Chapter 47



Reina couldn’t look away from his eyes, his intense gaze says it all. Reina just nodded. Sehun smiled and instantly kissed her on her lips. This time, Reina didn’t hesitate and wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. Both of them shared a sweet and short kiss before Reina broke the kiss.

Sehun lightly caressed her face as he looked at her. Reina smiled, it was still like a dream to her. Sehun leaned in and lightly peck on her lip before he leaned back and look at her. He was about to do it again when their sweet moment was disrupted.

Reina looked down at her phone that was vibrating in her pocket. She took it out to see Top calling her ‘Oh no, I totally forgot’

‘Forgot what’ Sehun asked.

Instead of replying, Reina picked up the phone quickly and held it to her ear ‘Yah, where are you?’ Sehun’s question was instantly answered the moment he heard Top’s voice. He silently groaned at the thought of Top.

‘Sorry Tabi, I’ll be outside right away’ Reina apologetically said before she hung up the phone.

Reina placed her phone inside her pocket and looked at Sehun ‘Sorry, I gotta go. Top’s waiting for me outside’

‘You’re just going to leave me like that?’ Sehun asked, feeling ridiculous.

‘Yeah, he’s waiting outside the school gate. I gotta hurry’ Reina turned around and head towards the door.

Sehun quickly grabbed Reina’s hand and spun her around. ‘What?’ Reina blinked.

‘What? You’re going to go to another guy when you just have a boyfriend? Isnt this counted as cheating on me?’ Sehun raised his brow at Reina.

Reina tip-toe and lightly pecked Sehun on his lip ‘I’ll really gotta go. I’ll see you after school kay?’ Sehun watched as Reina unlocked the door and left.

‘Great, we were just together in less than an hour’s time and she’s meeting with another guy. She really don’t know how a guy think does she?’ Sehun complained even when there’s no audience. ‘She’s really impossible’ Sehun shook his head as he walked out of the auditorium.

Sehun entered the cafeteria and slumped himself down beside Baekhyun. ‘Whats wrong? You looked even grumpier before you went to the washroom.’ Baekhyun asked.

*Of course, my girlfriend just went out with another guy when we just got together* Sehun thought but didn’t say it out. ‘Nothing’ He swiftly replied before eating his lunch. Exo-K looked at each other and shrugged before they continued their lunch.


The day was long for Sehun ever since lunch. *Aissh, why is the time so slow today? Is the clock even working?* Sehun looked at the clock and silently grumbled for the nth time.

‘Why? Rushing somewhere?’ Kai asked as he looked at how his friend swifted throughout the whole lesson.

‘No.’ Sehun replied casually.

‘If you say so’ Kai shrugged then turn back to continue with his notes but the bell for end of school rang.

Kai watched as Sehun packed his things and stood up from his seat. ‘You’re not going out with us today?’ Kai asked.

‘Not today’ Sehun briefly replied before he picked up his bag and swiftly left through the door.

‘That kid’ Kai shook his head as he watched Sehun left.

Sehun stopped in front of Reina’s classroom and leaned against the door while waiting outside for her. ‘Excuse me,’ he looked towards the voice to see a girl standing in front of him.

*Again? When will this ever ends?* Sehun watched as the girl held out a box of cookies. He was getting tired and annoyed with all these confessions.  ‘I like you’ the girl confessed. 

Reina came out of the classroom to meet eyes with Sehun. Sehun smiled at the sight of Reina, the annoyed and frustration from before was instantly gone. Reina was about to walk towards him when she noticed a girl in front of him. *Ah.. another confession* Reina pointed towards the main gate and mouthed ‘I’ll wait for you outside’ she walked away, not wanting to disturb them.

*Mwoh?!* Sehun watched as Reina just walked away.

‘Sehun sshi?’ the girl in front of him called out.

Sehun turned his head back to look at the girl and lightly rejected her cookies ‘I need to go now’ he walked away without looking back at the girl.

When he was out, Reina was holding onto the strap of her backpack while waiting for him. ‘How can you just leave me like that?’

Reina turned towards the voice and smiled ‘Oh you’re out? That was fast. What did you tell her? You didn’t rudely reject a girl again did you?’ Reina narrowed her eyes at Sehun.

‘Mwoh?!’ Sehun was speechless.

Reina clucked her tongue as she started walking away ‘So you really did. Poor girl’ Reina shook her head in sympathy.

Sehun scowled ‘Are you really my girlfriend?’

‘Then what? Your boyfriend?’ Reina blinked at him.

‘Is that something you could even joke about?’ Sehun poke Reina’s forehead while Reina chuckled.

Reina hugged Sehun’s arms and looked up at him ‘Where shall we go chingu?’

‘Chingu? Are you kidding me?’ Sehun asked.

‘Aniya, Im too use to it. Lets just stick it this way huh? Besides, isn’t it troublesome to let people know we’re dating? I thought you wanted it this way’ Reina asked.

‘We’re not even in school now.’ Sehun pointed out.

‘But we’re still around the school compound’ Reina argued.

Sehun shook his head ‘Forget it’ Sehun surrendered while Reina just smiled.

‘So where shall we go?’ Reina excitedly look at him.

Sehun looked down at her ‘Where do you want to go?’

‘Mmm..’ Reina thought about it then looked up at Sehun ‘I wanna go ice skating. Can we?’ Reina hopefully looked at him.

‘Arasso’ Sehun took Reina’s hand and intertwined it together with his as they walked towards the bus stop. 

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Chapter 57: cute story if u make more chapter it wont be bad idea hehehe..i love their all moments ...keep writing more story of sehun fluff comedy romantic
Chapter 57: They are cute
Its a good story
I like it
primitian #3
Such an easy read story. thank you so much. That was so cute and I laughed so much reading this I love the humor :)
missgalaxxy99 #4
Chapter 57: I need sehun Now
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 28: Loool i thought he is luhan , so he is CSH
Jjongshi #6
Chapter 57: Aaaaaaaaa sweeT~~~~~ I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I really want them to get married and then have lots and lots and lots of baby!!!
Babbie #7
Chapter 57: Very nice story it was fun and flows very well. I like how love gradually grew for these two
I loved the story!! Super cute!! :D
Chapter 57: Sweeeeeet!!!! FLUFF FTW :DDD