Chapter 42


Sehun raised his hand to block the streaming sunlight that came from the window. He was about to fall back asleep when he felt something. Sehun instantly opened his eyes to see Reina snuggling closer to him, her hand wrapping behind his back. Sehun paused, not knowing what to do. His heart was threatening to jump out of his chest looking at the girl snuggling closer to him as she slept.

Sehun leaned back and carefully tried to remove her hand. He stopped when Reina slightly shifted and frowned as he removed her hand. *What should I do?* Sehun looked at the girl who was sleeping peacefully. He didn’t want to wake her up. Besides, he had to admit, it wasn’t that bad to have her in his arms. With a sigh, Sehun just lay on the bed, hoping that the girl would wake up by herself anytime soon.

Sehun watched as Reina flipped her body to the other side of the bed. He instantly felt empty without her warmth. Reina shifted in her sleep and flipped back to hug Sehun without waking up. Sehun blinked surprised. *Whats wrong with me?!* the emptiness he previously had was replaced with his fast beating heart again in just a split second.

Sehun looked at the deeply asleep Reina in front of him.*Her eyes were still swollen from all the crying yesterday.* He unconsciously reached his hands out to touch her eyelid that was still slightly swollen because of what happened the night before. His heart pained remembering her cries. Sehun removed his hand and stared at her sleeping face, registering everything in his mind. Her long eyelashes that cascaded downwards, her tall nose and her cherry lip, everything seemed to fit so well and perfect in his eyes.

*Am I in love with you?* Sehun’s eyes widened, surprised by his own question. Sehun shook his head *Not possible* yet he couldn’t help admire the girl in front of him. She wasn’t perfect in any sense yet she felt like the most perfect person he had ever seen. Even with her clumsiness, he thought it was part of her perfection.

*I think maybe Im in love with you..* Sehun thought as he fell back asleep. He knew the answer all along yet he didn’t want to admit it.


20 minutes later, Reina woke up to see Sehun in front of her. She was wrapped in between his arms. Reina looked up, shocked to see how close they were. She would have kissed him if she wasn’t careful. *How did we end up like this?*


‘You’ll stay for the night right?’ Reina asked with her swollen eyes after much crying. She hadnt realised how time passed until she saw the time on the clock hanging by her wall. ‘Its late already. Just stay here huh? We can have a sleepover’ Reina suggested.

‘No’ Sehun stood up from the couch. ‘Im leaving.’

‘But you say I could do whatever I want today didn’t you?’ Reina argued.

‘But I also say to not take them for granted didn’t I?’ Sehun raised his brow and looked at Reina.

Reina pouted at his response. ‘I really don’t want to sleep alone tonight.. is it really too much to ask for it?’ Reina looked up at Sehun with her swollen eyes.

Sehun felt his heart softened at the sight. He heaved a sigh and looked away. ‘Just today’ Sehun replied softly yet Reina was able to catch what he said.

‘Yay!’ Reina jumped up instantly and hugged Sehun. ‘I love you!’ Reina said happily. Sehun shook his head and pushed her forehead back ‘Your words don’t worth much you know, you’re saying them all the time’

Reina shook her head ‘Ani, I only say that to you and I mean it. I love you chingu, you’re the best’ Reina gave Sehun a quick hug before she ran upstairs. ‘Switch off the lights, Im going to sleep!’ Reina shouted from the stairs. ‘Hurry up!’

‘Yah what am I? Your servant?!’ Sehun shouted back but Reina just laughed back in respond. Sehun shook his head and turn off all the lights in the living before heading straight up.

Reina was already tugged in bed when he entered the room. Sehun was about to pull out the blanket to sleep on the floor when Reina stood up and tugged his hand. ‘Sleep on the bed with me’ Reina said.

‘Mwoh?!’ Sehun’s eyes almost fell out from the socket while Reina just repeat her words again ‘I said you don’t have to sleep on the floor’

‘Yah do you know what you’re saying? Im a guy you know?’ Sehun poke Reina’s forehead.

Reina just shrugged ‘I know’

*Is this girl even taking me seriously? I should scare her a bit* Sehun grabbed Reina’s hand and pushed her onto the bed before hovering on top of her. ‘Now, do you still want me to sleep on a bed with you?’ Sehun smirked as he watched the surprised girl.

Reina’s eyes widened at the sudden attack but softened back again. She looked into Sehun’s eyes and spoke ‘Yes’

It was Sehun’s turn now to be shocked. *What?!* ‘Do you know what you’re saying?’ Sehun still couldn’t believe his ear.

‘I said I don’t mind you sleeping on a bed with me’ Reina repeated again then continued ‘I know you’ll never hurt me. You’re not like any other guys’

Sehun didn’t know why but his heart dropped upon hearing what she had just said *Right, she still think that Im a gay* Sehun was speechless. He didn’t know what he should say anymore. He flipped over and lay beside Reina. He pulled the covers over him and flipped his back to her while he closed his eyes to sleep ‘Whatever, Im going to sleep’

------------End Of Flashback--------------


Reina looked up at Sehun’s sleeping face. She still remembered the words she had written on his back when Sehun had fallen asleep last night. Reina quietly heaved a sigh, *I’ll have to control my heart better from now on*


‘Sehun?’ Reina softly called to check if he had fallen asleep. The fact was she couldn’t sleep. ‘Sehun?’ Reina called out again. The boy had his back towards her so she couldn’t see if he was still awake.

*He’s asleep* Reina slumped her shoulders, realizing she’s the only one that was still awake.

Bored, Reina began trailing circles on his back. She heaved a sigh as she looked at his back, the back that helped her so many times. Unknowingly, Reina began writing words on his back.


Sehun, Oh Sehun.

Im writing on the back of the owner that helped me countless times. This back, the back that provides Reina with warmth and kindness. The back that made me feel so strong and secure that I could lean onto any single time.

Sehun ah, you’re really a good friend to me, Im so lucky to have you. But you know what? Each and every single time you helped me out, I began to want you more and more. Sometimes I even have ridiculous thoughts hoping that you were never gay.

Sehun ah, I told myself that I’ll never fall in love again yet I think I did. I think Im in love with you but I’ll just keep it to myself. I know how hard it is not being able to tell the person you love him so please, please be able to love a woman in your next life. For this life, I’ll just stay by your side as your friend.

------------End OF Flashback-------

‘I mean what I say, I’ll be by your side even if you’ll never look at me the same way you look at him’ Reina whispered.

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Chapter 57: cute story if u make more chapter it wont be bad idea hehehe..i love their all moments ...keep writing more story of sehun fluff comedy romantic
Chapter 57: They are cute
Its a good story
I like it
primitian #3
Such an easy read story. thank you so much. That was so cute and I laughed so much reading this I love the humor :)
missgalaxxy99 #4
Chapter 57: I need sehun Now
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 28: Loool i thought he is luhan , so he is CSH
Jjongshi #6
Chapter 57: Aaaaaaaaa sweeT~~~~~ I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I really want them to get married and then have lots and lots and lots of baby!!!
Babbie #7
Chapter 57: Very nice story it was fun and flows very well. I like how love gradually grew for these two
I loved the story!! Super cute!! :D
Chapter 57: Sweeeeeet!!!! FLUFF FTW :DDD