L.2: Her Look


'Congrats.' we exchanged a firm shake. His smile wide, eyes sparkle, in fact, his whole being seem to be like a christmas tree. He is one jolly good fella without all the jiggles of fats around his body. 'Thanks for always being there for her.' I just nodded my head at his random expression of gratitude. 'Hun!' a deep voice called out for the groom. All I could see were people. I wonder whose voice was it. ' Go entertain.' I politely shoo him. He grin a little then sped off. 

I resume looking around the premise. People conversing, some laughing, some being awkwars, some simply enjoying the food. I guess this is what weddings are suppose to be. Busy and unnecessaryly bustling with happiness with those dampen spirits concealed for a day. This is a celebration. A big celebration.

Suddenly, a tap on my shoulder. Her face greets me. My smile came on naturally. 'Judging the crowd?' she asks then take a little sip of her Martini. 'I can't judge the alcohol so I thought I use my talent on other beings.' I reply in a crisp manner. I sincerely wish my body wasn't such a whimp. One could only sigh and I did. 

She didn't comfort, simply giggled at my biological disadvantage. 'You need to drive anyway.' she states the fact. I am not taking that as words of comfort. I am discounting the fact that my heart may be beaming a little. 'Oppa seems to be drowning in the uniqueness of our maknae.' she points out. Following her interest, I watch as Junho Oppa being a rather cheap rendition of a bobble head toy.

We both suppressed our chuckles by shaking our head in a empathic manner.  'There you are!'' The bride has arrived. I could feel her dagger eyes even without turning my head, 'and the one who refuses to be my bridesmaid.' she says with venom. 'I am your ex wife.' calmly I snipe her with my response. Her jaw fell and she smirk. I gave myself a golden star right there and then. Self five. 

'You are still my wife!' I could fell the heat. She leaned over and whispered, 'you poor thing are so chained to her.' I pinch the bridge of my nose. 'Yah!' the bride yells and the entire ballroom paused in our direction. The silence rolls by and it seems like Seohyun had been unleashed in a multi asualt. 'Lets....Get the party started!' The gaze of her guest still weighing heavily on the three of us. 'Dj Mika, put it back on!' she did her trademark line. The music flooded in and the people went back being overly happy. 

'Good save.' I complimented. 'I'm the bride. Be nice to me.' she says with clenched teeth. I sighed then took both her hands. Looking at her straight in her eyes, 'Dear Stephanie, I am not your life long partner. I may not share a legal constitute of forever by being your partner. We may not share that kind of passion but I do love you. So here, on your wedding day, this is my own vow to you. It isn't going to be two pages long. It will not be made out of promises. My vow is simple. Stephaine Hwang, I am truly happy you found love and I am glad I got to take the steps beside you. I am happy that I found you, met you and love you. So my ex wife, go be happy.' Her eyes fittingly search for his. 

Silently, I watch as her face glows as her eyes looked at his face. 'Go.' A word that made her smile and give me a bear like embrace before she went to him. I couldn't help but feel an inner peace in me. 'And you wonder why people assume you two were together.' She says then finishes up her Martini. 

'Don't drink so fast.' I nagged. 'You are driving.' she retorts. Next turning around and heading towards the bar. As she walked through the crowd, my gaze could not deter away. 

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Chapter 38: Lol hahaha silly taeyeon
Chapter 21: AWW Taengsic so cute
Chapter 38: SJSJSKSKS they're so cute
Chapter 37: Oh I teared up a bit :(
Chapter 21: OKAY now they're so cute!!
Chapter 18: why taengsic always angst :(
Chapter 11: :'(
Chapter 60: please update soon
Chapter 59: Please update soon
Chapter 58: please update soon