

(Tiffany’s POV)

“Come on, Taeyeonie! Let’s go…” I shouted for Taeyeon to hurry up.

We were already running late yet Taeyeonie was taking longer than usual to get ready.

I was getting impatient so I decided to go get her from her room instead.

“Babe! What’s the deal with-“ I started but when I saw her I went speechless and my mouth just gaped open.

“I’m sorry… I’m done… What’s wrong?” she asked when I just stood and stared at her.

“Woah… You look… woah…” It was all I could say even though I wanted to be more eloquent.

It was a rare sight when Taeyeonie got dressed up. Even though she was perfect in my eyes all the time, sometimes I forget that she could be absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, stunning when she bothered to get dolled up. But I preferred it that way; it meant that it would be a special occasion, except I wasn’t sure why she was dressed up for tonight.

She smiled at me shyly. “Do I look okay?”

“Okay? You’re absolutely beguiling!”

I couldn’t help but scan her from head to toe. I was so proud…

That’s right… She’s my… Actually no, I’m her girlfriend… She chose me… I’m the luckiest person in the world…!

“Good… I was hoping for that…” she said with a sigh of relief.

“Why? What’s the occasion?”

“Oh, nothing… I just wanted to make sure I won’t embarrass you in front of your potential clients… You know this is technically our coming out as a couple, right? I mean before this it was just the Jungs and I guess now your cousin…”

We were on our way to a very important dinner. The Hana Yume project board was having a dinner for everyone involved; both present and potential. That meant that Jess and I were invited to this dinner, and we were allowed to bring a plus one. It was a big deal for me so I wanted to bring Taeyeonie with me, and I was pretty sure Jess would be bringing Krystal since she wasn’t seeing anyone. I told her she should go alone so she and Yoona could hook up but she said she couldn’t just leave Krystal home alone.

That girl really needed to get a life and learn to let go of her sister…

“Yes, I know. So what?”

“Does anyone even know you’re… “ecstatic”?”

I grinned at her wordplay. “Well, people shouldn’t just assume that everyone’s straight… I want the world to know you’re mine and I’m yours. Besides, then I get to show you off. I doubt anyone else has a goddess for a girlfriend.”

“It’s so embarrassing when you say things like that… And what am I, a show dog?”

“No, of course not… You’re a champion show dog…” I chuckled sheepishly.

“Yah! I’m not going if you’re going to be like this!”

“Sorry! Jalmothaesseo!” I rubbed my hands together in apology. “I was just kidding. You don’t need any showing off… I just want you beside me.”

“You’d better behave then…”

“Yes, ma’am! And as much as you look absolutely enchanting, we’re running late so we have to get going NOW!”

“I’m ready… Let’s go…!”

To our very good fortune, the traffic was clear and it was all green lights on our way to the venue. We got there with time to spare.

“Ohmigod! Unni you look amazing!” Krystal exclaimed as soon as she caught sight of us.

Taeyeonie greeted her with a hug and then Jess.

“Taengoo, this is rather unexpected of you…”

Taeyeonie and Jess have gotten much closer ever since Taeyeonie and I got together. They were friendly before but there was still a little hostility until recently. I was glad that they managed to break the barrier that had kept them from being friends sooner.

“I can clean up good too… when I want to. But look at you two… damn, Jungs… you both look gorgeous.”

The three of them laughed.

“Wow, everyone is handing out compliments tonight but I still haven’t gotten one…” I joked.

They turned their heads and fixed their gaze on me.

“I don’t know… Taengoo, what do you think?” Jess shrugged.

“Hmmm… I think she could have tried harder…”

They laughed again.

“Oh, sure… everyone’s ganging up on me…” I whined.

“I think you look great, unni!” Krystal said.

“Awww, you shouldn’t have said that… Now she’s going to get a big head!” Taeyeonie told her.

“Heng! You two are terrible… Come on, Krystal… You’ll be my date tonight…” I linked my arm around hers and pulled her towards the dining hall.

I saw her look back towards the other two and made some hand gestures.

“You can give up your sister for just one night, right?” I asked her.

“Uhm… yeah… sure… I guess…” she replied unconvincingly but at this point she didn’t really have a choice.

We found our seats in the dining hall and I made Krystal sit beside me. But it didn’t matter anyway because it was a round table and Jess sat to Krystal’s right while Taeyeonie sat to my left. There were four other empty seats at the table yet to be occupied.

