Getting Ready. Part 1: The Girls

Immy and Ki Syung ran up to Immy's bedroom squealing like teenage girls, when they got to her room they closed the door and locked it "OMO!! 10 bags of new clothes all hand picked by Oppa!!! I cant wait to see what he got me!!"  she pulled out the first thing "Im definitely wearing this tonight!" Immy tried to peek over Ki Syung's shoulder "let me see!! Let me see!! Let me see!!!" she begged like a child Ki Syung turned around and showed Immy the blue, tube, dress it had a silky look to it and it was short at the front and long at the back , Immy sighed "its soo beautiful, i hope YoungBae oppa got me a dress like that" she pulled out the first thing and there it was a red version of Ki Syung's dress "bwoh!! I like it better in the red" Immy sighed again as she admired it  "but wait! Why didnt Ji Yong oppa get you the red one? Reds your favourite colour" Ki Syung giggled "i told you Oppa knows his fashion, he knew that if he got me the red one it would clash with my hair" Immy's mouth formed an 'o' shape "they got us matching shoes too!!" Ki Syung said as she pulled out a pair of dark purple stilettos, Immy pulled out a pair of dark red shoes "ok we can look at the rest later, lets go get ready" Immy said happily. They both went into separate bathrooms to have showers, when they finished they started doing their hair  "hmmmm what should i do with my hair?" Ki Syung asked Immy, she thought for a second "well your hair is always curly so you should do something different like straighten it, to impress Ji' of course" Ki Syung smiled "great idea unni" she started to straighten her hair "umm Immy how are you doing your hair?" Ki' asked "im straightening it and then curling the bottom so i have ringlets" Immy answered as she finished straightening and started to do the curls, Ki Syung spent a lot of time straightening her hair because it was so thick but when she finally finished she straightened her front fringe. "now make up" Immy said excitedly, she didnt need much just some lipgloss black eyeliner and a bit of mascara, she didnt really need make up at all she was stunning without it Ki Syung sighed as she watched her beautiful best friend, Ki Syung was gorgeous too of course she just didnt have enough confidence to realize that she was beautiful Ki Syung didnt exactly wear heavy make up but she did wear a lot she wore bronze eye shadow metallic green eyeliner lots of mascara and pink lip gloss, Immy looked at Ki' once she had finished her make up. "YAHH!!!  Why are you wearing so much make up!!" Ki Syung frowned "because.... It makes me look......decent" Immy sighed "Ki' your gorgeous without make up you dont need all that crap on your face!!" Ki Syung frowned "of course you'd say that your my friend, but im not taking it off so you'll just have to deal with it!" Immy half smiled.
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Vikamer #1
Sooooooooooooooo nice
deniece1718 #2
Chapter 47: this story is soooooooo nice :) waaah~~
Sadly, yes :(
lovis89 #4
omg jiyong killed himself to be with ki syung??
Of course!
Keep update okay?
This sux ive been writing my fanfic for 3 months now and i only have 126 views and 4 subscribers :(
Awww thank you
New reader , love it ^^
Does anyone even read my fanfic :(