Meeting Chanyeol

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

He examined your phone and turned it in all angles to try to find a name. ( I don't know LOL I don't think anyone would write their name on their phone but just please spare me . Haha )

He unlocked your phone and tried going to your messages to see which person you sent a message to last.

He saw Cho Bae was the first and only person so he called her cell.


Even though your house was less than a minute away from the park , you were walking as slow as ever.

From upstairs in your room, Cho Bae's phone started to ring with waltz music filling up the room . For some reason, your instincts told you to walk faster home so you just followed you body. You found yourself running home and you opened the front door.

You slipped off your shoes while panting and made your way up to your room


The guy had your phone up to his ear and he was waiting for so long for someone to pick up. Being the patient and caring person he is he waited and waited till someone picked up. The phone didn't pick up so he decided to call again.


You made your way up the stairs and you heard faint music coming from your room. Curiously, you went into your room and heard Cho Bae's phone ringing. You went to the desk and picked up her phone.

It read "_______ is calling you".

"Bwoh?!", you shockingly yelled. "______?! How can I be calling myself....". You checked your pocket and your phone was gone. "Omo! I dropped my phone", you quickly picked up the phone.

"Y-yeoppesayo?", you and the guy said together in unison. "Ah, hello. Is this Cho Bae?", he asked.

"A-ani", you stuttered. "Who am I speaking to?", you asked the guy on the phone. "My name is Chanyeol, I found someones phone in the park and decided to call the first person the person texted.", he answered with a deep voice and with a bit more detail.

"Hello Jan Oel..may you please tell me where you are so I can have my phone back?", you asked. He chuckled. " My name is CHAN.YEOL. and I'm at the park by the swings where you dropped it.", he laughed again.

"Ahh.. Psht. I knew that.. CHANYEOL", you said to him but more clearly that you pronounced his name right. He laughed over the phone. His laugh sounded so deep, just like his voice. You felt yourself blush.

You noticed you were pacing back and forth around the room . "Ah.. Um.. Arraso, wait at the park. I'm coming !", you told him then hanged up. You ran into the washroom and saw your cheeks all red. "Aiissh ! ______ . Stop it.", you started softly hitting your cheeks thinking the red would go away. It didn't.

You ran downstairs and slipped on your shoes again. Then ran out the door. You ran all the way to the park and saw a guy sitting on the swings and he looked like he was waiting for somebody .

"Is that Jun Yong? Uh.. I mean Chanyeol?", you asked yourself. You stopped running when you came closer to the park. He looked at you . You started running towards him and you saw your phone in his hands.

You slowed down and started walking over to him. "Are you um.. Chanyeol?", you asked him. He nodded. "Yup", he chimed. His attitude was so bubbly. He reminded you of Cho Bae alittle.

"What's your name?", he continued. "__-______....", you stuttered your name. "_______ .. ! That's a nice name", he grinned. " I-i guess so..", you answered awkwardly.

There was a short silence. "Are you going to give me my phone?", you asked politely. "Mmmm.. Nope !", he smiled at you. " Y-yah! Why?", you cried.

"Cause you didn't say the magic wooorrdddddd", he made 'word' extra long. "Aish, you're so child-ish", you chuckled. He really reminded you of Cho Bae. He laughed.

You waited a bit for a silence so you could grab your phone.

Mission accomplished, There was an awkward silence then you tried grabbing your phone.

You ended up failing miserably and fell to the ground. "Yah!", you screamed when you fell on the ground. "Omo!", he got off the swing and helped you up. His hands were grabbing your arms from behind you.

You started to blush but shook your head to get rid of that thought and you stopped blushing. Great chance to grab your phone back. You tried grabbing it and failed once again. His arm quickly dodged your grab. "Uh uh uhhh! Magic word !", he demanded.

"Ani! Give it back !", you cried. You tried grabbing it again and you guys ended up going around in circles. You tried grabbing it for the 10th time and you accidently tripped on his leg. Which resulted in you falling on top of him. "Ah!", you screamed while your eyes were shut.

You opened your eyes and found you on top of him. Your phone was a few inches away from his hand. You spotted it and crawled to your phone. Chanyeol immediantely stood up.

You took your phone and you stood up infront of him. You were cleaning off your phone from the grass and dirt that got stuck on it. Chanyeol stood there watching you clean it.

He was blushing a bit and rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh.. Mianhe..", he mumbled awkwardly. You chuckled, "its alright", you smiled awkwardly. He took your phone again and held it in the air up above his head.

"What IS the magic word though. Hmmm ________ ?", he smiled. "Y-yah !", you tried to jump up to get it but he was too tall .

You gave up, "please..", you quietly mumbled. "What was that ?", he put a hand behind his ear signaling you to say it louder.

"Please !". "I can't hear youuuu!", he sarcastically said. "PLEASE !", you shouted. You pouted then he laughed.

"Yes. Please was the magic word. Good Job ! You get an A+ !", he jokingly said and handed you back your phone.

He held out a hand. You looked at his hand then you looked at him . "Nice to meet you _______", he smiled.


(sorry it took so long for you to meet Chanyeol ! Haha.. but hope you liked this chapter C; )

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd