Stolen Candy


We smiled at each other, you in my arms. My smaller frame hugging you, providing you with the support as we cuddled and watched the old classic. For my benefit, we arrived at the compremise of an english audio with korean subtitle. You weren't being a little mischevious child. That one who tests my english comprehension. We stayed that way, admiring Ms Audrey Hepburn, enjoying the us time. I like how my thoughts are using a collective nouns to describe us. This kind of quality time. This kind of moment that we share, wasn't it a little too heavy on the honey. 

At that moment, I sighed. It catches your attention. Your head leans back. Our eyes warmly greets. Then yours reflected your curiosity towards the roots of the sigh. I simply dismiss it as nothing. Hence, to express it, I smiled at you, lovingly of course. Your gaze lingered a little longer. It was evident that you want to press on the matter. Disliking the option of having to converse, my lips leaned in and softly pressed against yours. Your mind might have been protesting against my uncalled methods of jumping over the topic, but the heart links with the body. I couldn't help but smirk when your body leaned in and the lips of my desire pushes forth with passion. 

There was little to no butterflies fluttery. Somehow, with time, they each evolved, turning my love to some kind of heat that raises in intensity. It was no longer the bubbling of being awkward and shy. Having been in this for more than 5 years, it was just a plain flame. One that burns consistently, no matter who threw an overly inquisitive side look. It didn't matter. In our hearts, it didn't. Only in our hearts did it not matter. Upon that, I gently broke the physical contact. Your eyes stayed closed. 

'What is on your mind?' I voiced out. Unfazed by my sudden question, your eyes slowly opened. A wide smile followed. I didn't gain any answer but I had to smile along. It was one of those natural body reflex. Like if someone hits you, you are bound to be hit back. Maybe not for all, but definitely my theory. An eye for an eye. I wish the whole world to be blind. My hand raises. Next my index finger taps your forehead thrice. In respond, you gave me a quick peak on the lips. For a mere second, I watch you take a single glance at my enemy. My head fell in defeat. 

Before you could pronounce a single word, 'I know.' I simply state. Reluctantly my body got up. Yours follow suit. I sat back onto the bed and shut the television. Understand that love is an emotion. One that drives actions but cant replace its significance. So when I had just sat there while you walked out of the room. The love that told me to chase but the body that remained on the side of the bed. Without any movements, I could only be in the deafening silence. This space that shows no signs of what had occured. It simply remains as a constructed space by men for men. I taking residence in it, just means that I have the means to have shelter. Yet even with a roof over my head, with love that is in my heart, I sit by my bed. 

As the silence of you being gone sets in once more, when this queen size bed that you love will always be too idealistic for us, when you have to leave by 11, I can only sit by this bed. With this heart that beats, I know that a stolen candy is always too sweet to be true. 


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Chapter 38: Lol hahaha silly taeyeon
Chapter 21: AWW Taengsic so cute
Chapter 38: SJSJSKSKS they're so cute
Chapter 37: Oh I teared up a bit :(
Chapter 21: OKAY now they're so cute!!
Chapter 18: why taengsic always angst :(
Chapter 11: :'(
Chapter 60: please update soon
Chapter 59: Please update soon
Chapter 58: please update soon