The Game Changer

Gu Li could only wince as her mother spoke with Cynthia, the only thing that were holding her from bolting was Jill and the fact that Kris had his palm on her knee.

“After everything you made us suffer, you were keeping this from us?” Her mother nagged again, they were having lunch at the Wu estate.

“Well, I had a lot on my plate.” She muttered, she could feel Kris smiling beside her.

“It’s nice to see you up and about, Gu Li. Are you all better now?” Kris’s father looked at her, she nodded politely.

“Yes, I start work tomor~”

“No, it’s next month.” Her father intervened, Gu Li paused, Mr. Wu and her father shared looks before laughing.

“How is it funny that I am going to be a jobless bum for another month?” She frowned.

But unnie, that doctor said you needed rest.” Jill told her.

That doctor was Kai, he’s up to no good.” She sighed, she still wondered how Kai managed to get back working as a doctor, his father always wanted him to work at the company.

“Your father’s right, dear. You need to rest too, what you’ve been to is something one cannot easily forget.” Mrs. Wu told her, Gu Li bit her lip but she nodded.

“On a lighter note, I’m happy that you accepted this son of ours, even though he tends to be very…. expressionless sometimes.” She chuckled at the last part, Kris could only look away.

“Well, it can get really bad at times, but it’s okay, auntie.” She chuckled and stuck her tongue at him.

Now we’re even.



Kris watched as Jill and her pet, Maxie ran out of the house, the garden’s clean breeze welcomed them as they stepped out, he felt an arm snake around his waist.

Hi.” He said before leaning down to kiss her temple. Gu Li smiled and leaned on him.

Walk with me?

She nodded and took his offered hand.

“You never talk about her.” Gu Li started. Kris looked at her questioningly.

“Songhee, I mean…you did tell me about her before..but…Is this getting awkward? I’m sorry.” She winced, Kris shook his head as they walked.

I don’t because there’s nothing to talk about. Actually, I spoke to Minseok about this, during your..recuperation.

She nodded.

He told me that I’ve already moved on the moment I realized I wanted you. At first, I thought you were just some…distraction, to make me forget about the pain when I lost her. But no,” Kris stopped and made her face him.

You are permanent. Because I knew I wanted you stay in my life and it drove me mad that it took me long to see that.” Kris smiled and kissed her cheek before taking out something from his pocket.

“I thought it drove you mad because I created way too many bad headlines.” She mused, then Kris leaned over and clasped a necklace around her neck.

I’ve always wanted to give you this, but I was scared that I might scare you. But then mom came and nagged me to give it to you.” He smiled, Gu Li paused and reached for the pendant. It was a two-carat diamond with a simple gold setting.

You’re right, it’s quite…scary. But I love it, thank you.” She smiled before Kris pressed his lips against hers.







A twenty five year old Jill was sitting on the kitchen counter, her long legs dangling as she looked at her brother sitting on one of the stools, he was having a sandwich while looking at the TV for news.

“Noona, the moment you start being quiet, I feel like something is going to happen.”

“Hmmmm.” She hummed, then she heard her father making his way to the kitchen.

How was school?” He asked his son, Kaden looked up.

It was fine, pa. I have a game tomorrow.” He said, the youngest Wu was part of his school’s soccer varsity team.

Good, make sure you have time tomorrow.” He looked at Jill before walking to the fridge.

Hi, sweetie.” Gu Li came down from the study, Jill smiled at the sight of her mom, even though her parents were in their mid-thirties they still looked good, she was dressed in a pair of faded skinny jeans and a cashmere sweater.

Ma.” Kaden greeted her with a kiss on her cheek.

Such sweet seventeen year old we have.” Jill chuckled before leaping down the counter and helped Kris as he made a sandwich, it was a typical Saturday afternoon for them, they were at the Wu estate, relaxing and hiding from the buzz of the city. Gu Li laughed and just sat on one of the wooden chairs.

“Can I get a ham and cheese?” Gu Li called, Kris just shook his head.

Heol.” She replied back, but Kris was already making one for her with a smile.

So, ma, are you excited about Kaden’s guest?” Jill casually asked, she could already feel Kaden sending daggers at her direction. Kris looked up, he picked up a plate filled with two sandwiches and walked over to Gu Li, he kissed her cheek before sitting across her.

Right, we have a guest tonight.” Mrs. Wu smiled before chewing on her snack.

Jinhee, right?” Kris looked up, Kaden winced, his brows furrowing.

This is the part where you’re supposed to and get him all red.” Jill made a face, Gu Li chuckled.

“I’m sure he’s stressed at is, honey. Leave him be.”



Kris smiled as he watched his daughter, they were all at the front door to greet Kaden’s guest except for her. Jilliane was standing at the top of the stairs, her eyes were like of a falcon’s, sharp and searching.

“Pa, this is Jinhee, Hee, this is my dad.”

Kris smiled and shook the girl’s hand.

“Nice to meet you, sir.” She said shyly, Gu Li tookt he girl by the arm and led her in the house.

Just then, Jill went down the steps, her nose slightly scrunched up.

Jie, please.” Kaden spoke in Mandarin, Kris almost laughed.

“This is my older sister, Jilliane, noona this is~”

“I know, Jinhee, hi.” Jill shook the girl’s hand with a small smile.

“I don’t really like beating around the bush, but if you hurt my brother, don’t forget that I already know how you look like.” She nodded before padding towards the dining room, Gu Li and Kris winced. The two youngsters walked to the gardens for a walk.

Why is she like that?” Gu Li mused, Kris wrapped one arm around his wife as they walked to the living room.

Doesn’t she remind you of someone?” Kris teased.

I don’t think I was that bad.” Gu Li defended.

Do you want me to call Lay now?

She made a face, Kris chuckled and squeezed her to him.

“I love you, even though you can be such a prick sometimes.” Gu Li chuckled, Kris smiled and just kissed her cheek.


I love you too, Li.



THE END! (5/15/15)



anyway, so someone messaged me a yesterday, she/he asked me if I had any plans on writing a dystopian fic, and weirdly though, i've been reading The Selection series, by Kiera Cass lately. hahaha, shall I?


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14 streak #1
Chapter 56: Love it!!!!
Chapter 56: This is so addicting
Chapter 56: Who doesn't love empowered woman.
rheyna13 #4
Chapter 56: Read this in one go! I love it! I have school in the morning and it's 3 a.m already. I just can't stop reading till the end! Gonna read other fics of yours later after I catch some sleep
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 56: You seriously are one of my favorite author ever!!!
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 56: Great story authornim!
Chapter 56: Rereading this again..still have the same impact..love it
Chapter 56: I cannot stop reading till I finished and I think I read this for the 4 times. Hahaha still loving it.
14 streak #9
Chapter 56: One of the things I like about rereading this story is looking at those kris gifs/pics again. They are so adorable ??
Chapter 56: Love this