
Teach you how to love

Eunji POV

'sooo...how are you doing?' junhong started the conversation

'umm, fine. You?' i asked

'too' he smiled and i returned it

We walked side by side togheter. Only the lights from shops were lightened the dark way. My head suddenly felt empty and i didn't know what to say. My mind was too cloudy...

'and, did you already eat?' he asked

'yes, i did. What about you?' i looked at him

He shook his head. 

'oh' came from my mouth, should i invite him to eat? At least he is just a friend right? And sehun will anyway arrive later, so why not? I can feel he just wait for the invite...

'umm, you want to eat ramen then?' i asked

'oh, that's really nice. Let's eat overthere then?' his voice sounded excited and i just rolled my eyes playfully. He is so childish

I chuckled and let myself pulled from him. 


The rain gots weaker outside, but the cold air from the rain, was still there. Even in junhongs jacket i got shiver.

'ya, hurry up' i told junhong, who just had his fifth ramen

'hmh?' he looked up at me with his full ramen mouth

He really looked like a hamster when he was like this, only cause me to laugh

'what?' he asked as he gulped it down

'oh nothing' i chuckled

'just hurry up' i smiled. It was 10.15pm and i was really worried about sehun. There have been still no calls nor messages from him.

Did something happened? Or is he just still bussy? But he could at least call me or message me...Aish, stop worring about him, eunji. He's surely just the same worried like me, right? Nothing to break your head. Aigoo, why can't junhong hurry up?

'is something?' junhong drunk his water

'huh? ani...have you finsih? Are you finally full?' i raised an eyebrown. I really never saw someone that hungry or someone who can ate five full bowl in ten minutes. Not even exo can eat that fast. And beside, why can junhong be still so skinny like a peice of wood?

'nea, i think i'm full' he stretched hisself

'good, then we can pay and go' i called the waiter for the bill. And not in even five minutes he came and gave us the bill.

Junhong and i fighted over the bill, but at least i gave up.


'you really didn't change a lot. You are still hungry like a bear' i told him as we walked to the dorm

'well, i'm just hungry. I don't know also, in my stomach fits just so much food' he joked and rubbed his stomach proudly

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his stupidness. I stumped in the wet street, with my sneakers. The rain had finally stopped and left the streets wet back. 

Junhong and i foolished around like in old times, how much i missed it...

As we finally arrived at the dorm, he stood acrossed me.


'you,...you still with sehun, don't you?' he suddenly asked. My eyes avoided his starred and my head slowly nooded.

I heard a sigh and then a small giggle.

'i wish, i could return back times and start everything from beginn. But i guess wishes won't come true...' his lips faked an smile

Silence felt the air between us, like before. I didn't feel comfortable with this topic. 

'junhong-ah, it is like it is. You can't change the past.' i explained

'i know' he said

'miahne, for everything...' he apologized again

I sighed, i felt so guilty...

'and, i hope we can start from beginn...you know like, you introduce me your husband and i introduce myself to him. We will get along and becme friends. And i will warn him, if he ever dare to hurt you, i will hurt him. And go on, like in this movies, do you know what i mean?' he smiled as he saw me laughing at him

'that was so weird' i laughed

He bote his lips playfully, what looked really cute

'oh, i think, it's better when i go now...' he quickly added before more silly things felt out of his mouth

'alright, see you again' i byed him.

I saw him as he left and sighed.


Then i stepped in the dark house. I switched the lights on and got shocked for a nano second.

'omo' i gasped

Sehun was on the couch in the living-room, asleep.

He must have wait for me...

It was at least already 11pm. 

'aigoo, sehun' i bowed down to his sleeply body. 

My hands slowly went once over his peacefully face. Then i covered him with a blanket, kissed him good night at his forehead and went in 'my' room, to got ready for bed.



Sehun POV


After the show it was already 7pm. I wonder what eunji was doing right now. I really like to call her right now, but stupid chanyeol hyung must have accidentally dropped my phone in the stupid fountain...aish!

'ya, sehun, let's go eat some ramen. The others are also hungry' suho said

'huh? What is with eunji?' i asked

'what should be with her?' kai mixed in

'aigoo, dude, she can also eat by herself. I think she knows when she's hungry and when she can eat.' suho sighed

'....' i didn't replayed, but just conntinued to changed into my old clothes

'ya, i know a good ramen shop. Let's eat there' kai said

'what about the people?' baekhyun reminded

'what? We are humans too. We are just famous humans.' chanyeol said

'yeah i know. But they will surely bother us...' baekhyun defened hisself

'that's why custome exist' d.o smirked as he showed the hood and other clothes


One hour drive and we finally arrived. I didn't eat 'regulary' for a long times. Only in this chic restaurants, where food is damn expensive and tasted like .

We ordered for everyone two ramen, because, god, we are so hungry! The whole time my minds were by eunji. I couldn't enjoy ramen, when i didn't know how she was doing...