“So how’s everything going? I haven’t actually talked to you in a while…” I asked Krystal.

“It’s good. School is… manageable… Nothing else really that stands out…” she answered.

“Are you not dating?”

“What?! Dating?! Who told you I was dating?!” her voice suddenly panicky.

“I was just asking if you were… Are you?!”

“Oh! No, no… No, I’m not dating… No…”

“Aren’t there any cute guys in your school?”

“Unni… You know I like girls right?”

“I had my suspicions. I guess you’re comfortable talking about it since you’re actually telling me this… Is it because you hang out way too much with your sister and me, and now Taeyeonie of course…?”

“Unni… I don’t think that’s how it works…”

“So true… Aigoo… Krystal, I can’t believe you’re turning 20 soon! I still remember when we first met, you were only 15!”

“Yeah, well… Jessie still thinks of me as a baby…”

“It’s because you’re her precious baby sister…”

“Yeah… that’s the problem…” she mumbled.


“It’s nothing… I just want her to see me as an adult now… I mean she does, but she doesn’t, if you know what I mean…”

“It can’t be helped… We maknaes will forever be treated as babies…”

 “I guess…”

“But it’s sweet though… Jess loves you a lot…”

“Did you say my name?” Jess interrupted at the mention of her name.

“Does not concern you, Jessie…” Krystal told her.

“Fine… I’ll go over and sit with Taengoo since you’re so busy talking to Tiff here…”

She got up and changed seats so that she was now sitting next to Taeyeonie.

“Anyway, so are there any cute GIRLS at your school?” I asked again.

“Sure… there are loads…” she answered as-a-matter-of-factly.


“But I’m not really that interested…”

“Most people enjoy the dating scene in college…”

“I just haven’t found my type in school…”

“What is your type then?”

“Uhm… I like older girls…” she replied shyly.

I was surprised she was actually comfortable talking to me about all this. I guess she really is maturing into an adult now.

“Wow… older girls, huh? I wouldn’t have figured… What else?”

“Uhm… I like it when they’re witty, funny without meaning to be, intelligent but not cocky about it, puts others first and not afraid to be a little dorky…”

“That’s interesting…”

“What’s interesting?”

“You know you just described your sister, right?” I told her.

Actually it wasn’t really all that surprising. Krystal’s bond with Jess is something no one would really understand. And I knew how much Krystal looked up to her sister. Obviously she would want someone with the same qualities.

“Did I?! Uhm, yeah, except I also like them to be athletic and outdoorsy…” she added.

I just laughed. “Outdoorsy?”

“Uhm, yeah… You know someone who is capable of roughing it out… Jessie’s too fragile for that…”

“I see… so just a sturdier version of your sister?” I teased.

“Uhm… yes… I mean no! I mean… uhm… You know just someone cool… I think that’s what everyone wants…”

“Sure… I get it…”

She chuckled nervously.

Just then, two figures appeared at the table and sat across the table from us, but I didn’t recognize them. I was about to continue the conversation but Krystal spoke first.

“Unni, can we switch seats for awhile… I want to have a chat with Taeyeon unni… You don’t mind do you?”

“No, sure… go ahead.”

 So we switched seating arrangements yet again. It was starting to feel like a game of musical chairs.

(Krystal’s POV)

“Unni! I think I may have just given myself away… If she asks you anything, just deny it!” I whispered to Taeyeon unni in a panic.

You’re so stupid, Krystal… Why did you say all that to her?!

“Calm down, little one… What on earth are you talking about? What about giving yourself away? Who’s going to ask what?”

“I may or may not have hinted to Tiffany unni that my ideal type is Jessie…! If she asks you anything about me dating or whatever… just tell her you know NOTHING!”

She chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry… Fany is totally oblivious… She probably just thinks that because you look up to your sister, you’re keen on finding someone like her…”

“You think so?! I don’t know… She could tell that I was definitely describing Jessie…”

“Did you say my name?” Jessie interrupted again.

“Why do you keep interrupting my conversations?” I asked her.

“Because I keep hearing my name!” she huffed.

“Fine, I need to talk to you anyway. Taeyeon unni, can we exchange seats? I need to speak with Jessie…”

“No problem…”

Another round of seat exchanges was made.

“Jessie… I was talking to Tiffany unni about dating and stuff… Well she was actually asking me and she asked me what my type was so I started describing without even thinking about it, and she realized I was describing you!” I tried keeping my voice to a minimum.

