Bad day

Teach you how to love

'you have to be kidding me. It's a joke, right?' he sounded serious and at the same time shocked

'well, i don't think i look like i make jokes.' i raised an eyebrown. Why is he not believing me? Well, maybe it sounds a little crazy...but i only say the truth

'gosh, what for parents do you have? It's surely an arrange marriage, right? Aigoo' he shook his head

Oh i already forgot that it is an arrange marriage. We atcually aren't married for real, right? It's only a contract. Only a contract. Nothing more...

But we are in real love. That's what count. I wonder if sehun also forgot the contract. What are we doing, after the contract is over? Will i return to my old life? Aish, i hope not...

'eunji? hello?? Ya!' a hand pushed me softly, took me out of my minds.

'huh? oh, sorry...' i shook my head

'are you okay?' he asked worried

'yeah, i'm fine. What did you say earlier?' i changed the topic

'i asked if this was an arrange marriage' he replied

a small 'oh' came out from my mouth, after his answer.

'it is, right? Aigoo, you're only 16 and you are already married! And i'm 18 and single, that's really distress...I'm so ashamed...' he faked crying. I laughed and patted his shoulder.

'ya, oppa. Don't be like this~ You're handsome, you will surely get any girls' i smiled

'~sniff~sniff~ do you think?' he looked at me with puppy eyes

'of course' i winked

'anyways, do you need help? Should i help you with this marriage?' he asked

'no, i'm fine, really' i said

'aigoo, you're really strong. I hate things like that! Parents think they can allow them everything, just because you are theire kid. So selfies! I-'

'wait. My parents? They have absolutly nothing to do with that.' i cut him off

'huh? what? But why?' he asked confused

I sighed.

'i will tell it to you another time. I'm arrived anyway. See' i pointed at the sign

'oh, really...well, bye then' he waved with a half smile

'bye and thanks for the home ride' i bowed and closed his car door


I hurried to the dorm, unlocked the door and the familiar scent of exo welcomed me. I took a deep breath and enjoyed it. Then i took my shoes off and walked in the kitchen.


'hmm, what should i cook?' i looked over the foods in the fridge

'they are very hungry, like i know them. So it won't damage if i cook today more than usual' i smiled as i took the ingredients.

'exo, be ready for a huge meal' i said with the fighting attitude


'hmm, smells so good' i smiled as i smelt the scent of the chew

'one taste would be allow, right?' i carefully blowed the hot chew and it

'woah, it tastes so good!' i brighten satisfied

'eunji, you're doing your job well' i complimented myself and chuckled

'hopefully exo will like it' i smiled

While cooking i listened to theire music. What for an relaxing time~


It took me a little bit over an hour to finished the meal. But it was worth, too saw later them happy faces. After cooking i was really tired, so i plopped at the couch and thought about theire happy face, when they arrived. Suddenly i smelt something bad here, i snuffled around, untill i noticed it was me.

Omo, do i really smell so bad?

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to took a shower. It was 6.55pm. Fresh and clean i stepped out the bathroom and gasped. Time for dressing~


'should i wear something casual or better elegant?' i asked myself as i opened my closet. 

'i should go really shopping, someday. I have nothing to wear, really.' i mumbled

'nah, what are i'm doing? It's just exo, i will wear something like usual' i said resolved

'so dress or jeans?' i asked

'hoodie or shirt? Cardigans too? And dress or jeans now? Or maybe shorts? Aish! That's so frustating!' I ruffled my hair confused. It's really hard for woman to decide what to wear. Really.


But at last i decided for that outfit.


It was not too casual and not too elegant. I like it. 

I took a glance at the clock and it was already 7.05pm. But where are they?

'maybe they are just late? But the food will gets cold...' i looked at my clock and then out the window.

Worried i waited for them, but they didn't appear. 5minutes passed, 10minutes passed and still nothing. Only me and the empty house...It was a little lonely.


'where are they only?' i sighed

My legs pulled to me and my head rested at my knees. My eyes were locked at the window and they got heavier. But i couldn't fall asleep now, i have to stay awake. Even if i wanted to sleep so much right now...


Suddenly my phone rung. Sehun.

My face immediatly brighten and a big smile formed my lips. I quickly answered it.


