Meeting each other

I'm a Gangster...But Not a Normal One


Sunggyu's POV

That's IT! I know where they are now. Dongwoo and Sungjong started to run towards the place. I ran after them.

"L.JOE! RICKY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" shouted Sungjong with his super high pitched voice.

"Hyung!" we heard a faint reply, from that place. I ran faster and I saw it. They fell into the animal trap.

"Guys! Are you okay?!" Dongwoo asked worriedly. L.Joe nodded.

"I'm okay, but Ricky's not." he said and pointed to the sleeping Ricky. Then I saw his legs. They were swollen. It looked horrible.

"I'll go down and help them up." I volunteered.

"But hyung! How will you get up?" asked Sungjong.

"I have my way." I said and jumped down before anyone stops me.

I landed nicely and I held out my hand to L.Joe. He took it and stood up.

"How will we go up hyung?" he asked.

"Step on my shoulders and I'll get you up." he gasped.

"But I'm heavy, hyung!!!" he exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't mind. Let's wake Ricky up." he nodded. He shook Ricky and he woke up.

"Are they here, hyung?" asked the sleepy Ricky.

"They are here, Ricky. Come on, Sunggyu hyung will help us." said L.Joe softly. Ricky then noticed me and smiled.

"Gomawo, hyung." he said and stood up. I nodded and crouched down to let L.Joe step on my shoulders. He wasn't that heavy.... light in fact. I stood up and he climbed up and I crouched down again but I didn't feel any weight. I turned my head to see Ricky shaking.

"Ricky? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Hyung.... I can't lift my leg" he said in a whisper. 

"I'll carry you then. Dongwoo! Sungjong! When I lift Ricky, pull him up okay?!" I shouted up. 

"Neh, hyung!" they said at the same time. I held Ricky's waits and lifted him up. Dongwoo took hold of Ricky and pulled him up with a help of Sungjong. Now it's my turn..... I jumped as high as I can but I couldn't grab the edge of the hole in time and I fell down again.

"Hyung! When you jump, hold your hand up high! I'll grab you!" shouted Dongwoo. I nodded and jumped higher this time with my hands up high. Dongwoo grabbed my hands and tried to pull me up but he nearly fell. Luckily, Sungjong pulled him up. I tried pushing myself up and I succeeded. Whew~

We walked back to the house while L.Joe piggy-backed Ricky to see the rest pacing around in there.

"Yo~" I said >.<

"L.JOE! RICKY!" They all shouted, not caring about or Dongwoo or Sungjong. =.=

"Where are we in your minds?" asked Dongwoo.

"Ehh.... hehehe .... i dunno...?" said Hoya unsure.

"Whatever. Wanna visit L tomorrow?" Minji asked. OH! I forgot about L!

"Yeah sure. I nearly forgot about him. hehe." I said and rubbed my neck.

"Okay. All of us will go after school tomorrow kay? Oh, what day is it tomorrow?" asked Sungyeol.

"It's Thursday tomorrow." answered Woohyun.

"Oh! Guys! Have you heard of B.A.P?" Hoya asked.

"DUH. They share the name 'Number 1 Gang' with us, hyung." answered Sungjong.

"You wanna see them? I mean, I'm friends with them, Minji too, Sunggyu hyung too." said Hoya.

"HECK YES I WANNA SEE THEM! And why didn't you tell us you knew them?" Woohyun asked and eyed us suspiciously. We looked at each other and gulped. 

"We just happened to bump into each other in the streets." I said and shrugged, but actually, I'm sweating so much.

"Okay then. We can take B.A.P to meet L at the hospital too, then." agreed Dongwoo adn we set off our own ways. Ofcourse we have to lead Teen Top out of the woods first then we go our own ways.

The next day afterschool

Hoya's POV

"Come on, guys. Let's go fetch B.A.P." I rushed them.

"Oi! hyung! We're not superman!" Sungyeol snapped at me. He stood up with the rest and said, "Well, you wanna go or not?"

I nodded and walked out and saw Teen Top, Minji and Sungjong waiting for us.

"Come on. Let's go go go!" cheered Sunggyu hyung. We walked towards TS high and I didn't see anyone yet.

"Do you see any B.A.P members?" asked Sungjong. I shook my head. When we got to the front gate, the girls started to squeal cuz of us and the boys started to go crazy cuz of Minji. We waited for about 10 minutes until B.A.P appeared with girls surrounding them. I didn't know they were THIS popular.

Sunggyu's POV

Ah! They're here!!!!!!!!!!

"Hey guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys!!!!! There they are!!" I squealed happily. Lol. I missed them.

"So that's them? They have ALOT of fangirls!" exclaimed Sungjong. I saw Hoya smile.

"DAEHYUN!!!" I yelled and he turned around. I waved to him and he smiled widely. "HYUNG!!" he yelled back and ran to me with full speed. I opened my arms and he ran straight into it. We hugged for some moments.

"Hyung! Why are you here? I missed you! We didn't meet for so long!" Daehyun exclaimed. I laughed and turned to Yongjae. "Didn't you say you want to meet Infinite? Here they are. We will visit L at the hospital, after this." I said.