“Awww… that’s so sweet, Kryssie…!”

“This is no time for that! She might suspect something!”

“Oh calm down… If she suspected something she would have said something about it… Did she?”

“Well she just said that I was describing you, she kind of laughed at me, and then she said she gets it…”

“Uhm… I think we should be fine… She probably just thinks that you admire me so you want someone like me…”

“That’s what Taeyeon unni said too…”

“Yeah, see… Nothing to worry about…”

I let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. I finally took a quick scan of the room to see what exactly was going on.

Tiffany unni and Taeyeon unni had gotten up from the table and started schmoozing with other guests.

There was a steady hum in the room with people miggling and getting to know each other. I smiled awkwardly at the two strangers who were sitting across from me but they were a little older than even Jessie and they were obviously not interested in getting to know someone my age.

Just then, someone walking towards the table caught my eye. She was tall, beautiful and had a bright smile.

“Jessica-shi! It’s so nice to see you here. You look absolutely amazing,” the stranger said to Jessie.

“Oh! Yoona-shi! Uhm… how are you?” Jessie bolted up from her seat and greeted her back.

Ohmigod! So that’s Yoona…!

I stood up from my chair as well.

“I’m good… I was so hoping to see you tonight, and as luck would have it, we’re sitting at this table…”


“Sooyoung-shi and I…”

“Oh… Where IS Sooyoung-shi?”

“She’ll be here shortly. Anyway, is this your plus one?” she asked while looking in my direction.

I had been standing quietly, just listening to their exchange. I could understand why Jessie was attracted to her… She’s gorgeous!

“Oh! Uhm, sorry Kryssie… Uhm… Yoona-shi, this is my… sister, Krystal,” Jessie answered nervously.

So, this is what she’s like around this girl… I’d better watch my back…

“Hi, pleased to meet you.” I bowed.

“Pleasure is all mine. Wow, two beautiful daughters in one family? Your parents are so lucky. Is it just the two of you then or do you have more siblings?”

“It’s just Kryssie and me…” Jessie answered.

“Kryssie? That’s cute… Can I call you that too?” she asked me.

I didn’t really know what to make of her. She seemed genuinely nice; there’s no hint of pretense or condescension in her voice but she was very straightforward which was just so unexpected.

“Uhm, sure… I don’t mind, Yoona-shi.”

“You don’t have to be so formal… We’re not colleagues like your sister and I. You can call me unni if you want…”

I looked at Jessie to see what her reaction was but she looked just as uncomfortable as I was.

“Uhm… sure… un… ni…” I replied awkwardly. I didn’t want to be rude or offend her so I just went with it.

“So, Kryssie… What does your sister like to do when she’s not in the office?”

Make out with me?

“Those two spend every waking moment together… If you want to get to Jess, you’ll have to go through Krystal first,” said Tiffany unni from behind me.

I didn’t even hear her arrive back at the table but apparently she had been following the conversation.

“Shush, you!” Jessie scolded her.

Even Taeyeon unni pinched her in the side.

“What?!” I heard her whisper to Taeyeon unni.

“Just cool it!” she replied.

“Oooo… You two are very close, huh?” Yoona unni commented.

“We’re inseperable…” Jessie said nonchalantly.

I thought it was reckless of her to make such a comment in front of everyone but I was also over the moon that she had done so.

“So what you’re saying is that if I want to have a chance with you, I have to gain your sister’s approval…” Yoona replied.

This girl needs a filter! You don’t just say these things to people you hardly know…

I just stared at her in disbelief.

“I hope that was not too forward… I’m really quite taken by your sister…” she looked at Jessie while saying that to me.

I think both Taeyeon unni and I let out a soft gasp, Tiffany unni chuckled a little, while Jessie just had a look of horror mixed with a silent plea for help on her face.

“Hey, what’s going on here?” An unfamiliar voice cut through the awkward moment.

I didn’t know who she was but she definitely chose a good time to make her entrance.

“You’re late!” Tiffany unni said the the girl.

“Oh, Miyoung… This is what you call fashionably late… So what’s going on here? Everyone looks a little edgy,” the girl responded.

She must be Sooyoung-shi…

I figured it was her since Yoona unni had already mentioned she was supposed to be arriving soon and Tiffany unni was the first to greet her. She was also tall, skinny with round eyes just like Jessie had described.

