Chapter 2 : The FISH?!

Love Star.


Annyeong! Ehe :D My name is Oh Sehun and I know that you know me. Hahahaha, just having fun here thinking of stuff. Well as you can see I’m 19 years old. Me and ~~~~ are in a not-so-good-sibling-relationship. She was jelly, just kidding. Maybe it start---

“~~~~~-ah! Breakfast is ready!” I heard Umma shouting from the kitchen. “Ne” I also heard ~~~~~-ah shouting from her room which is beside mine. Well, Its time for me to go down now. As I went out of my room, I saw ~~~~~-ah going out of her room also. “Good Morning ~~~~~-ah”  I smiled at her as I greeted her. All she did was ‘IGNORE’ me. Does she really hate me that much? D: Well, time for me to get her cookie.


As I entered the kitchen, I saw ~~~~~-ah looking at her ONE AND ONLY cookie with a lot of love. Why can’t she give me her love? LOL That’s , hahahaha. When ~~~~-ah was looking at it, I snatched it from her. “Yah! That’s mine!” ~~~~-ah said as she tried getting her cookie from me. “But I like this and its already the last one so I’m having it. You can buy another one later on the grocery store.” I reasoned out since I just love teasing her. “Its mine Sehun! So give it to me already.” ~~~~~-ah said it again with a bit of anger in her voice. As she was getting my so-called cookie, Umma and Appa joined my side. YES!! >:D. Princess, I’ll ask the maids to buy you another one so just give it to your oppa.” Appa said while putting down his newspaper. “I agree with you Appa ~~~~-ah, just give it to your Oppa.” Umma said while giving appa his Sunny side up and Bacons. “Fine!” and with that ~~~~-ah walked out of the kitchen. “Hehehe. Cookie >:D” I started eating my cookie.


As mins. Passed. . . .


I walked towards ~~~~~-ah’s back as I heard her saying "Sehun this, Sehun that. Tch! Why did Umma and Appa join his side? Argghh!!! My cookie. ." She said as she ruffled her hair with anger. "You jelly??" I asked her while pretending to ‘pop out’ from nowhere. "Heck NO!" she said with anger with her voice. "A strong NO means YES" I while wiggling my eyebrows. "Whatever dimwit." And then she walked away with anger. How cute :3 LOL XD.


As mins. Passed again. . .


I received a text message from a unknown number. . . . (Blue - person texting Sehun ; Black - Sehun)

Yow, sup dude? : )

Uh. . . Sup ? o.o )a

GARRGGHH!!! I don’t know how to reply this dude.

So, I heard you have been dating girls since kinder. >:)

THE FISH?! I even don’t have my first kiss and most and for most I DON’T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND SINCE BIRTH.

I never had a girlfriend dude. :C

Are you sure about that? >:)

I am particularly sure about that.


Well, guess who’s this.

I have no idea FISH = w = )~

Kai hyung? :3

The FISH?! How did you guessed it?! :O

Nyohohohoho :3 Hyung wants to taste my wrath 8D

I guessed it while editing some of yer videos.

The FISH?! Don’t you dare edit my pictures. They’re really precious you know that? D: Do you want to face the WRATH OF LE MIGHTY KAI?! or Do you want me to court your precious sister? >:D I know she likes the MIGHTY KAI >:D *wiggles eyebrows*

As I read that message. . . . .












Lol : ) )

I don’t want to disappoint you : ) So, I updated earlier since its 10 pm here :D

2 new subbies :D <3

Thank you LulusLullaby & LoVeRgAl for subscribing : ) <3


Please Enjoy!

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Exo_312 #1
Chapter 60: Omona! When I saw my username mentioned after the story, I thought I was hallucinating! (Still think I am) Haha, well I love this a lot and makes me miss ot12 :( Keep doing what your doing! Hwaiting~~
jivisha28 #2
Chapter 1: nice
jivisha28 #3
Chapter 1: nice
Nalani #4
Chapter 1: So, wait a minute
Is she adopted or something ?
Because foreword seems confusing to me or is that just me
Oh well, I have a long reading ahead of me
Melonchopz #5
Wtf no one likes IU. WTF. WTF. MY IU WILL BE ALONE?!!!?! ;-;
tbhjongin #6
Chapter 6: so they are stars or not, there's so much confusing moments and chapters awfully short
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Fabulousisme #10
Chapter 72: Awesome !!