H.6: Condensation



Hydrologic Cycle: Condensation

Our exclusive meal in a private room of her favourite japanese resturant was nicely building up to the point of showtime. The selected set of music that the manager plays is a masterpiece. The mood was right. It was as if all roses were going to bloom in favour of our romance. 

My hand nervously fidgets about the tiny box in my pocket. It was no marriage proposal but I truly wanted to make things official. To provide her a sense of security that has been so lacking on my part. It was time for the intermediate fastball for strike two. This will be the point that sets the table before the confirmed verdict of happily ever after. 

Her eyes lovingly looks at mine as I had caught her attention by clearing my throat. ‘Fany ah.’ I call out her name as sweetly as I could. ‘I...’ I smiled as I paused unintentionally. Taking a quick sip of the green tea, I continued, ‘I want to thank you for always being by my side. For watching over me all these time.’ I smiled in appreciation after saying my gratitude towards her. She smiled back with her eyes getting a little teary. ‘Fany ah...’ I called out but halt as at that moment, I hear the familiar words. It was a japanese song. ‘Acchan...’ I mumbled to myself.

A love song. My mouth suddenly became dry. The worthless mind transcended all the way back in time. It was a dumb squabble. It was a matter of open interpretation that had pitted us against each other.  We were dressed casually in matching shorts and printed round collar T-shirt. I concluded that she saw nothing else but the painful memories. You countered with the fact that I’m a pessimist and that you were extremely confident that she was reminiscing and had come to acceptance that the summer ended. Our subpar japanese made us shake on a draw with ice cream in our other hand. 

‘Taetae?’ Fany’s face came back as her gentle voice broke my train from crashing due to the reminiscing. ‘Tiffany I’m sorry.’ I told her honestly. My tears were breaking through,causing my body to respond by running away. As my strides got bigger, as Tiffany’s voice became nothing but a distant cry, my tears rolls down as it pleases. 

The heart aches as it recalls the sting that comes when one suffers through a mixture of lost love and the registered mirage of spending an eternity with an individual. It is the pain of lost that has came back, hitting a blasted one over the wall. The stabs of reality reappears with vengeance as it sticks its flag once more into the heart that was given away. 

{From Wiki: Condensation-The transformation of water vapor to liquid water droplets in the air, creating clouds and fog.}
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Chapter 38: Lol hahaha silly taeyeon
Chapter 21: AWW Taengsic so cute
Chapter 38: SJSJSKSKS they're so cute
Chapter 37: Oh I teared up a bit :(
Chapter 21: OKAY now they're so cute!!
Chapter 18: why taengsic always angst :(
Chapter 11: :'(
Chapter 60: please update soon
Chapter 59: Please update soon
Chapter 58: please update soon