“Nothing… nothing is going on… We’re just having a friendly chat,” Jessie replied.

“Really? Anyway…” She proceeded to greet everyone at the table that she had already knew.

And then she turned to me.

“This is my sister, Krystal. Kryssie, this is Tiff’s step cousin, Sooyoung,” Jessie introduced us.

I bowed politely.

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl…” she gave a slight bow back. “So you’re Jessica-shi’s sister? You two don’t look too alike… If anything, you look more like Yoona-shi…” she said.

I was quite taken aback by her statement.

Great… Another one without a filter… What’s with these two…?!

“Sooyoung, can you please?! Sometimes you need to think before you say something,” Tiffany unni warned her in a hushed tone, obviously not wanting to make a scene.

“Sorry… I didn’t think that that was an inappropriate thing to say… I was merely pointing out an observation…”

“Do we look alike?” Yoona unni asked as she put her arm around my shoulder.

“Hmmm… Actually, you do look alike…” Tiffany unni answered.

“Okay, okay… Enough with this nonsense… I think dinner is about to start, we should take our seats,” Jessie put an end to the topic.

So we shuffled about to find a suitable configuration.

Jessie and I wanted to sit together of course. Relentless Yoona unni made herself comfortable to Jessie’s other side. Taeyeon unni and Tiffany unni sat next to each other. The only stand out was that Sooyoung unni decided to sit next to Taeyeon unni rather than Tiffany unni. So basically it was Sooyoung unni, Taeyeon unni, Tiffany unni, me, Jessie, and then Yoona unni.

Honestly I felt like the kid at the adult’s table…

(Taeyeon’s POV)

 “Taeyeon unni! You haven't spoken the at all since I got here… Why so quiet?” Sooyoung asked.

She had decided to sit next to me for some reason and it made me a little nervous. I really didn’t know what to talk to her about.

“Why are you calling me unni all of a sudden?” I asked because the last time we met she called me by my name.

“Well, I got a lecture from Miyoung. She said I was disrespecting you…”

“Did she? It’s okay, I don’t mind...”

Awww… Fany, that’s so sweet of you…

“No, she’s right… I’m just too comfortable around Miyoung so I didn’t even think about it.”

“Or you could call her hyung-bu…” Fany chimed in.

“Yah! Why am I the guy?” I protested.

“There’s no other way of going around it…”

Sooyoung laughed. “Hyung-bu, that’s cute… or I could always call you sachon…”

“Let’s just stick with unni, okay?” I told them.

“So unni, I heard that you and Miyoung have been best friends since middle school…Why wait this long to be a couple?”

“You don’t have an off switch, do you?”

“Nope. Sorry…”

I sighed. “Well if you really need to know, I didn’t know how to confess and I was scared.”

“But why now?”

“It was… coaxed out of us… We both finally realized how we truly felt about each other…”

“Well, I think you two make a good match. But you know she’s having a hard time with her family, right?” Sooyoung whispered, not wanting Fany to hear her.

“Why? What’s happening?” I whispered back.

“She’s considering giving up her shares in the family company… That would be cutting herself off completely from the family business. But her family really wants her to cast her vote for her brother to take over before she does so.”

What?! She left that part out when she told me!

“What?! But why?”

“She’s been thinking about it for a while now apparently. At least that’s what she told me. Her family using her in this way is the last straw for her. She wants nothing to do with her family’s business anymore… You know what that means, right? Now her company will really have to succeed, otherwise she’ll be in financial trouble…”

“I’m not worry about that. Fany is the most capable and talented person I know. She’s already done so well, I’m sure she won’t have a problem,” I replied confidently.

“I’m just worried. She’ll be loosing a large portion of her income… Maybe you can convince her to change her mind…”

“She didn’t mention that part to me, but she must have her reasons. It’s not my place to tell her what to do about her family affairs. If she wants to give up her shares, that’s her choice and I will stand by her 100%.”

“Aren’t you afraid that she might struggle financially?”

What the heck?! Why is she butting her nose in Fany’s business? I know she’s her step cousin but this is between Fany and her family!

She was really starting to get on my nerves.

“No. My family’s not rich but we manage and we’re happy. I don’t see why it’s such a big deal. You’re making it sound like it’s the end of the world…”

“I’m just saying that Miyoung is accustomed to a certain… quality of life… She might regret it later…”

How dare she talk about Fany this way!

