Indescribable - infinitedreams

T&L's Review Request Shop

Title: 3.5/5

It drew me in, wanting to know what would be so indescribable about the story but I also felt like I had no idea what the story would be about.

Description/Forward: 3/10

Description~ 0/5 : Some of the wording confused me, there were also grammar mistakes, but overall I still wanted to read your story.

There are times in your life when a moment in your life (moved to after times) is all you are ever able tothink about. You remember the exact details because well, why would you want to (confused me = needs revising, example …because you never would want to forget…) forget that indefinable feeling(this isn’t a question) But when the good times comes rolling in, the bad also returns. (this confused me = needs revising) It(what is it?? Specify) challenges you to get through the worse worst times in your life until you finally feel free and are able to stand tall, head held high. Of course, help along the way can get you through everything. That is, if you’re willing to accept it (I added the ‘it’ in) ,showing your vulnerable side, and if you’re willing to take the a chance of on someone’s lending hand.

Forward ~ 3/5 : It felt like it was the ending of the story when I read it and the right alignment made a few parts seem confusing as to who was speaking. Try putting It in a normal left alignment and using paragraph form.

However, I also liked that I had to read a few sentences to figure out the point of view and your forward gave off a hint of past family issues with SangHee, which made me very interested in the story.

Grammar: 'forgiving is not forgetting its, letting go of the hurt'?.(I added in the ,)

Poster/Background ~ /10 : You don’t have a poster/background, so it won’t be counted.

But it’s recommended to get a poster because if it’s good then readers will be more drawn to your story because it’s the first thing they see other than the title before readin the description/forward/characters.

Characterization ~15/15 :

At first I thought Sanghee’s character was just the clichéd rich character every story needs but as I read on I began to love her. I love everything about this character and how she obviously is overcoming her past family demons to run her family business.

I liked how we slowly got a chance to meet each member of infinite and how they were al different with their own problems.

Spelling/Grammar ~ 14/20 : from the first chapter

(10 points for the awesome first chapter! And 4 points for grammar)

It was in the middle of accounting class that I first took notice of him, Lee Sungjong. His currentdisturbance to the class at hand (could take out) was something you couldn’t help but notice; (changed the , to a ;) coming in late with his dirty, extra large, uniform and looking like a complete goof did no good(could change to did not help his) to his school ranking.

With a smile, he apologized for the his tardiness and took his seat at the front of the class. The other (add in if you want)students were snickering at his appearance and making fun of him. I thought Sungjong didn’t seem to hear them but then I saw his fists clenching beneath his seat, I wondered why he let them talk smack about his low status.

I forgot Sungjong and went back to paying attention, taking notes and jotting down questions to ask the teacher for clarification after class. Lunch came an hour and a half later, the students were joyous that break was here.

In this school, good(add in) behavior was a must. If you were caught bullying another, you were instantly suspended, so I lightly went to a classroom’s door and opened it. Three seconds later, I slammed the door shut, the loud clatter carrying throughout the empty hallway.

Possibly indicate by dividing this to make it clearer that it’s a new situation/time in the story.

Running a hand through my braids to untangle knots and whatnot, I opened the door to my house. Well, if you considered a mansion a house. Once again, I found myself alone. I give everyone a three month paid vacation regularly, so it was normal to come home to emptiness. Tablo (who is he? What connection does he have with the character?) didn’t usually get home until late, so I had to fend off for myself.

“How was your day?” I shrugged my shoulders; he already knew my body gestures to know what that meant. “I see, I see. Well my day was splendid! My academy, Woolim, finally opened today!” I watched as Tablo went into one of his moods.

A couple months went and gone by, and before I knew it, it was graduation. My tutoring sessions with Sungjong was highly effective as Sungjong received a full scholarship from the Yonsei University (actually is a real university in Seoul, Korea).

Flow ~ 10/10 :

You were generally very good at indicating a time change or shift in the plot and I liked the way we got to know each character. Also your grammar flow was good too.

Origninality/Plot ~24/25 :

I personally haven’t read that many tutoring fic’s but it is common that one of the main characters be really rich. However I fell in love with this story’s plot line. It’s amazing, I really want to read more to find about more about Sanghees past and Infinites past.

Enjoyment ~5/5 :

I kept getting into the story and would forget that I was reviewing it. I definitely will be waiting for you to update.

Total ~ /100 : /90 (take off 10%)

Bonus ~5/5 :

You’re an amazing writer (I’m jealous) and the comments on your story confirmed that the readers enjoy your fic also.

Grand Total ~ 79.5/90 = 88.33%

General Comments ~ 

Please update your fic because I want to continue reading.

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Thank you!
Three more requests left. Will get to them soon (I hope)


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Also, I was wondering when you'd be accepting requests again? ^^ You always give the best reviews and I have some fanfics I would like to request reviews for XD
d.gknfhjchjgh thank you soooooo much!
I have never ever ever heard that someone thinks my writing is captivating ;-; I, myself, think it really needs a LOT of work because of how boring it is but to hear someone say that makes me really really happy XD
I completely forgot I even asked for a review for this fic! Haha XD
thank you soooo much, seriously. Thank you <3
Thank you for the review!
Oh god that was my first story and I started that like what, 4 months ago? x__x
I don't use ~~~~~ anymore in my new stories, I had realized that they really annoyed the bloody crap outta me.
Anyways, thanks again!
Will be credited as soon as I get onto my desktop c:
Hey, sorry for the late review pickup. Thanks for the review; you have been credited in the foreword but feel free to send me a PM if it's unsatisfactory or whatever.

The score you gave me was higher than what I expected btw. :3
Are you guys accepting any requests?
thanks fro review..
thanks i appreciate the true answers :)
I requested, thank you
I requested ~ C: