The Game Changer

“What?” Gu Li asked as Luhan asked for a high five, she complied. Tao pulled the chair for her. She noticed that her cousin’s friends were smiling at her in an odd manner.

“Aren’t you such an angel,” Chen nodded, she blinked.

“We saw you, jie.” Tao nodded.

“Ah, that halmeoni? Those rude s, she was still crossing.” She nodded, then she looked around her.

“Did you order already?”

“Yes, I hope you’re okay with Mexican food, it can get messy to~” She shook her head at Xiumin.

“I’m fine with anything, oppa.”

“Then, would you like a salad?” Xiumin asked her.

“Are you joking? I don’t want to eat leaves, I want nachos with extra beef and cheese and large cola.”

The guys blinked at her.


“Most girls would go for…” Xiumin trailed off.

“I’m not most girls, and, oppa, then can we order the large tacos?” She asked again, Lay smiled at her, her appetite was showing.

 “Just order it, don’t need to ask us.” Kris said to her, she smiled.


Gu Li dipped the nacho on the cheese and beef, she chewed on it carelessly, Luhan chuckled.

“The girls I went to those dreaded blind dates barely touch their plates, then we have Gu Li.” He nodded approvingly.

“You went to those things? Wow, how did you survive, ge?”

“Easy, I make an alibi, and leave.” Luhan nodded, Gu Li smiled and picked up another taco, the guys watched her as she eat.

Kris noticed that she stayed away from the bread rolls.

“You don’t like the rolls?” He asked her.

“They might have peanuts, so…I can’t eat them.” Gu Li replied as she picked up another nacho.

“Mei, can you please~” Lay sighed and handed her a napkin.



“Ge, I may have to take the afternoon off.” Gu Li said as they stepped out of the restaurant.

“Wae?” Lay looked at her.

“I have to take my sons to the doctor, we have an appointment.” She nodded, the guys paused, Luhan and Tao blinked at each other.

“Arasso, then~” Lay’s phone started to ring, he picked it up and stepped away.

“Then, I’ll get going first, I parked quite a little far.” Gu Li nodded to them.

“Are you walking..alone?” Kris asked, he noticed that Gu Li would attract looks from males and other by passers.

“Ge, I came alone.” She mused, Tao was about to volunteer but Luhan discreetly pulled him back.

“Then, see ya.” Gu Li nodded as she turned away from them.

Kris’s brows furrowed, he glanced at Lay who had his back to them, still on the phone.

Gu Li,” Kris walked to her, she paused.

I’ll walk you to your car.

Luhan’s brows rose as he watched his friend walk with Lay’s cousin, he smiled.

“Ge…what just happened?” Chen balked, Lay got off the phone and was about to follow the two. But Luhan just pulled him back.


“Nope, you mister Zhang, are not needed over there.”




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14 streak #1
Chapter 56: Love it!!!!
Chapter 56: This is so addicting
Chapter 56: Who doesn't love empowered woman.
rheyna13 #4
Chapter 56: Read this in one go! I love it! I have school in the morning and it's 3 a.m already. I just can't stop reading till the end! Gonna read other fics of yours later after I catch some sleep
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 56: You seriously are one of my favorite author ever!!!
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 56: Great story authornim!
Chapter 56: Rereading this again..still have the same impact..love it
Chapter 56: I cannot stop reading till I finished and I think I read this for the 4 times. Hahaha still loving it.
14 streak #9
Chapter 56: One of the things I like about rereading this story is looking at those kris gifs/pics again. They are so adorable ??
Chapter 56: Love this