Chapter 17



Sehun was sitting on the bleachers with Exo-K during their physical exam. It was the only day where they were able to be together during class. Sehun was busy chatting with Exo-K when he spotted Reina at the other far end by herself. *Aiish, don’t that girl talk to anyone?!*

Reina on the other hand felt someone’s gaze and turned to look at who it was. ‘Oh look, its Sehun’ Shinkyung spoke and waved to Sehun in front of Reina.

Sehun’s gaze turned rigid at the look of Shinkyung. *Why is she still in this school?* 

A whistle was blown, the PE teacher waved ‘All boys down now!’

‘Sehun?’ Chanyeol waved a hand in front of Sehun.

‘Huh?’ Sehun turned around and looked at Chanyeol. ‘What are you looking at? The test is starting’ Chanyeol pointed at the students that had already gathered at the track.

‘Arasso’ Sehun took one last look at Reina’s direction and walked down to join the others who were already in field.

The whistle was blown again and everyone started running. Reina ignored Shinkyung’s comment and stood up to cheer for Sehun. ‘Go Sehun! Hwaiting!’ Reina cheered loudly.

Girls threw Reina looks when they heard her cheering for Sehun. ‘Who does she think she is cheering for Sehun oppa?’ Reina heard girls around her spoke but she didn’t care.

‘Go! Hwaiting!’ Reina cheered loudly. Sehun turned at her voice and looked at her as he ran. His lip lightly twitched up as a smile threatened to form on his face. ‘Wo, look at that! You friend is cheering for you’ D.O spoke teasingly. Sehun lightly jabbed his chest. ‘Ouch! It hurts buddy’ D.O complained and hit him back.

Sehun chuckled and turned around to look at Reina. This time, his smile fell as he watched Shinkyung leaned closer and whispered something to Reina. *What is she telling her?* Sehun narrowed his eyes at Shinkyung.

Shinkyung placed her hand across Reina’s shoulder and leaned in to her ear ‘You know, Im getting closer and closer to him now. Do you think he’ll become another Jonghwan?’ Reina froze in her place when she heard Jonghwan’s name. Shinkyung turned around and smirked at Sehun.

Sehun watched as Reina’s hand fell limbly on her sides. She was no longer cheering for him. Sehun stopped in his track and glared at Shinkyung *What did she tell Reina?* he clenched his fist, pissed.

Students behind Sehun complained when he stopped suddenly. ‘Oh Sehun! What are you doing? Keep running!’ The teacher called out. However, Sehun was too pissed to hear that. He just stood in his place and glared at Shinkyung. He was about to go towards their direction when Suho pulled him back ‘What are you doing Sehun? Do you want to fail your running test?’ Suho pulled Sehun with him as he ran. ‘Aissh’ Sehun cussed under his breath. He gritted his teeth and continued running to finish the test.

When Sehun was done, Exo-K pulled him to their seat and settled down to rest. ‘That was sure tiring!’ Chanyeol complained as he lay on the bleacher. ‘You’re so lazy’ Baekhyun playfully slapped Chanyeol’s stomach. ‘Yah!’ Chanyeol jumped up at the pain.

Sehun worriedly gaze towards Reina’s direction. ‘What are you looking at?’ Kai raised his brow and look at the direction Sehun was looking. ‘Oh that friend of yours?’ Sehun stood up in his seat and walked towards Reina without answering Kai.

‘Oh, he’s coming..’ Shinkyung said excitedly to Reina by the side. Sehun was about to call out to Reina when the teacher blew the whistle ‘Girls’ turn. Hurry up!’ the teacher called.

Reina walked straight to the track while Shinkyung followed beside. The whistle blew and everyone started running. ‘Sehun’s looking my way. He’ll really be mine soon just like Jonghwan right?’ Shinkyung purposely whispered Reina’s way again.

*Don’t you think he’ll become another Jonghwan?* Reina tried to focus on the track but Shinkyung’s voice just kept ranging in her mind. *He’ll really be mine soon just like Jonghwan right?* Reina shook her head to clear away the thoughts. It was like a curse she couldn’t shake away. Reina found herself thinking about it again and again.

Shinkyung held her leg out when Reina wasn’t focusing. Reina tripped on Shinkyung’s leg and fell to the ground. Shinkyung bend down quickly ‘Omo, are you okay?’ she asked yet Reina wasn’t listening. Reina just numbly stood up and ran even though one of her kneecap was bleeding. Reina was so in thought that she couldn’t even felt the pain. *Jonghwan.. Sehun would just be like Jonghwan*

Reina snapped out of her thought when she was suddenly being lifted up. She looked up to see Sehun’s face in front of her. ‘What are you doing?! Put me down’ Surprised crossed her face.

‘Then what do you think you’re doing?! You’re bleeding and you still continue to run? Are you trying to make things worse for yourself?!’ Sehun hissed back. Reina blinked her eyes and looked at Sehun, surprised by his outburst.

‘Yah Oh Sehun what are you doing?!’ The teacher shouted from behind.

‘Healthroom!’ Sehun shouted back as he walked out of the field.

Sehun went into the healthroom and placed Reina on the chair. He looked around for the nurse but the nurse was nowhere in sight. Sehun went to the drawer and took the first aid kit out. He tenderly washed Reina’s wound with the disinfectant while Reina winced at the excruciating pain. ‘You just burnt yourself yesterday and you injured your leg today. Why cant you be more careful?’ Sehun scolded as he applied the medicine on her wound.

Reina just stared at Sehun. She didn’t know how to reply. She was still troubled by Shinkyung’s words. Sehun looked up and heaved a sigh. ‘What did she told you?’

‘Reina’ Sehun looked straight into her eyes and demand for an answer.

‘She..she say you’ll just be like Jo-jonghwan’ Reina whispered, her eyes focused on her red and raw wound.

‘And you believe what that told you?’ Sehun hissed.

Reina looked up, caught off by Sehun’s language. She paused for awhile then quietly replied ‘Im.. Im not sure..’

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Chapter 57: cute story if u make more chapter it wont be bad idea hehehe..i love their all moments ...keep writing more story of sehun fluff comedy romantic
Chapter 57: They are cute
Its a good story
I like it
primitian #3
Such an easy read story. thank you so much. That was so cute and I laughed so much reading this I love the humor :)
missgalaxxy99 #4
Chapter 57: I need sehun Now
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 28: Loool i thought he is luhan , so he is CSH
Jjongshi #6
Chapter 57: Aaaaaaaaa sweeT~~~~~ I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I really want them to get married and then have lots and lots and lots of baby!!!
Babbie #7
Chapter 57: Very nice story it was fun and flows very well. I like how love gradually grew for these two
I loved the story!! Super cute!! :D
Chapter 57: Sweeeeeet!!!! FLUFF FTW :DDD