I don't want too~

Teach you how to love

'sehun-ah, can we talk? alone?' i bothered him by playing cards with Exo

'hmm? oh, sure' he got up from his seat and turned back to his friends for once

'will be back soon' he said to exo

They nooded, but didn't care, because they were bussy with who will win.

I walked to the graden and took all my courage.

'so, what is it about?' sehun asked unknowing. My heart raced and i felt really nervous and unsure. You must know, i asked already jaengmi, if she had told him, but she swore she didn't. So where did he only know it?

'umm...' i played with my fingers nervously, trying to calmed a little down

Sehun raised an eye brown and crossed his arms, waited for my words curious. Come on eunji! say it now!

'that is,...well,...~sigh~ where did you know that i was by junhong?' i blurted it out and felt so much relief. Finally it was out!

'is it that?' he asked instead of answering me. I nooded hurriedly, waiting untill he finally answered me.

'i followed you.' he simple answered, not even a single of emotion in his voice

YOU FOLLOWED ME?!? What are you? A stalker?!

Inside i was shouting and screaming. Has he always did that? Following and stalking me?!

'Ya! You! Y-o-uu, know that, that isn't good at all!' my voice trembled, how can he only dare to?

He smirked and stepped closer, cause me to step back.

'and? What will you do?' his body already reached mines

'what will my punishment be?' he whispered in my neck, makeing me shiver over all. 

Arghhhh! He's so impossible!!

'back off' i pushed him back

'hey' he chuckled as he got pushed back

'i'm really mad at you!' i pouted

'oh yeah? Shouldn't i be, because you lied to me?' damn it. He got me.

My face got blank and my head was empty. What should i answer to such a situation?

'miahne' i muttered, passed him and walked inside, fast

He let out a slight laugh, before shook his head. So impossible that girl. He thought before followed me


My eyes widened as i saw exo really close to the garden door.

'did you guys just eavesdropped us?' i asked 

'a-a-ni' suho stuttered and shook his head wildly

'noooo, we wouldn't do such things, right boys?' kai asked the others quickly

They nooded and i rolled my eyes.

'whatever' i mumbled and went to the 'my room' which was the guest room. Made for exo m actually, if they visit korea.


I closed the door and let myself plopped in the bed. Am i mad at sehun for stalking me? Actually he should be, no? I shouldn't be mad at him, i have no ritghts...Aish! That boy!

I buried my face in the pillow and grumbled.

Suddenly the door went open. Sehun?

'eunji, would you please apologize to sehun? Whatever happened between you guys, and we don't know that you mad at sehun because he followed you, just apologize' chanyeol covered his mouth, because he just btrayed hisself.

'bwoh? did you just say i'm mad at sehun because he followed me? where did you know?' i looked at the shocked, little looking chanyeol at the door.

'just apologize' he said before he quickly ran away

Aish! They eavesdropped us! Sehun is mad? 


Forced i stood up and went direction living room. And there he was. Serious face, crossed arms, eyes were at the TV. And his hyungs were giving me signs.

'sehun-ah' i softly called him as i walked closer to him

He acted like i wasn't there and gave me not a sense of his attention.

'sehun-ah, are you mad?' i sat next to him, my face with worried. Please don't~

I wanted to apologize, but i was to stubborn, because it wasn't only my mistake!


'....' no answer of him. 

'fine, then act like you deaf.' i said pissed off and leaned at the couch to watched TV with him. You want to play? Fine, i can play too.


'ya, are you mad now?' he asked me. But i ignored him, like he just did.

'ya, eunji' he shook my arm, carefully. But still i didn't answer him. 

He sighed and leaned at the couch.

'baby, babe, wifey, love' he called me. Aish! This makes my heart so weak!

He smirked as he saw me nervous.

'i love you, saramghea, babe, i love you' he whispered in my ear and placed a kiss at my nose.

I gulped hit hardly down, but at least i gave up...Damn on him!

I looked in his eyes and pushed my lips at sweet lips.

'i love you too' i said as we removed

'awww' exo clapped his hands and i just chuckled.


What for a cute peace <3





Guys, i love you! You love me too? 





Hehhe, lol jk. Anyways i hope it was good :) and yeah

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HellenWu #1
Chapter 33: although your grammar isn't fully right, but it's okay because I can understand the plot.. I really enjoyed reading your story.. don't give up and keep improving your grammar and writing.. thank you very much. >3
GreenDecember #2
Chapter 4: Sorry to say..but i hope u could improve ur english vocabs more..
Chapter 66: amazing story :))) author-nim i enjoyeeed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: Awww so cuteeeee *^*
Chapter 66: I love it~~ it's good.. no no it's great!! Aipp.. I think it's wrong xD it's the best!! ^^
Justmaili #6
Waah~~~ authornim this story was so good!!! I enjoyed reading it!!! *thumbs up*
woodythecowboy #7
Chapter 66: OMG this is such an awesome story outhornim~
Chapter 29: Hold up are they famous idol in this? Or just a group name for them.
Chapter 66: the ending isss sooooo niceeee :')
krishunxoxo #10
Chapter 66: aah happy ending !! I love ur story <3