh yeah. Okay. Straight ahead right?" I asked, making sure.

"Yeap." he said. I started to walk straight ahead. Oh, wait, I forgot to ask what symbol he has.

"Ricky-ah. What symbol is yours?"

"Ah, it's the radioactive symbol, hyung." he replied. I nodded and continued walking. Hmm, now where is the radioactive symbol?

"Ah, hyung, there it is. The symbol." Ricky pointed to a tree to our right. I walked to it, and I saw it.

"Can you reach it, Ricky?" I asked him.

"Can you move closer to it please, hyung?" he asked. I nodded and moved a little closer. His hands reached out to it. He grabbed the paper but I saw something else behing the piece of paper.

"wait, Ricky. I think I saw something behind the paper. Can I put you down for a while?" I asked him.

"Neh, hyung." he replied and I set him down on a nearest log. He handed me the paper and he looked at his leg. I looked behind the paper and it said, "You really have a sharp eyesight, Ricky. Now since you saw this, near the tree, there is a bush that it a round shape. Inside the bush has something. Then go to the direction it tells you."

"What does it say, hyung?" Ricky asked me.

"Ricky, can you take a look in that round bush beside you?" I asked. He nodded and looked inside the bush. Then he picked something up and held it to me. I looked at it and it was a container. I opened it. There was medicine inside. Then I saw a note. "I figured out you would have injured yourself by now. Here is some cream to put on your bruise/wound etc. It will ease the pain for a long time. Use it well and keep it with you. ⇒" 

I smiled. I turned to Ricky who has a confused face. I laughed a little.

"Here. Take this cream and put it on your bruise. It will decrease the pain for a long time." I said and waited patiently for him to put the medicine on. When he finishes, he tried to stand up. He did.

"Oh! Hyung! It doesn't hurt anymore! YAY! Let's go hyung ^^" he said and held my hand. I laughed and walked with him. 

"Hey, Ricky. Isn't that your symbol there?" I asked and squinted to see properly since it's already dark.

"Oh hyung! It is! Let's go!" He dragged me. We nearly got there but suddenly we fell into an animal trap.

"OWWWWW!!!!!" We both screamed. I think the pain on ricky's leg got back because of the hard impact. I screamed because I fell on my arm >.< It's not boken though.

"What will we do now?" Ricky asked.

"I dunno." I looked up. This hole is really deep. "Probably we have to wait for them to come and fetch us."

"When will that be then?" He asked again. Angry maybe?

"Calm down, Ricky. I'm positive they'll find us. Sooner or later.... get some rest first. I'll keep awake to see if they're here or not." I told him. He just nodded and leaned back to sleep. I patted his head and looked up. Please help us soon.

Sunggyu's POV

We were in the rest house inside the woods. Teen Top should get here soon.

C.A.P appeared first, then Chunji, Niel and Changjo. We just have to wait for Ricky and L.Joe.

30 minutes later

There must be something wrong. They should appear now. I looked at Minji. She looked at me. I looked at Infinite. They looked at me.

"Should we go find them?" I asked. They nodded.

"Okay, C.A.P, Chunji, Niel, Changjo. Stay here while we go out and find them." Teen Top nodded worriedly. Niel was in tears.

"Please find them. Please." said C.A.P. We nodded and headed out. We seperated and I was with Dongwoo and Sungjong. We went everywhere. We can't see them.

"This is weird. They can't get lost in here. It's really unlikely." said Dongwoo.

"Yeah hyung. There is only a small possibility that they will get lost." said Sungjong.

"That is true. Where could they be?" I asked to no one. I thought for a while and then I remembered something. 

"Could it be....." Dongwoo and Sungjong looked at each other, then they looked at me.

"You don't mean......." I nodded.


Now what? Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble >.<

Will Infinite find them? hehehe

Is this chapter good guys?......

Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading and please support me all the way!



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Chapter 52: happy ending!!! ~~~~
well i didn't expect that L.joe will be their brother too...
this story is just WOW!
Chapter 52: Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
This is my kind of fanfic about gangs fighting romance clubs and more (:
Really really good jod ^_^
Chapter 52: Kiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaa so cute <3
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 52: Thank you thank you!!!
chocolateeshh #5
Chapter 51: I WANT VIXX <3 UPDATE SOON ^^
JJevangel #6
Chapter 51: Vixx^^
Update soon~
Chapter 51: eyyyyy.... minji's pregnant, right right right author~nim??? hahaha
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwww.... so sweeet.
Chapter 50: Haha..she's L from now on>.<
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so cute!!!