"So shall we go now?" asked Yongguk. We nodded and we walked towards the hospital. While walking, the rest of Infinite introduced themslelves, same goes to B.A.P. When we reached the hospital, we headed to room 312 where L is since that's what L.Joe said. When we opened the door to his room, we saw him watching TV with interest.

"L? Hellooo?" said Sungyeol while waving his hands in front of L's face.

"Huh? Oh! Hyungs! dongsaengs! Annyeong!" said L and smiled.

"Well, you just noticed us now?" Dongwoo asked and rolled his eyes.

"Hey you know what? There's a band called Infinite too. They look like us too. And there's a band called Teen Top. >.<. How cool is that?" said L excitedly. Then he noticed B.A.P.

"Oh! Who's this?" he asked to no one.

"Hey L. This is B.A.P. You've heard about them, right?" Asked Woohyun. L nodded and smiled.

"Hello. I'm Kim Myungsoo. Known as L. Nice to meet you." Introduced L and B.A.P introduced themselves again.

"So, anything happened recently?" asked L.

"Well, no actually." I said.

"Well, what about the training? Everything okay?" he asked again.

"It was okay until Ricky and L.Joe fell into an animal trap." said Chunji. I saw L.Joe and Ricky pout.

"When will you be discharged hyung?" asked C.A.P

"I don't know yet." he shrugged. Then, the door opened, revealing the doctor.


Dr. Jang walked in with a white clipboard, and when he looked up, he looked kinda surprised.

"Alot of visitors today, Mr. Kim." he said.

"Neh. Dr. Jang? Do you want to talk to me about something?" I asked, curious why he appeared.

"Well, I do have something to tell you. You will be discharged tomorrow but I have to give you medication because there will be times when you will get major headaches, that's all."

"Oh! Tomorrow? That's good." I nodded, feeling happy inside.

"I will leave now then. If there's anything wrong, just tell the nurses or me." he said and all of us in the room bowed. When Dr. Jang closes the door, Minji said, "You want me to stay tonight? I'll go get yours and my stuff from our house and come sleep here so I can take you home tomorrow." Why is she so nice today?

"Hey, why are you so nice today? I thought you would say something like 'I don't want you to be discharged' or something like that." I said.

"Yah! You want me to stay or not?! Gosh, what's wrong with being nice?" she huffed and crossed her arms.

"Okay, okay. Sorry. Yes, can you please stay? I'm kinda lonely here." 

"Well you should've said it the first time I asked."

"But I said sorry already!" I whined.

"Wait Minji... what about school?" asked Sunggyu hyung.

"I'll be there in time, don't worry. It's free day tomorrow isn't it?" she said.

"What's free day?" asked Niel.

"Free day is when you can wear anything you want to school." explained Sungyeol hyung.

Zelo's POV

None of 'us' said anything since we came here. Except when we introduced ourselves. We were standing awkwardly next to Teen Top. Seems like they noticed so L.Joe said, "Hey, umm.... what are your ages by the way?"

"Well, me and Yongguk is born on 1990. Daehyun is 1993, Youngjae is 1994, JongUp is 1995 and Zelo is 1996." said Himchan hyung. Their faces was like O.o?!

"Okay so.... Himchan and Yongguk is our hyungs while Daehyun is the same age as L.Joe hyung and Chunji hyung. Youngjae is the same age as Niel hyung. JongUp is the same age as Ricky and me while Zelo is everyone's dongsaeng." Changjo hyung finalised. We nodded and I looked at Sunggyu hyung and thought , "Hyung must be feeling really old now >.<"

"Sunggyu hyung must be feeling very old now, since everyone here is younger than him. kekekekekekekeke" giggled Ricky hyung. Then I started to giggle too and now, B.A.P and Teen Top was giggling alot. Sunggyu hyung noticed and asked, "What are you giggling about?" Infinite and Minji noona looked at us.

"Nothing!" we all said. I can't help but chuckle abit. Hoya hyung used to tell me that Sunggyu hyung's nickname is GrandpaGyu. Now I know the reason why they call him that. Kekekekeke.


Hey guys! How's your day?

Did I take too long to update? If I did then I'm so sorry! I'm kinda busy these days.

Anyways, It's the 12th here in Thailand! Well it's 1 am so... yeah... but I'm so excited about Infinite's comeback!!

Thanks for reading guys!

Gomawo and Saranghae! Goodnight from Thailand~



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Chapter 52: happy ending!!! ~~~~
well i didn't expect that L.joe will be their brother too...
this story is just WOW!
Chapter 52: Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
This is my kind of fanfic about gangs fighting romance clubs and more (:
Really really good jod ^_^
Chapter 52: Kiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaa so cute <3
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 52: Thank you thank you!!!
chocolateeshh #5
Chapter 51: I WANT VIXX <3 UPDATE SOON ^^
JJevangel #6
Chapter 51: Vixx^^
Update soon~
Chapter 51: eyyyyy.... minji's pregnant, right right right author~nim??? hahaha
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwww.... so sweeet.
Chapter 50: Haha..she's L from now on>.<
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so cute!!!