What's Your Secret?





Family has always been a big deal, especially to him.

She has always avoided being linked to her family.

It was something ingrained in him ever since he was born, to take responsibility.

Responsibility was something she didn’t want to discuss, it wasn’t her thing.




They led very different lives.

For her, it was like a routine, boring but safe.

She went to work, and then she drove herself home, that was it.

But that was about to change, because of her family.




He wasn’t like the other guys his age.

He was always busy, always on the move.

Being weak and slow to react could kill him in his line of work.

A job that he inherited because of his family.




“It’s because you never give a damn about anything!”

“I wasn’t made for this. I wasn’t supposed to meet you!”

“You’re right. We’re too different, I’m sorry if I’m not good enough for you.”

“This isn’t fair. Why does it have to be you?”














He didn’t want to be the leader, or the boss. But he was given no choice, the elders have decided that he was fit for the position, and he had no right to reject that. And things ran smoothly along with the other sons. They all got along well like brothers, they are family after all. It was business as usual for him until something comes up.

And then he met her.

Specifically, the one girl the mafia promised to protect.

And she was the ultimate test to his patience.




Growing up, she has always been aware of her mother’s not so pleasant roots. Although, she had never shown interest in it, and she’s always tried to ignore the whole thing, she is very aware of it. She was clueless how it worked, and she didn’t want to know. She wanted a life of her own, and that’s why she was never exposed to that side of the business.

Well, until hell broke loose.

And she was put under the mafia’s care.

Specifically, under his care.





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Chapter 62: My true Roman Empire.

One Dot and Jungha 🤍
Chapter 62: I didn't want to start reading this since it is incomplete, but I am just craving for some nice Shownu fanfic but it just stop here... it will get me thinking all night on how the story will fold... can't wait if this is going to be updated.
Chapter 62: Oh shoot, Jungahhhhh T^T
Valenciapam #4
Chapter 62: cant wait for the update authornimm 🥺
Chapter 31: Dangggg I want one dot for me too!!!!!!!!!!! Got me blushin like baboon butts
KimHyeJoo #6
Chapter 62: Damn, rowoon is bat crazy
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 62: Please be ok Jungah
niknac #8
Chapter 62: Rowoon needs to be taken to the basement
Chapter 62: Oh my .her exhausted caught to her I hope
Chapter 62: Poor Jungha :(