Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?

Two Soul Mates?!


            Myungsoo set down Sunggyu’s briefcase on his desk in his room and stood there, waiting for orders. Sunggyu sat down on his bed and smiled. He patted the space next to him, gesturing for Myungsoo to take a seat next to him. He sat down and faced forward, a little nervous to be sitting this close to his boss.

            Sunggyu watched the younger fidget next to him and soon took a hold of his shoulder to make the younger face him. “Myungsoo.”

            The assistant looked up at his boss from the ground and stared at his eyes. “Y-Yes?”

            “Stop moving around so much!” he playfully hit Myungsoo’s knee, causing the younger to flinch at the contact. The elder’s expression suddenly turned solemn. “Are you that afraid of me?” he asked wearily.

            Myungsoo backed away a bit, not wanting Sunggyu to see how red he was at the minute, raising his hands up and waving them, “No! No way! I w-would never be afraid of you! You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met…”

            Sunggyu immediately beamed and scooted closer to Myungsoo. “Really? Oh you don’t know how good that makes me feel Myungsoo!” He laughed and looked over at his assistant. His eyes brightened as he saw how impeccably dressed he was. “Jungryul picked out your clothes today!” He played with the edge of Myungsoo’s jacket. “You look so nice!”

            Myungsoo blushed and played with the sleeves of his shirt. “Umm, thanks… You too…” he murmured.

            Sunggyu grinned at the sight of his cute assistant. He hoped that he would stop being so shy later on. He wanted this to be a good friendship, a companionship if Myungsoo would want to look at it that way. He suddenly remembered the good news he was given in the afternoon and clapped his hands together.

            “Ah! Myungsoo, guess what?”

            The younger looked to him with big eyes. “What?”

            “I got a call from Japan today…” Sunggyu smiled when he saw Myungsoo’s eyes widen. “…and they told me your mother was getting better!!”

            Myungsoo squealed out of pure joy and out of his excitement he embraced Sunggyu. The elder was a bit surprised, but he welcomed the hug and held the younger in his arms. He just held Myungsoo tighter when Myungsoo realized what he had done and tried to pull away. Sunggyu shushed him as Myungsoo relaxed and layed his head on Sunggyu’s shoulders. “You know, we might be able to transfer her here to Korea soon with the rate she’s recovering…”

            Sunggyu moved Myungsoo back to his former seat so he could look at his reaction. He was shocked to see tears.

            “Myungsoo! Are you alright??”

            Myungsoo wiped away the tears. “I-I said I wasn’t going to cry in front of you again…”

            Sunggyu wiped another tear from Myungsoo’s face. “No, no, there’s no need to hide them from me. Why are you crying though?”

            Myungsoo laughed, “B-Because, I’m s-so happy right now.”

            He sniffed and thanked Sunggyu for everything. Sunggyu had told him it was no problem and hugged the younger again, making Myungsoo burst into another set of joyous tears. To him, life couldn’t possibly get any better.

            Later on, Jungryul and Chairman Kim came back to see Sunggyu sitting at the dinner table eating while Myungsoo stood by watching him. Jungryul smiled, while Chairman Kim frowned. The butler noticed his boss’s expression and immediately told him that since the two of them already ate, that Chairman Kim should probably get started on that new project for Kimi Co. Luckily, the chairman nodded and started heading up the stairs.

            Jungryul gave Myungsoo a quick wink and Myungsoo smiled back at him, mouthing a thanks to the butler. He was worried that the chairman would yell at him again for staring at his son. Was his admiration really that obvious? If it was then why hadn’t Sunggyu noticed? Maybe he already did… Myungsoo stood up straight as he thought of Sunggyu already knowing. He glanced at the elder, who looked back and smiled.

            No… I don’t think he knows.

            When Sunggyu was finished, one of the other butlers took his plate and headed to the kitchen. Myungsoo then followed the elder up the stairs.

            “Hey! I haven’t showed you the balcony yet right?”

            Myungsoo shook his head.

            Sunggyu excitedly took Myungsoo’s hand again and started to walk quickly to the end of the hallway. Instead of turning to the right to Chairman Kim’s room, they turned to the left, up a few stairs to a glass double door that opened to a huge balcony. It was enclosed with a black, lace-looking fence. There were two chairs and a table in the middle of the box-shaped area. Two lights on both sides of the wall as Sunggyu closed the door behind them.

            There was a slight breeze and Myungsoo saw Sunggyu shiver. Myungsoo was used to this temperature, being used to living on the street, but Sunggyu obviously couldn’t have been. Though Myungsoo knew it would probably be greasy of him and that the chairman would probably kick him off the balcony if he saw him, Myungsoo took off his jacket and placed it around Sunggyu’s shoulders.

