The Game Changer


Lay sat beside the bed and looked at his cousin, Gu Li was admitted immediately, the doctors have cleaned her wounds and treated her bruises. So far, physically, she was fine but no one knows how she might react when she wakes up.

He glanced up as Gu Li’s mother entered the room, he slowly stood up and left the room.

As he left the room, he met eyes with his grandfather.

“If something happens to her, I am handing in my resignation.” He spat before leaving.



“Oh, god, I love you.” Mark sighed as he stepped in the room, Gu Li blinked as Mark kissed her forehead and placed a giant teddy bear on her lap.

Baby girl.Sehun sighed as he walked in the room with a cup of coffee, Kyungsoo grinned and just sat beside her.

“We all lost it when you disappeared, are you feeling better?” Kyungsoo asked.

“I am, Lay ge was just here and told me what happened. But, tell me,” She cleared .

“Since when did you, mister Tuan, get back in town?” She asked, the three froze and looked at each other.


Kris’s brows furrowed as the doctor spoke, he was just on his way to Gu Li’s room when he encountered her physician.

“Yes, I just spoke to mister and missus Zhang, Gu Li might have the chance of suffering from temporary amnesia.”

“Our mind has a way of protecting ourselves, since she was exposed too much to what she feared the most, there might be a tendency that her brain will forget a few things before the incident, or before anything that happened before it.”

“But, will she be able to remember it back?”

“There’s a big possibility she will, but it will take a lot of time, depending on the damage.”



“Finally, ge.” Tao smiled as Kris stepped in the room, Kris paused, there was something in Tao’s smile that put him off.

His eyes went to Gu Li, she was sitting on her bed with a careful smile on her face.

“Well, look who’s here.” Lay nodded.

“….I…I’m sorry…” Gu Li blinked and looked back at him, Kris felt his chest tighten.

“This is Kris, mei. Wo de hao pengyou.(My good friend.) You know him too.” Lay nodded, Kris met eyes with Xiumin, the other male could only shake his head at him.

“It’s nice to see you up.” Kris nodded at her before sitting on one of the chairs, his fists curled on his lap.

“You know, mei, when they found you, Kris ge was~”

“I was very happy and relieve they did.” Kris intervened, everyone in the room halted and looked at him.

“Really? Thank you, ge.” She nodded at him, Kris could only look away then he stood up.


“I have a meeting in an hour, I’ll see you then.” He excused himself before leaving the room. Chen and Luhan could only look away from Gu Li.



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14 streak #1
Chapter 56: Love it!!!!
Chapter 56: This is so addicting
Chapter 56: Who doesn't love empowered woman.
rheyna13 #4
Chapter 56: Read this in one go! I love it! I have school in the morning and it's 3 a.m already. I just can't stop reading till the end! Gonna read other fics of yours later after I catch some sleep
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 56: You seriously are one of my favorite author ever!!!
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 56: Great story authornim!
Chapter 56: Rereading this again..still have the same impact..love it
Chapter 56: I cannot stop reading till I finished and I think I read this for the 4 times. Hahaha still loving it.
14 streak #9
Chapter 56: One of the things I like about rereading this story is looking at those kris gifs/pics again. They are so adorable ??
Chapter 56: Love this