Irritating Day

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

Umma couldn't believe what she just heard, her heart dropped and heard the faint slam of your door from upstairs. She touched Jong Yung's hand, "honey, ill be right back. I need to go talk to ______.", she smiled weakly. "Arraso", he said in a deep voice. She headed up stairs. ______________________________ You sat on your bed scrunched up with your knees bent and your arms around it. You felt like you wanted to cry. You wouldn't cry, you won't cry. Then rested your head on your knees and closed your eyes deeply breathing in and out. Then you heard the door quietly open, you whipped your head up and saw umma standing at the door. You breathed in deeply. You didn't feel like seeing her after what just happened. I hope she's not mad. "_____-ah..", her voice less than a whisper. There was a moment of silence. I didn't say anything. "Do you really think.. that I don't care about you anymore ?", she asked weakly. You nodded. "Aish..", she breathed in deeply then sighed. "_____. I always love you and ill always care about you, arraso? No one will be more important than you. Do you understand ?", she asked. You nodded again. You felt like if you said one word or even open your mouth you would break and start crying. You didn't wanna cry, you had to stay strong. There was another moment of silence. Then umma finally said something . "And ______.. Please don't be rude or mean to Jong Yung. He's going to be your new dad and he's going to be staying here with us till we move to the other side so get used to seeing him cause you'll be seeing him a lot. Arraso _____-ah?". You felt irritated. "I get it ! You miss dad and need someone new in your life! I guess its pretty easy for you to forget about him and replace him with some other random person ! But have you ever thought that its harder for me to forget and move on ?! I hate it when someone trys to replace dad and no one will ever replace him !", you blurted out. "I'll think about liking him..", you blurted out again, Umma sat there staring at you shocked and hurt. That was it. You broke. You started sobbing infront of umma and hid your face with your knees. You sobbed into your legs and felt something wrap their arms around you. Umma. She was hugging you and you kept crying. Few seconds later you felt something wet drip down your neck. Was umma crying ? She pulled away and held onto your shoulders making you look at her . Her eyes were red and her cheeks had tears on them. So umma was crying... "I'm sorry, ____-ah.. Yes. I miss dad. No one can ever replace him for me to.. But I can't live the rest of my life lonely and depressed . Right ?", she weakly said. You started crying even more, you jumped into her chest and started sz07sobbing. You haven't cried this hard since.. Dad died. Your eyes became heavy and you soon fell asleep. ______________________________ You woke up in the morning and felt like a mess. You had a pounding headache and your eyes felt tired. Your brain developed everything that happened last night and you immediantely became depressed. "Aish..I have to see him around the house now..", you whispered to yourself. You dragged yourself downstairs and smelled another scent of kimchi soup. "Yippee! More kimchi soup!", you chimed and ran downstairs. You saw umma and Jong Yung cooking with each other in the kitchen. You rolled your eyes and went into the kitchen. "_____ ! You're awake !", Jong Yung said nicely. you bowed at him . Umma turned around and smiled. "______-ah ! Come in the kitchen eat kimchi soup that Jong Yung made !", she chimed. Then you immediantely lost your appetite. " No thanks umma, I'm not hungry".



(Sorry guys for the slowness of the story put I promise that Sehun and EXO will appear more really soon.ish Haha. Sorry! Please don't leave me if the story is moving too slow :c I'm joking. Love you guys<3 (: )

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd