Taming of the Shrew


(Krystal’s POV)

I was in the middle of class when I received a text from Tiffany unni.

“S.O.S. Hellsica unleashed. Sorry.”

Uh oh! What happened now…?!

I snuck away to give Tiffany unni a call to find out exactly what happened.

“Unni! What’s the deal?” I asked the moment she picked up the phone.

“Sorry, Krystal! I accidentally mentioned that you were planning on meeting up with Taeyeon. Did you not tell her?” she replied.

“Oh man…! I was going to tell her tonight after I butter her up with dinner…” I sighed. “Oh well… She can’t stay mad at me for long anyway.”

“I just didn’t want you to be blind sighted.”

“Thanks for the heads up, unni!”

“Oh, by the way… I told Jess…” she said.

“Told her what…?” I asked absentmindedly.

“About my feelings for her…”

Oh crap! I was in such a high that I forgot about Tiffany unni’s feelings…!

I felt really guilty. I had promised to help her but Jessie and I ended up together instead. I’m a terrible person!

“You did…? And…?”

“I got rejected.”

In a way, I suddenly felt really happy thinking that Jessie rejected someone else for me but that feeling was overshadowed by my guilt, after all she was like another sister to me.

“I’m sorry, unni…” I didn’t know what else to say.

“It’s okay. It’s one of those things… We promised not to be awkward around each other.”

“Good for you. I know you’ll find someone who will love you more than anything else!”

“Thanks, kiddo! I’ll talk to you soon... and good luck with Jess,” she said and then she hung up.

Now… what am I going to do about Jessie…?

(Later that evening…)

Since my original plan was to make dinner anyway, I decided to go ahead with that. I got home early so that dinner would be ready by the time she got home.

I had asked Tiffany unni to text me when they were done so that I could gauge what time Jessie would be home, and she arrived home right on time.

“JUNG SOOJUNG! I NEED A WORD WITH YOU!” she barked the moment she stepped into the house.

I rolled my eyes to myself. “What’s wrong, Jessie?” I asked innocently, pretending not to know what was going on.

“Did you have something you wanted to tell me?!” she huffed.

“Why don’t you go put your stuff down first? I made us dinner…” I tried changing the subject for awhile.

Surprisingly, she didn’t argue and actually headed straight for her room.

Okay… could be a good sign… or maybe not…

I crossed my fingers.

We sat down to dinner and she seemed to be pretty calm. She didn’t mention anything about Taeyeon unni, just made small talk and asked me about school and such. Actually, she was so calm it was beginning to worry me. It was like the calm before the storm. I became more and more nervous as dinner went on.

But I guess I was worried for no reason. She must have gotten over herself and decided to trust the fact that I would never love anyone other than her.

We finished dinner and as usual, I started clearing the table.

“So… Jessie… I called Taeyeon unni back yesterday after we, uhm… you know…” I started, still trying to play coy.

“Oh, really? And what did you two talk about?” she asked. I could tell she was setting me up.

“Nothing much. Just wanted to tell her that she should stop joking with you…” I told her.

“That’s it?”

“Well, I guess we also decided to meet up later this week…”

“I see… and when were you planning on telling me?”

“But I just told you…”

“Only because I asked!”

Here we go… brace yourself Krystal!

“No! I was already planning to tell you!”

“If you were going to tell me, you would have done it sooner!”

“I didn’t because I knew you were going to be like this!”

“Like what?!”

“Like THIS! All jealous and suspicious about nothing!”

“Me?! Suspicious?! I’m only suspicious because you’re always hiding things from me!”

“Excuse me?! You had more things hidden from me! I’ve never hidden anything from you! Name one thing I’ve hidden from you?”

She hesitated.

“See! You can’t think of anything right?!”

“That’s not the point! You keep meeting up with her and I don’t like it!”

“Jessie, are you going to stop me from seeing my friends just because you THINK that there’s something going on when there is NOTHING?”


“What did you say?!”

“Uhm… I mean no… I mean… Stop trying to confuse me!”

I sighed in frustration. There was no reasoning with crazy. I decided to try guilt instead.

“Jessie… What exactly are you afraid might happen? Don’t you trust me?” I asked.

“I do… but…”

“But what?”

“It’s not you I don’t trust…”

“Jessie… how many times must I tell you that there is absolutely nothing between me and Taeyeon unni…?”

“Are you 100% sure? You might not have any feelings for her but what about her? Can you say for certain that she has no intentions for you other than friendship?” She asked so innocently that my heart was melting.

“Well… can you really be 100% sure of anything?” I said as a joke.

“WHAT?! See! I knew it!” She started freaking out again.

Stupid move, Krystal! Why do you have to try to be funny at a time like this?!

“Jessie, I was just kidding! There’s no way Taeyeon unni has any romantic feelings towards me what so ever!” I tried to recover the situation but it was no use. There was no way she was letting me meet up with Taeyeon unni now.

“I can’t stop you from doing what you want BUT… I’m going to be REALLY hurt if you go see her!” she sulked, reversing the guilt back onto me.

I had no choice… there was only one tactic left to deal with her. I really didn’t want to use it because it just made me feel so cheap and dirty.

I walked up to her and pushed her back down onto her chair. Then I straddled her and leaned in close so that our faces were only inches apart.

I breathe in slowly. “You know, Jessie… I love it when you’re like this. You’re so… adorable when you’re mad and jealous…” Then I leaned in even closer so I could whisper in her ear. “You know you’re the only one I want…”

“K-Kryssie… W-What are y-you d-doing?” she stuttered.

I knew I was starting to break her down.

“You’re just so irresistible when you’re fired up…” I her arm with the back of my hand, and started kissing her neck.

“Stop Kryssie!” she said in a panic.

She pushed me off of her so that she could get up. She started backing away.

“What’s wrong, Jessie? I’m just trying to show you how much you mean to me…” I said and then I bit my lip.

“N-Not like t-this…” She kept backing off towards her room but I followed her.

“Don’t be shy Jessie… We’re both adults…”

We stopped right in front of the door to her room. I pushed her up against it and started kissing her neck again.

“K-Kryssie! S-Stop! Y-You’re g-going to leave a m-mark!”

She pushed me away just long enough to enter her room and lock the door.

I smirked to myself.

Now for the finishing touch!

“Jessie! Open up! Don’t be such a tease!” I kept knocking on her door.

“Stop it, Kryssie! Just go… do your homework!” she yelled through the door.

“I’m done with all my homework! I need something else to do…!”

“Go do whatever…!”

“Even meet up with Taeyeon unni?”

“Yes, yes… Whatever you want…!”

“But then you’ll be mad!”

“No, no… I won’t be mad!”

“You promise?!”


“Thanks, Jessie! I love you!”

And that’s how it’s done!

It was a good thing she reacted the way I had hoped. Otherwise I would be in big trouble.

(Jessica’s POV)

As I stood leaning against my locked room door, I clutched my chest, trying to get my heart to calm down.

It took every ounce of my will to stop her.

That was a dangerous game you were playing, Kryssie! Next time, I might not have the strength to say no…

God, I hate myself so much right now!

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I do feel bad for not updating but work took over my life. I'mma start working on an update tmr.


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Nice story....Update soon^^
Don't leave this story...please end this story well:))
Chapter 85: I hope everything goes well tu with jungsis.
And if you can..please end this story well..:^)
mistymountains 193 streak #3
Nice story!
Congratulations on getting featured!
The cover is beautiful
HufflepuffBaby #9