"Is This A date Or Are We Just hanging Out?"

Immy and Taeyang had set off on another date and GD and Ki Syung were left alone together in the big hospital room, Ki Syung was checking the news feed on Facebook and G-Dragon was looking at the photos he had taken with Ki Syung each one making him smile more and more, then he looked up in the corner and checked the time *!! 6:00 already, we'll miss the sunset I have to leave with her now or the most romantic part of our date will be gone!! Wait, does she think we're going on a date or just hanging out?" he thought to himself and then snapped back into reality "Ki Syung, shall we leave now" he said in the iest voice he could do she giggled and nodded. They got ready and were about to leave when Ki Syung remembered something " I forgot!, Oppa, the doctor said I'm not aloud to leave the hospital!" she said in a sad voice then looked down GD thought hard for a second and then his face lit up and he walked over to the window "we'll sneak out through the window" GD said cheekily and Ki Syung looked surprised, "JiYong Oppa, I never thought that you could ever be sneaky" she said back and he gave her a boyish smile "there's alot you don't know about me yet Noona, I can be very sneaky when I want to" then he opened the window and climbed out .for some reason what GD said had made her blush and become attracted to him even more, * stupid adorible boyish smile of his, and oh don't even get me started on those gorgeous brown eyes!* Ki Syung thought to herself, GD interrupted her thoughts when his head popped back Into the window and he asked "are you comming?" Ki Syung shook her head to stop her from daydreaming and then replied,"Yes, I'm coming!" and she jumped out of the window.They got to the lake and GD pulled out a blanket from his backPack and laid it down on the grass for them to sit on and he pulled out some dimsim's for them to eat they sat down and started to watch the sunset "your so beautiful!" g-dragon said looking up at the sky Ki Syung replied "I know I love watching the sunset" GD started to chuckle and slowly the chuckle turned into histaric laughter and he was rolling around on the blanket laughing his off! "YAH!! What are you laughing about!" Ki Syung said in a quite annoyed way, GD stopped laughing and looked at her "I wasn't saying 'your beautiful' to the sunset, I was talking about you" Ki Syung was so embarrassed, she blushed but managed to stutter "oh, thank you" *he thinks I'm beautiful? This is a bit much all at once* Ki Syung thought to herself and she suddenly noticed that the sunset had finished and that it had become dark very fast, they sat there and ate their dimsim's while talking about everything when GD brought up a rather strange subject "soo immy told me that you used to be depressed, mind telling me what happened?" Ki Syung looked at him shocked but she replied " life just got to a point that I found to hard to handle, I tried killing my self twice, the first time I tried to drown myself and the second time a drive into a ditch but servived, but it sure did do enough to pull me back into reality and see that what I was doing was stupid" GD formed an 'OH' shape with his mouth *hmm driving into a ditch, well that sounds good to me, if I ever need to escaPe life quickly that's deffinatly the way I'm doing it* he thought to himself, as an attempt to change the subject Ki Syung stood up and splashed the water from the lake onto GD and ran away laughing and he got up and chased her,when he finally caught her he splashed her back and took a photo of her pouting, then she asked him " is this a date or are we just hanging out ?" GD was surprised but he didn't show it " that's for you to decide" he said leaning in to kiss her and as she started to lean in too she crouched down and started screaming in pain *OH MY GOD!! what do I do?* GD thought as he panicked "Gwaenchanayo!!??" g-dragon asked her almost screaming "get me back to the hospital!!, PLEASE!!" she managed to say, GD decided to call the ambulance and explain.
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Vikamer #1
Sooooooooooooooo nice
deniece1718 #2
Chapter 47: this story is soooooooo nice :) waaah~~
Sadly, yes :(
lovis89 #4
omg jiyong killed himself to be with ki syung??
Of course!
Keep update okay?
This sux ive been writing my fanfic for 3 months now and i only have 126 views and 4 subscribers :(
Awww thank you
New reader , love it ^^
Does anyone even read my fanfic :(