I Am A Woman Too


The dorm’s air was filled with the fragrant smell of fried chicken and beer. Despite the clock telling us that it will be better if we had gone to bed, we sat here eating. Just us. I smiled as she took a good bite from her drumlet. ‘Unnie.’ Her shaky finger points approximately a few centimeters off my face. Gently, I guided her finger to point straight at me. Leaving it alone for a few milisecond, I then gently placed her hand pack down. Throughout this course of actions, she plainly stares at me. She blinks once. I mimic her movements and blinked once. 

'Unnie. I am not a kid anymore. Why don't he take me seriously?' she mumbles. 'Aren't my words clear? Why have all those years of living if you can't even understand me!' she yelled her last word. Concern about the sudden boom in voice, I quickly scan the two doors behind her. 'I am an adult!' she exclaims. To further bring out her point, she strikes a tall pose of Anpanman! In total fear of that wooden door opening, I tugged at her skinny ankle. She got the hint as she pouted while taking back a seat on the floor. 

I look up at the calender. 26th. No wonder she had sucha  great craving for chicken and beer. It was more of the alcohol that was enticing her. I heaved a sigh. The experience may have been short but it was no skip among the rose petals. Without a doubt, the love's roses have thorns. 'Things will be fine.' I could hear my words. Somehow it feels empty and pointless that I had even voiced out such a shallow statement. 

Needing a refresh, I took a gulp of the, now, warm beer. As it travels non-smoothly down, my senses seem more awake. When the eyes focused back on her, alcohol was making all her tiny sways ever the evident. Honestly, it was causing my own clouded world to be a little unstable. 'Unnie!' at the call for me, my attention magically managed to focus. 'Look at me.' Adhering to her words, our unsteady pupils grasp at each other. 'I am not a kid right.' she asks. My eyes did a quick scan. Lee Hyeri, if memory serves, has had her coming of age ceremony. Hence, I nodded.

'Then why didn't I have a say in us. Who made him King! I was the queen. How can he pull me off my chair.' she grumbles. With a mind barely comprehending her random declaration of royalty, I decided to agree first. So a second nod was done. Once more, a finger raises and this time points a little to the left of me. Her forefinger between my thumb and forefinger, I placed it to the approximate line of symmetry of my face. Focusing for precision, I attempted to make the tiny changes for accuracy. 

Suddenly, she burst out in laughter. Confused and more drunk than before, I just look upon the maddness. 'Unnie. Stupid. You were all...' Instead of finishing up her sentence, her eyes become cross eyed. Seeing her distorted appearance, I laughed. When the echos hit my ears, my hands naturally raised over my mouth. She couldn't be bothered and raised in volume at her second outburst. I slapped her tigh. Getting my hint, we both turn our attention towards the closed door. 

After expecting it to remain shut, simultaneously we heaved a sigh of relief. 'Stupid Yura Unnie.' she teased. I responded by pouting. She yawns after the jab. 'Dont you have filming tomorrow?' I ask. She nods. Then her hand raises to pat her cheeks, 'Unnie I'm going to be bloated aren't I?' I rolled my eyes and gathered the box of bones. She could eat a whole cow and it will purely disappear to somewher, unlike my fishball cheeks. 

Once I had cleaned up, I stood over the sawying child. Softly I poked her shoulder to make her awake for the few steps into bed. My lack of strength prevents her the luxury of being carried into bed. As she was lying down, 'Unnie, I am a woman too.' she spoke indistinctively. While ensuring that she was properly tuck it, the words danced in my head. Watching her asleep for a moment before getting up due to the realisation that I was being creepy. 

The fact that her last line had lingered despite the alcohol, made me question what she meant as I lie in bed too. Somehow my brain activities are functioning with alcohol, odd but nonetheless the truth. As the mind ponders, a sudden light tap of the bed frame brings me back to the confinements of the room. 'Yura ah.' Sojin Unnie calls. 'If you keep letting Hyeri have her ways, it will cause lines to be blurred.' she pauses. Confused, my brows merely furrow at the ceiling. 'You are a woman too.' she says the words firmly. 

Silence rides in the air that flows between us. Puzzled yet at the same time, I could feel a slight prick in the heart. Reasons and logical deduction of my emotions was non functioning thanks to the alcohol. The prolonged muteness did little to dwindle the knowing of Sojin Unnie awaiting for my reply. I didn't wanted to provide her the answer she was expecting, neither was the truth making sense. Therefore, I repeated her words like Apple's Siri, 'I am a woman too.' 

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Chapter 38: Lol hahaha silly taeyeon
Chapter 21: AWW Taengsic so cute
Chapter 38: SJSJSKSKS they're so cute
Chapter 37: Oh I teared up a bit :(
Chapter 21: OKAY now they're so cute!!
Chapter 18: why taengsic always angst :(
Chapter 11: :'(
Chapter 60: please update soon
Chapter 59: Please update soon
Chapter 58: please update soon