C.7: Surprise!



C.7: Surprise


The woodpecker. There is a woodpecker at my door. Oh somebody go shoo woody from my door. Argh! I strangled the clock beside the bed. 8. Somebody is knocking my door at 8! If this was home, I would have taken Leo’s bat to greet. There is my angry princess. In my head I heard daddy’s daily morning tease. I shut my eye before opening them. Opening my daggers which were filled with annoyance. Looking through the tiny peep hole, My eyes widen at the surprise. What is she doing here? 


I open the door. ‘Surprise!’ She says with exuberance. If her hand wasn’t holding a... my head tilted at the random cloth hidden object in her hands. ‘Aren’t you going to let me in?’ Her little frame smiling excitedly. ‘Oh...erm...yea?’ I just held the door open and watch her skip inside. When my mind was back to functioning, I closed the door slowly. 


‘I got you breakfast!’ I blinked once at the congested tray. ‘I wanted to bring more but then I would need a trolley. However, I didn’t want to make the people on the bus to swear at me in french by pushing the trolly. Even if I could easily think that they are all calling me a beauty. So yea.’ She spread her arms out and smiles, ‘Ta-dah.’ I smiled back and sat her down beside me. ‘Thanks.’ I took the cranberry scone. 


‘Did I wake you up?’ She asked timidly while I was having an intimate moment with Brioche. Hence, I could only shake my head as a respond. ‘Do you have anything planned for today?’ Curiously, I looked at her. ‘I mean...well...how about I take you out?’ I my upper lip slowly. ‘Sure.’ The nervous look was gone and she was back to having that bright smile on her face. 

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Chapter 38: Lol hahaha silly taeyeon
Chapter 21: AWW Taengsic so cute
Chapter 38: SJSJSKSKS they're so cute
Chapter 37: Oh I teared up a bit :(
Chapter 21: OKAY now they're so cute!!
Chapter 18: why taengsic always angst :(
Chapter 11: :'(
Chapter 60: please update soon
Chapter 59: Please update soon
Chapter 58: please update soon