Dinner part 1

Teach you how to love

The warm sunshines shone on me and made my eyes opened. I starred at the ceiling and sighed. The whole day from yesterday played in my head.

Was it the right decision? Will i regret it? Should i tell it Jaengmi, or should i ever tell it someone? I don't know what to do anymore, i'm confused...Hopefully i won't regret it.

I sighed again and just stayed lazily the whole time in my bed. Actually i would have school now, but mrs. oh told me to rest. How can i rest, when my head is full with minds??

At 12pm i finally got up. I went slowly in the bathroom and got ready. Woah i stayed 4 hours in my bed! I watched at the clock. Then i walked in the living-room and took an album out. It was my favorite book of all in the world. I sat at the floor and slowly opened the first page and saw us. 

My dad, mom and me. We were happy. I was 2 years old. The picture was shot in Boston. I used to live theire, but then we moved. My dad wanted to, but he never told us why. After a few yers later, where i was 5, mom told me that dad left. I can still remember that day. It feells like it was yesterday.


I waited happily at my school fro my parents. The other students were already picked up by theire parents. I stood under the roof of the school, because it's rained. Still with a smile and holding my bag, i stood there. As minutes, then hours passed, i decided to went home. It was 5pm. I wated 2 hours.

Maybe they are too busy. I cheered myself. I hummed a song, mom sung me every night. Today was the first day of school. It was an importent day for me. And soon i found a new friend. Choi jaengmi. It's right. We met at the school and we immediatly got along. We are still best friends, i hope it'll stay. Anyways, Mom quickly drove me to school and then went to work. Dad couldn't be here, because he had to work all the time. 

There i go. A five year old, happily girl, walked home in rain, alone. As i arrived at the building, i pushed the bell. No answer. I pushed it again, still no answer. After some pushes, i pushed our neighbours bell.

Mom and dad are surely sleeping. They tired of working. I smiled.

Our neighbour friendly smiled and opened me the door.

'miahne, omma and appa are sleeping, i think' i smiled

'aww, it's okay. If there's something, you can count on me' the old lady ruffled my hair. She was 42 and live alone. She's realy nice and she always gave us cakes or something like that.

As i walked the step up i heard already screams and shouts and sobbing. I got orried and quickly knocked at the door.

'Omma? Appa?' i asked

They didn't hear me and just cnntinue yelling.

'Omma! Appa!' i said louder and knocked wild

Suddenly the door went opened and appa walked out with a suitcase. 

'annyeong appa' i smiled at him

He didn't look at me and just walked the stairs down. Then i entered our small flat and was i saw, were so shocked! Broken glasses, broken furniture and my broken angel. Mom. She was sitting at the floor and cried. I immediatly ran to her and hugged her.

'Omma, don't cry' i wipped her tears. She looked up and cried more She hugged me as tight as she could and whispered quietly in my ear.

'eunji, omma is sorry. Appa left and will never come back. Appa doesn't love us anymore' 

'gwenchana omma. I'll still love you' i kissed her forehead. She smiled broken and hugged me. 


Flashback ends


My tears were already felt. I sobbed and tried to stay strong. I shouldn't cry. I only live once, so i shouldn't wasted it with crying and sadness. Forced i stood up and calmed down. I wipped my tears and went to our couch. Then i slowly layed down and felt assleep with the picture of us, in my arms.










Sehun's POV

'ya! Sehun-ah, do you wanna join us by football match?' kai asked

'sure, when?' i asked

'at 6pm. and bring some food with' suho said

'aish, are you guys that lazy, that you don't want to do it alone?' i rolled my eyes.

'yes' baekhyun nooded

I sighed and just made an 'ok' sign.

'okay then at 6pm at our dorm.' chanyeol said

'i'll be there' i grab my bag and left the s.m building. I got in my car and drove home. My hyungs are all living in the dorm, i should too, but....i don't want it. So i'm still living here. In the house i grew up.

As i arrived, i parked at my place and got off. Then i took my key and opened the door.

'Annyeong sehun' the maids greeted me and bowed. I didn't aid attention and just walked to the fridge. I took a water and went to the living room. 

'annyeong omma and appa' i said without looking at them and just walked to the little couch. I the TV and watched some silly shows.

'ahem, sehun-ah, we have to talk' appa said

'yeah?' i asked paid the TV more attention.

'we will going on dinner at 6pm and a special person will join us' omma started

'WHAT? but i will going to watch a match with my friends' i said and turned my head to them

'no chance.' dad said

'oh come on, can we just move it?' i asked

'no' mom answered

'but-' i tried to argument

'no but. And beside, didn't you just go out yesterday?' dad asked

'uuuuh, maybe' i avoided eye contact.

'who is even the special person?' i asked annoyed


'your new wife' mom said calmly as if it was normal. I chocked at my water and nearly died.

'WHAT?!?! You guys are kidding me!!' I yelled

'no. You will get marry soon' dad said

'BUT,...MOM??!' I said shocked and turned to her

'it was even mom's idea' dad told me

'WHAT?! Mom i've never expected from you!' I pointed at her.

'sehun-ah, stop talking and listen' mom commanded me

I got silent.

'You will get marry. Sehun-ah, believe me. It's just the best for you. She's a very nice and lovely girl, you will get along with her.' mom told me calmly

'and if you refuse, we will remove you from our family.' dad said coldy

'BWOH??!' my eye widened

'But aren't i'm too young?? I mean i'm just 17!' i said

'it doesn't matter. Sooner or later, you will get marry also' dad told me

'but,....i don't know her! And i even don't love her! I can't marry someone, who i don't know and love!' i argued

'As if you ever loved someone before. Don't worry, you will do later or sooner' mom smiled

'you guys are the best parents of the world' i said sarcastilly. Anger is built in me. I could kill someone right now, i swear!

'oh sehun. You will accept it, if you want or not.' mom said strictly. If she called me by my full name, she's always dead serious. I didn't say anything. It would be worthless. Later or sooner i have to agreed, so i guess i don't have no other choice left. 

'did you understand?' mom crossed her arms


'.....nae' i nooded slowly forced. Just because i marry you won't mean i will love nor treat you alright. Lady, you just bought a ticket to hell. I balled my hands.



I called the boys and told them i will go to have dinner ith my parents. I didn't told them, that i will get marry soon. I just better keep it as a secret.

'sehun-ah, did you get ready yet?' mom shouted from her room

'nae' i mumbled. I took a last glance in the mirror and smirked.

'If i only can marry myself...' i mumbled as i fixed my jacket

'let's go' dad said.

We all got in the car and drove to a restaurant. It was a 5 stars one. Pfff, just what i got to eat everyday...

We waited for some minutes and then 'My wife' arrived. I lift my head up and saw.....

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HellenWu #1
Chapter 33: although your grammar isn't fully right, but it's okay because I can understand the plot.. I really enjoyed reading your story.. don't give up and keep improving your grammar and writing.. thank you very much. >3
GreenDecember #2
Chapter 4: Sorry to say..but i hope u could improve ur english vocabs more..
Chapter 66: amazing story :))) author-nim i enjoyeeed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: Awww so cuteeeee *^*
Chapter 66: I love it~~ it's good.. no no it's great!! Aipp.. I think it's wrong xD it's the best!! ^^
Justmaili #6
Waah~~~ authornim this story was so good!!! I enjoyed reading it!!! *thumbs up*
woodythecowboy #7
Chapter 66: OMG this is such an awesome story outhornim~
Chapter 29: Hold up are they famous idol in this? Or just a group name for them.
Chapter 66: the ending isss sooooo niceeee :')
krishunxoxo #10
Chapter 66: aah happy ending !! I love ur story <3