I'm Here


'Peter Pan by JM Barrie' you trace the printed cursive ink on the book's cover. I saw your lips shifting upwards. A near smile. Nonetheless, that tiny act made me smile. It makes me feel sweet. I am smiling. 

You flipped open the book, started reading it with a soft gentle voice. Like the... things that comes down from the sky, like that...I glance around the room. My eyes landing on the thing that was placed on the shelf. 'That.' I mumbled out. You paused your reading and turn your head according to where I was pointing. You didn't frown at my talking. You simply nod your head and pat my head. 'Isn't it lovely?' you ask. I nod my head although I am slightly unsure of what 'it' was.

Either way, it was nice watching you smile. My eyes caught the sight of the book. It lingers at the pages filled with words. Somehow I kept looking at it. They were...hard. 'Taetae.' I look up. My name was being called. Confused, I glance the room. Where is my mother? 'Would you like me to continue reading?' she asks. 

Even though, I didn't really understood the situation here, it felt rude to say no. However, I shouldn't lie. Hence my head drop on its own. She begins to read. Her voice sweet. The words she said sounds like an... ...angel. I didn't stop her. Despite not knowing many details, I decided to close my eyes. Her voice was that nice. She kept speaking about some peter. Was he someone that important? Anyway, he sound like a fun guy. 

When she paused for a long time, I open my eyes. 'Thanks.' I said. It felt right that I do so. Why. I asked myself and paused as I wonder. 'Taetae.' I look up at the warm but unfamiliar eyes. 'Did you know what the story was about?' she questions me. My arms crossed. Body deciding to shift away from her. Story? Well she was speaking. I recall she sound like an angel. She didn't hurry me nor did she provide any hints. We remain quiet. It was as if the Ms Ock, the discipline mistress was in the room. Wait do I have class tomorrow? 

I gentle squeeze on my thigh. I turn to face a lady. 'Taetae.' she knows my pet name. I lean back slightly. She didn't say anything but place a book on my lap. It seem like a kind gesture. My finger trace the pattern on its cover. 'Neverland.' I said. 'And not all who are lost are lost forever.' she suddenly reply. I keep looking at her. How her eyes welled up. How she try to keep them within herself. I barely knew her but my heart, it hurts. Soon my eyes were getting watery. When a first drop rolled down, my hand naturally reached out to wipe it. 

She looks at me with tears and a smile. Her smile didin't widen and I didn't understand myself. Instead of being a better person, I pulled her in for a hug. 'I'm here.' I state. My hand pat her like how mother had comforted me when I told her I failed my test last week. 'Yes you are.' she whispers out and pulled me closer. 


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Chapter 38: Lol hahaha silly taeyeon
Chapter 21: AWW Taengsic so cute
Chapter 38: SJSJSKSKS they're so cute
Chapter 37: Oh I teared up a bit :(
Chapter 21: OKAY now they're so cute!!
Chapter 18: why taengsic always angst :(
Chapter 11: :'(
Chapter 60: please update soon
Chapter 59: Please update soon
Chapter 58: please update soon