            The elder beamed at him and quickly pulled the jacket over him, soon no longer shivering. He thanked the younger and told him to sit down in the chair next to him.

            “Isn’t it beautiful?”

            “Yeah…” Myungsoo whispered, still staring at Sunggyu.

            Myungsoo turned away from looking at Sunggyu’s side profile and looked over the edge of the balcony. It actually was a breathtaking sight. The sky was a beautiful purple-pink and the sun was just starting to set. It was romantic in Myungsoo’s eyes.

            Sunggyu sighed and Myungsoo turned to look at him again. “Is something wrong Sunggyu?”

            He looked over at the younger and gave him a smile. “It’s nothing Myungsoo, you shouldn’t worry about it.”

            Myungsoo leaned closer without thinking. “No, you’re my boss. If something is bothering you, you should tell me. You want us to be like friends right?”

            Sunggyu glanced at the genuinely interested younger and layed back into his seat. “Okay. I’ll tell you.”

            Myungsoo sat up in it seat happily, looking at the elder expectantly.

            Sunggyu took a deep breath and asked Myungsoo, “Do you believe in love at first sight?”


            “So how did the date go?” Sungyeol asked excitedly.

            Woohyun rolled his eyes. “For the last time, it was just a meeting, not a date. We didn’t even go anywhere.”

            “But he walked you out to your car! It was obviously meant to be Woohyun.”

            The elder suddenly regretted calling over Sungyeol to tell him about what had happened. Sungyeol acted like it was him meeting Sunggyu and not Woohyun.

            “Was he as perfect as I told you? I bet he was. When are you guys going to meet again? Did he totally fall for you cool-man charm? Oh I bet he did. You two are going to be the best couple in the world! I wish I was there! I would have videotaped everything! I bet you were drooling over him. You were weren’t you?! Is Sunggyu-”

            Woohyun sighed and put his head on his hand that was leaning on the table. He really should’ve just had this conversation tomorrow. He could barely hear what Sungyeol was saying. All he could think of was Sunggyu: his voice, his face, his laugh, his smile. Shisus, he was just so perfect.

            He heard more blabbering from Sungyeol and decided that it was probably time to listen to the guy.

            “So Woohyun, are you two lovebirds going to meet up again?”

            Woohyun looked at his best friend wearily. “I-I don’t know…”

            Sungyeol feigned shock. “What is this?! Woohyun stuttering?? Sunggyu must REALLY be perfection! I should’ve saved him for myself!”

            Woohyun hit Sungyeol’s shoulder playfully. “But you didn’t! He’s mine.”

            Sungyeol grinned at his best friend. “Protective now aren’t you?” He winked.

            Woohyun pretended to gag and the two of them started laughing. “Hey, I just met the guy.”

            “And you fell completely in LOVE!” Sungyeol started going off on another tangent about how perfect Sunggyu must be that he forgot all about his earlier question about whether the two were going to meet again.

            As he sat there, not listening to his noisy friend again, he thought about whether they would meet again. He hoped they would. He smiled again as his mind wandered its way to Sunggyu again. I wonder if he believes in love at first sight…


I swear this looked longer on Word T_T




@hanabira: there's Myunggyu in the beginning! XD OTL *hugs back* *throws more hearts*


@seeshyh: there's some more myunggyu than from the last chapter~ ^^ hope it's enough ><


@parkkimi: i agree. myungsoo is just so cute. i get diabetes from writing this OTL


@gyu_428: lol i'm trying to add both myunggyu and woogyu in each chapter, but it'll probably be more obvious later on who will end up together^^


@imcuriousyeah: hurray! woogyu shipper!<3


@sambam: odd pairings are truly some of the best ^^ myunggyu is so cute to me<3



until next chapter~


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Chapter 45: I love happy endings!
I am a Myungyeol shipper, but Wooyeol and Myunggyu are not bad either.
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 45: yeahh..happy ending!!
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 44: last. ....myunggyu...i love u author nim!!!
sha_alina19 #4
Chapter 25: please choose myungsoo...hehehe
sha_alina19 #5
Chapter 20: more myunggyu pleaseeee
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 15: huaahhh.....why you make myungsoo cry....poor him....sunggyu myungsoo back....he really need you...huhuu
Chapter 45: Sungyeol's proposal is the best!!!
ayreou #8
Chapter 13: Hahaha, Jung Ryul is sailing on the myunggyu ship. Weee~~~
Chapter 45: I 've become a Just read this story because I like the both . Beautiful story with happy ending of the end. I love it!!! :D
JinsPinkprincess #10
Chapter 45: It was a good story. I really enjoyed reading it.
myunggyu <3