A Night At The Hospital


Immy Walked into KI Syungs room " oh my God! hes perfect!" they both said,  "so i see your night with youngBae went well?" Ki syung said to Immy in a cheek voice, "YESSS it was AMAZING!!!! he KISSED ME!!!",  Ki Syung's mouth dropped open,  "YAH!!! Not Fair how did you get so far on the first date!!" Immy looked down and giggled "it was kinda an accident hehe he went to kiss me on the cheek and i turned to see what he was doing and he kissed my lips and didnt pull away",  Ki syung laughed "WOW!".


  "what happened with you and GD?" Immy asked quietly, "JIYONG!" Ki Syung said as if to correct her friend, then she continued "not much he just told me about himself and i told him  about me, he seems very shy but sweet i told him that ive liked him since i was 12 and he just laughed, he told me its hard for him to trust people and that hes scared of falling in love because he dosent want to get hurt, we shared this connection that i cant quite explan, its like he gets me and i get him" Immy laughed and grabed her side "that connection is called love, you love eachother" .


Ki Syung looked at her friend shocked "he barely knows me i doubt he loves me"  Immy looked her in a cheeky way "we'll see... YoungBae told me some stuff you'd be surprised to hear but youll see yourself but i gotta go home its getting late bye" Immy leaves leaving Ki Syung confussed.


Authors note:

sorry guys this chapters kinda short but its only coz im preparing for an epic chapter 10 .all my love xx

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Vikamer #1
Sooooooooooooooo nice
deniece1718 #2
Chapter 47: this story is soooooooo nice :) waaah~~
Sadly, yes :(
lovis89 #4
omg jiyong killed himself to be with ki syung??
Of course!
Keep update okay?
This sux ive been writing my fanfic for 3 months now and i only have 126 views and 4 subscribers :(
Awww thank you
New reader , love it ^^
Does anyone even read my fanfic :(