'sehun-ah' i said happily like if i only waited for him to call me

'oh eunji, where are you?' he asked

'home, when will you arrive?' i bited my lips nervously

'oh you're already at home? Umm, i will arrive late, very late...You know, exo m is here and...we want to celebrating today, so don't wait for me, arrasso?' 

his words pinnched my heart and my smile immediatly faded away, like my happiness. My lips were dry and my mind was clouded. 

'hello? eunji?' his voice asked from the other line, a little worried

'huh? oh, yeah. Have a good time togheter, then...' i tried to hide the pain in my voice

'hmh, have you already eat?' he asked

'yes' i lied

'good, i have to go. Go sleep soon and don't wait for me. I love you' he said and hung up


'i love you too' i sighed and looked out the window once again.

Disappointed i went the stairs up to my bedroom. Letting myself falling on the bed, not careeing to changed into my pyjamas nor cleaning up the meal i cooked for exo.

No, all i wanted right now was sleeping.Disappearing in my dream land away from the disappointed today. The best thing was that i found a new friend, myungsoo.





Sehun POV


'so i called her' i told the other boys

'good, so stop worring. She said have a good time right? So enjoy it now' chanyeol said

'ok...' i smiled

Togheter we all getting in the bus and drove to a club. Enjoying the good time togheter. We laughed, joked and bullied each other. Exo was really growing in my heart, they were like my familie. My 2nd familiy made out of only boys, well hyungs. Maybe i was by exo but my minds were by eunji. She sounded so sad...i couldn't help but to worring about her. She owes me something for always to careeing about her and not enjoying the time. 


'ya sehun, drink' kai hold me a glass of alcohol up

I hestitated first but at last drunk it. The alcohol flew down my lunge. It was disgusting but it made me felt good. Actually i hated alcohol but one wouldn't hurt. So i took another shot.

'wooh, sehun's enjoying it!' suho cheered


'For exo!' we all shouted togheter and took another shot. I already felt a little dizzy, but i wanted more.

So i took one shot after another. 

'ya slow down, sehun' lu han said

'wa-e?' i smirked. Okay i was drunk now, officially. 

'let him enjoy it' tao said

'what? He's already drunk' lu han said

'n-o i'm n-ot!' i pouted

'yes you are' lu han nooded

'tsk' i grabbed another shot but lu han took it away and quickly drunk it

'YA!' i hissed at him

'sorry, i was thirsty' he smirked

'pff' i rolled my eyes and leaned back

'ya, are you mad?' lu han smirked

I ignored him and played with my phone

'fine, be upset. Well i'm going to dance, join me?' he asked

Well even i was a little upset, i agreed. We danced untill two girlscame over to us.


I wanted to say that they hsould stay away. I wanted to say that i'm happily married. I wanted to say that my girl is waiting at home for me nad trusted me. 

But i couldn't. The alcohol clouded my mind, so i forgot everything. I forgot eunji.

So i danced with one of them, hotly, close. Lu han wondered about my action, but didn't say anything. 

First we just danced, but it became hotter and at the next moment, we were in a bed, .



















uh oh, bad sehun. tsk, shouldn't drink so much. Anyways what do you think of that chapter? Comment!

And is myungsoo really a friend? We will see :)

Looking forward to your comments~








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HellenWu #1
Chapter 33: although your grammar isn't fully right, but it's okay because I can understand the plot.. I really enjoyed reading your story.. don't give up and keep improving your grammar and writing.. thank you very much. >3
GreenDecember #2
Chapter 4: Sorry to say..but i hope u could improve ur english vocabs more..
Chapter 66: amazing story :))) author-nim i enjoyeeed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: Awww so cuteeeee *^*
Chapter 66: I love it~~ it's good.. no no it's great!! Aipp.. I think it's wrong xD it's the best!! ^^
Justmaili #6
Waah~~~ authornim this story was so good!!! I enjoyed reading it!!! *thumbs up*
woodythecowboy #7
Chapter 66: OMG this is such an awesome story outhornim~
Chapter 29: Hold up are they famous idol in this? Or just a group name for them.
Chapter 66: the ending isss sooooo niceeee :')
krishunxoxo #10
Chapter 66: aah happy ending !! I love ur story <3