She had obviously been away for too long. I wasn’t sure what version of Fany she knew when she was still here but that was not the Fany I knew…

“I know Fany, and she’s not that kind of person…!”

“I’m just saying… Maybe you don’t know Miyoung as well as you think…”

“She’s not extravagant and I’ve always known Fany to be good with her money anyway…”

“Where do you think that money came from…?”

She had stumped me. I thought about it for a while. I wasn’t sure why I had never given it a second thought about where the money came from. I just knew she was good with handling the money she had earned.

“It doesn’t matter!”

“She might not be able to support you anymore…”

“What makes you think I can’t support myself?!” I said as I gritted my teeth. I didn’t want to make a scene for Fany’s sake.

The audacity of this girl to insult me like this! Who does she think I am?!

“Isn’t that why you moved in with her in the first place? You’re an artist, aren’t you?”

I knew where she was going with this and I couldn’t take it anymore. I was utterly flabbergasted at the fact that she was basically calling me a golddigger.

What have I done to make her think that?!

I got up abruptly. “I’m sorry, I have to use the bathroom…!” Then I ran out of the dining hall.

(Tiffany’s POV)

“Taeyeonie! Where are you going?!” I called after her when she left all of a sudden.

Something wasn’t quite right. She seemed flustered, angry even.

“What did you say to her?!” I asked Sooyoung.

“Nothing…” she shrugged. “I just mentioned that you were giving up your shares…”

“What?! That’s NOT your business to tell, Sooyoung! What else?! She wouldn’t have ran off just like that…”

“I may have said something about you not being able to support her anymore if something happens…”

“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU SOOYOUNG?! First of all, Taeyeon is NOT that kind of person. Do you know how hard she’s worked to get to where she is today?! She put herself through university so I doubt she’ll need me to take care of her. Secondly, even if I was taking care of her, that’s MY choice… She’s my girlfriend and I’ll damn right treat her like a queen!”

I didn’t think I had ever been so irate in my entire life. I didn’t know where she had gotten the impression that Taeyeonie was using me for my money but it was outrageous!

Why is everyone in my family a psychotic maniac?!

I got up and went after Taeyeonie. She said she was going to the bathroom so I decided to check there first.

(Jessica’s POV)

“What happened?” I asked Sooyoung after that whole scene with Tiff.

“I did something terrible… But I have my reasons,” she replied with a serious tone.

What does she mean she did something terrible?!

“Sooyoung-shi. I don’t know you but since you’re Tiffany’s cousin, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But let me tell you this… If you hurt the ones I love, I won’t let you just get away with it. I don’t know how but I’ll think of something. So Tiffany and Taeyeon better be okay when they come back,” I warned her.

Just the thought of someone hurting Tiff or Taengoo was enough to make my blood boil.

“I understand. Miyoung is important to me too. I just need you to trust me when I say I have my reasons.”

I didn’t like it but I nodded my head anyway.

I felt Kryssie reach for my hand, to try and calm me down. I tightened the grip on her hand, and I slowly felt myself relax again.

I didn’t need her to say anything; just her presence was enough to comfort me.

“Jessica-shi, I don’t know what to say… I’m sorry all this happened. I’m sure they’ll be alright though. Do you want to go check on them?” Yoona asked.

Kryssie gave my hand a squeeze.

“No, you’re right. I’m sure they’ll be fine. Tiff’s gone after her and I think they’ll need a moment to themselves,” I answered.

What on earth did Sooyoung say to Taengoo to make her so upset?

As if Kryssie had read my mind, she turned to me and rested her other hand on my shoulder.

“Whatever it was that Sooyoung unni said to Taeyeon unni, Tiffany unni will take care of it. Taeyeon unni is strong, she’ll be fine. If they don’t come back in 15 minutes or so, we’ll go check on them okay?” Kryssie told me.

I looked at her and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was concerned as well but she was able to stay calm, unlike me.

I nodded in agreement. “I’m glad you’re here, Kryssie…”

(Tiffany’s POV)

I walked into the bathroom and there was no one in sight.

“Taeyeonie?! Are you in here?”

There was no response so I decided to check elsewhere.

But as I turned around I heard very faint sounds of sobbing.

“Taeyeonie?! It’s you isn’t it?”

“Just… Just give me a moment… I’ll be right out…” she finally answered. I could tell she was trying to hide the fact that she had been crying.

