BL.1: Rubbish


In this time, in this age, the lines of lust and love is all a blur. Oh and throwing in the term of liking someone, just adds to the mess of things. Where is the boundaries? Which is the clear mark where we can state in a matter of fact manner that this is love by definition or this is just a pure friendly like. Definitions. Categorisation. These two things that people has developed a level fondness for. Fondness. Yes that should be thrown into the pits of hell's fire. Let it all burn with a fury passion as I swim in intentional ignorance. 

'Fany ah. I don't think I want to go out today.' I said to the open air of her room. 'Rubbish.' she replies without even facing me. 'You have a boyfriend who has an off day.' I state calmly. The thoughts of what should be placed in which pigeon hole has left my body at most probably 35%. Finally I see her face, her lips forming a pout, eyes with dagers ready to fly. I look back and smiled to annoy. 'Seriously. A boyfriend attack? Your little boy has been messaging you too.' I just looked straight ahead. Passing her beauty and up at the underside of her desk. Yea, my phone has been vibrating. Yes, I too had someone to call my own. Yet, there is this feeling, this little voice that speaks something vile about my nature. 

The thoughts that I had explored in the secretcy of my mind should never be known. 'You have blessings. I have the majority claiming I'm the devil.' I sit up, stretching to get my phone. Instead of reading his text, I simply turn the phone off. 'You do know that faceless comments are just random words in the air.' she say it gently, your concerns for my mood were well reflected in the tone of your voice. 'Maybe I just don't know any better.' I answered. Sighing, I place my phone down and got up. 'I'm not in the mood to leave. Seeing people now will do me no good.' I express in hopes that her understanding of my social fears will be present. 

Suddenly, a wind then her hands wraps around my left arm. She may be taller but damn sometimes she looks at me with a child like quality that I can't comprehend. 'Rubbish. A shopping date is required.' She grins. Before I knew, I was standing outside of Le Petite store. Playing the good role of a patient boyfriend as his girlfriend was inside finishing up her transaction of happiness. I could only heave a sigh. My earlier words are rubbish indeed. Another sigh left my lips. 

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Chapter 38: Lol hahaha silly taeyeon
Chapter 21: AWW Taengsic so cute
Chapter 38: SJSJSKSKS they're so cute
Chapter 37: Oh I teared up a bit :(
Chapter 21: OKAY now they're so cute!!
Chapter 18: why taengsic always angst :(
Chapter 11: :'(
Chapter 60: please update soon
Chapter 59: Please update soon
Chapter 58: please update soon