The Minji I Love

I'm a Gangster...But Not a Normal One

Chu Chu Chu - B1a4 (It's on repeat for you....)




I just sat there, smiling. Even though the equation's answer came out like that, I still feel incredibly happy. I stood up and stuck my hand down to Minji. She slowly looked up and stared at me.

"Let's go. I figured it's time to set off." I said and winked.

She slightly blushed and grab hold of my hand. Sure enough, that electric current shot through my whole body again. I tried really hard not to shiver.

Minji stood up and dusted her short. I caught a glimpse of the necklace in her other hand and smiled.

"Give me the necklace. I'll put it on for you." I said and opened my palm.

I saw her lips curved up into a slight smile as she dropped the necklace in my hand. I told her to turn around and gently locked the necklace around her neck neatly.

"There. Shall we go now?" I asked and she nodded. She  walked a few feet in front of me. We walked for a bit and she suddenly stopped, which made me crash into her back.

"Why did you stop walking?" I asked. She turned around with a biggest frown on her face. I blinked confusedly.

"The paper.... It didn't say anymore clues..." she said.

I thought back for a while and realised it was true. The paper didn't say anything about any more clues. I started to panic.

*What should we do?? Argg! Where are we going now?? Are we gonna get lost? What if---*

"It means we must be close to the cabin..." she said and looked at me with her adorable eyes.

I blinked and nodded absentmindly. She stared at me for a while and bursted out laughing.

"Awww! Your ears turn bright red!!" she squealed and smiled at me, her eyes dissapeared. I guess my ears would be falling off soon.

"Uh.....L--let's go! I wanna get to the cabin quickly." I mumbled and walked ahead of her. I heard her laughing behind me. I walked for sometime and then someone attacked my back.

"WOAH!" I jumped, startled.

"Piggy-back ride!" yelled Minji and tightly wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"Okay, okay. Just don't strangle me." I chuckled and she giggled.

I started to speed up my pace and ran with quite a speed. I heard Minji laughed and burried her face in the crook of my neck. I smiled widely and continued running.

*My only hope, it is you. I will love you forever.*

I saw a shadow of a cabin in front of us and I suddenly got excited.

"Minji! We're nearly there!" I panted. She laughed. "Oppa! You can slow down! You're exhausted!" I chuckled abit before I answer her.

"But are you having fun?" I asked.

"Yup!" she chirped and I laughed.

"Then I won't slow down! Anything to make you happy is my job!" I said as my heart is beating rapidly.

*Slow down, heart! I'm already going fast so don't you dare go fast too!*

I ran untill we reached the cabin. Minji reached her arm out to twist the door knob and I walked in.

Kyuhyun hyung, Mr. Yoon, and Mrs.Kang are there with Hayoung and another guy. Their heads turned to us and Hayoung instantly beamed.

"Unnie!!!" she squealed as I set Minji down on the floor. Hayoung ran up and hugged Minji while I slumped down on the floor, exhausted.

I suddenly saw a water bottle in front of my face out of no where. I looked up and saw the guy Hayoung was with. He was smiling down at me.

"Figured you needed some refreshments." he said. I smiled at him and took the water bottle.

"Thanks." I said and drank the water. I finished 3/4 of the bottle and set it down next to me. The guy sat next to me and stretched his legs. 

"So what's your name?" I asked him. I looked at me and smiled. He's like Sunggyu hyung. He has small eyes and they kinda look alike.

"I'm Jinyoung. Jung Jinyoung. Nice to meet you." he said and held out a hand.

"I'm Kim Myungsoo. You can call me L. Nice to meet you too." I said and shook his hand. He gasped and looked like his eyes are going to fall off.

"You're L from Infinite?" he asked and I laughed. I nodded and he blinked. 

"You might not know us but... I'm in a rookie gang called B1A4. We're a big fan of you, sunbae." he said and bowed his head a little.

"B1A4? Yeah I know them... one of the best rookie groups, I heard. And no need to call me sunbae. I don't like that. I think I'm younger that you too." I said and looked at him.

He nodded and his gaze is fixed at something. I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at Hayoung.

I smirked and whispered, "You like her don't cha?" 

He jumped and looked at me with his eyes wide. Well a little bit wider but it's still small.

"Is it that obvious??" he asked in disbelief. I chuckled and patted his back.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you can do it." I reassured. He sighed and pouted.

"I really like her. I always look at her at school. I sound like a stalker right? But, I do that...." he said and sighed again. I smiled.

"I'm sure you're not the only one." I said and he looked and me, curiousity written all over his face. I sighed.

"You know...... I like Minji..... she's just... huh~ I don't know.. I like her, man. But I can't confess. I just figured my feelings and it seems so strong. It's like I can do everything just to make her happy." I said. I heard Jinyoung chuckle and I looked at him.

"I guess we're on the same boat, eh? Same situation and all." he chuckled again. I chuckled and can't help but to agree to what he said. I gazed at Minji and smiled softly.

*Minji.... why do you make everything so perfect? Why are you so perfect? The way you smile can melt any man's heart. The way you move can make the guys swoon over you in no time. But I want you with me. Only with me. But..... Do you love me too?*

Minji was laughing really hard at a joke Kyuhyun hyung made that she gravitated downwards the floor involuntarily.

*I guess I can say I love you.*

Minji is now sitting on the floor, hugging her knees while listening to a story the teachers are telling.

*You can sometimes be a little mean. Sometimes being as mature as ever. Being so fierce and strong. But that's not the true you. The true you is the smiley Minji who cares for everyone, can make anyone smile and laugh at sad and harsh times....... and that is the Minji I love.*


Hi guys :)

I hope you liked the chapter!

I was a little annoyed with all the colours so I decided I won't use any... except for the links.

Did you guys see BAP's new MV? No Mercy? They're so hot =^.^=

Daehyun is my bias, BTW.

Hey guysss..... don't you just LOVE B1a4's Chu Chu Chu???? (No? = okay TT.TT) (Yes? = AWESOME! :3)

Anyways, I'll be updating soon.... I think.

Have a good day! <3


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Chapter 52: happy ending!!! ~~~~
well i didn't expect that L.joe will be their brother too...
this story is just WOW!
Chapter 52: Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
This is my kind of fanfic about gangs fighting romance clubs and more (:
Really really good jod ^_^
Chapter 52: Kiiiiyyaaaaaaaaaa so cute <3
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 52: Thank you thank you!!!
chocolateeshh #5
Chapter 51: I WANT VIXX <3 UPDATE SOON ^^
JJevangel #6
Chapter 51: Vixx^^
Update soon~
Chapter 51: eyyyyy.... minji's pregnant, right right right author~nim??? hahaha
Chapter 50: Awwwwwwwwww.... so sweeet.
Chapter 50: Haha..she's L from now on>.<
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so cute!!!