I waited for her to open the door. But the moment she opened it, I pushed her back in and stepped in with her, locking the door behind us.

I immediately pulled her into my arms.

She buried her head into my shoulder and started crying again. I her hair to comfort her. It took a lot to make Taeyeonie cry, so the fact that she was cring now meant that she was really hurt.

“I’m sorry my family is crazy. I can’t do anything about them… Do you see now why I decided to do what I didn’t tell you? I know you have a lot of questions. You’re wondering why I didn’t tell you, right?”

I felt her nod her head on my shoulder.

“I just didn’t want to worry you. I’m still thinking about what the right decision is, and until I’ve made my decision I didn’t want you to have to be concerned. But I guess it’s out now… Anyway I knew if I told you, you would try and persuade me to reconsider. I know how important family is to you and you always want me to get along with mine. But Taeyeonie, my family isn’t like yours. They’re not understanding, they’re not supportive, and worst of all they’re not afraid of hurting others to get what they want. I didn’t want to be a part of that and I don’t want you to have to be a part of it either.”

“I-I understand… I’ll support whatever you want to do…” she whimpered.

“And I’m sorry for what Sooyoung said to you… She has no right to say anything like that to anyone… I told her to mind her own business. You’re my girlfriend and I’ll spoil you all I want… But you won’t even let me spoil you… so it doesn’t matter. She knows nothing. Please stop crying… I hate seeing you like this…”

She pulled herself back and looked me in the eye. “I-I don’t get it… What did I do to make her think that I’m such a person? You know your money has nothing to do with why I love you, right? You know that if you were dirt poor, that I’d still love you, right? You know that I’d never, NEVER, ask you to support me financially, right? You know that whatever you choose to do, I’d support you 100%, right?”

“I know Taeyeonie. Of course I know. I know you better than I know myself and I’ve never once known you to be the person that Sooyoung made you out to be. Forget her! I don’t even know where she’s coming from… So don’t be upset anymore. All that matters between us is what we think of each other, and I love you, Taeyeonie. I love you so much, I’d let you use me…” I said. I was trying to make her laugh.

She let out a slight chuckle and then sniffled.

Yes! I succeeded! Well done, Tiffany. Give yourself a pat on the back…

“Babo… I love you even more that I won’t let you let me use you!” she said back to me.

She had finally stopped crying and I wiped the remaining traces of tears on her face with my hands.

“See… you’re such a good person. Sooyoung’s nuts! My family’s nuts! Everyone’s nuts!” I told her.

“I was just worried that you might think of me that way too…”

“What?! Now you’re nuts! You should give me the benefit of the doubt, Taeyeonie… Have I ever said anything about you taking advantage of me? I mean financially of course…” I smirked.

“You mean I take advantage of you in other ways…?” she asked so innocently.

“Oh don’t even pretend like you have no idea what I’m talking about…”

“Oh… you mean like this?” She pulled me into a kiss and ran her hands down my back, resting them on my behind.

I pulled back. “Yah! Watch those wandering hands of yours, missy!”

“You expect me to keep my hands off of your best assets?” she said cheekily.

There she is! My little animal…

“I can’t believe you just said that! You’re so shameless!”

“Not with you, I guess…”

“Aish! Anyway, I think we should head back in… The others must be wondering where we’ve gone.”

“I can’t sit next to her anymore…”

“That’s fine…”

When we got back to the dining room, the air was stale at our table. We had completely forgotten our decorum, arguing in front of the two strangers sitting at out table. I felt bad for them having to deal with the eccentricity of the other people at the table.

“You guys okay?” Jess asked the moment we got back.

“Yes. We’re fine… everything’s fine again,” I reassured her.

I took the seat between Taeyeonie and Sooyoung. I wasn’t going to let Sooyoung attack her again.

“Miyoung, I-“ Sooyoung started.

“I don’t want to hear it right now, Sooyoung! Just let me cool down and maybe I’ll forgive you…” I told her.

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I do feel bad for not updating but work took over my life. I'mma start working on an update tmr.


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Nice story....Update soon^^
Don't leave this story...please end this story well:))
Chapter 85: I hope everything goes well tu with jungsis.
And if you can..please end this story well..:^)
mistymountains 193 streak #3
Nice story!
Congratulations on getting featured!
The cover is beautiful
HufflepuffBaby #9