After we had finsih it was already 10pm. Outside it was raining weakly. Gosh, how i hate raining...

I wonder if eunji was already at home. I really could imagine, how we entered the dorm only to welcomed by the delicious scent of food. Eunji was in the kitchen cooking for us something good and waited for us to appeared. I would backhugged her and kissed her cheek, once i stepped in the dorm. Then i would asked about her ady and explained, why i couldn't call or texted her, because of chanyeol hyungs stupid fault.

I couldn't wait untill we finally reached home. The whole rode i was excite, at all i didn't see eunji, the whole day! It was awefull, not having her around. I missed her cute, sometimes annoying voice. Her innocent eyes, which was always shining. Her full lips with alays an smile on. And her lovely scent, whenever i'm around her.

So we stepped in the dorm and to my disappointness, nothing was like i imagine. No scent with delicious food, no eunji in the kitchen...Only the darkness was filled, made my good mood flew immediatly away.

'don't worry dude, she will come home sooner or later' suho patted my shoulder like he just read my disappointed minds

'go sleep, man. It's late' kai yawned

I didn't answered nor moved. My body stood frozen iin front of the door.

'let him, he will go sooner or later to bed. Anyways, i'm going then. Night boys' d.o smiled and went the stairs up

My hyungs left, untill i stood alone in the floor. Waiting for my love finally to arrive. 

Maybe something happened?

I went to the living room and decided to wait for her. Even when it needs the whole night. The sky was now clearer, instead of some hours ago. I smiled, the stars looked so beautiful along with the dark sky. It brightened the sky.

5minutes passed and still no sign of her. Okay, maybe she needs to get something.

10minutes passed. Maybe something really happened?

15minutes passed. Calm down sehun, she's just maybe need to do something. No reason for disengage.

30minutes passed. Ahhhh!!!!!! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?!??! I'M REALLY GOING CRAZY!!!

Frustated i ruffled my hair and walked back and furth. I couldn't stand still, i was to frustated and worried.

'ya, sehun-ah. Go sleep. It's late' suddenly someone said. I turned around.

It was kai. He looked very sleepy.

'hyung, i can't. I'm waiting for her. Go sleep' i told him

'it's ing 10.45pm. Go to bed!' He argued

I rolled my eyes and turned around.

'fine, then be stubborn. Night' kai last word said before he left

'night.' i said to him 


Suddenly my eyes reached two figures. I went closer the window to got a better view. My heart jumped for happiness as i saw eunji! EUNJI!

I inside shouted, but immediatly stopped as i saw the second person. Zelo bastard. 


My eyes got cold and hard and i got disgusting. So that's? She was the whole day with that bastard?

Luckily the windows were thin, so i could eavesdropped theire conversation. Only hearing or seeing his name, made my blood spoilt. I hate that bastard so much!

My minds were full with questions about eunji and him.

'ewwww' i loudly thought


'miahne for everything...' i heard his voice said.

Then i could heard something about a new start and my name. What? Me and him become friends? Not even in your nightmare!

At least i could saw eunji laugh. Somehow i got a little bit jealous, but i shouldn't. Because i knew she didn't love him. I was sure too 100%.

Finally they see off and saw eunji unlocked the door. I quickly switched the lights off and ran to the couch. 

Her steps were clearly to hear. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. My heart beated fast. Really fast.


'omo' i heard her gasped. 

'aigoo, sehun' was the next words.

Then i felt a soft hand at my face and her lips at my forehead. I fighted against a smile appearing on my lips, which was really hard. Only one kiss from her, made my anger faded away. I got even covered with a blanket.

At least i heard her left. As i was sure that she had leaving, i opened my eyes and smiled.

Good night love.





sorry for the long update...I was in vacation..But i'm back ^^ and i expect many comments, so please don't forget to comment and subscribe of course. 

Love ya :)

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HellenWu #1
Chapter 33: although your grammar isn't fully right, but it's okay because I can understand the plot.. I really enjoyed reading your story.. don't give up and keep improving your grammar and writing.. thank you very much. >3
GreenDecember #2
Chapter 4: Sorry to say..but i hope u could improve ur english vocabs more..
Chapter 66: amazing story :))) author-nim i enjoyeeed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: Awww so cuteeeee *^*
Chapter 66: I love it~~ it's good.. no no it's great!! Aipp.. I think it's wrong xD it's the best!! ^^
Justmaili #6
Waah~~~ authornim this story was so good!!! I enjoyed reading it!!! *thumbs up*
woodythecowboy #7
Chapter 66: OMG this is such an awesome story outhornim~
Chapter 29: Hold up are they famous idol in this? Or just a group name for them.
Chapter 66: the ending isss sooooo niceeee :')
krishunxoxo #10
Chapter 66: aah happy ending !! I love ur story <3