Sehuns Hyungs

Teach you how to love


'ya, kai, have ever heard something about sehun these past days?' suhoo asked him as he took seat next to him

He shook his head and conntinued to played his phone

'and you others?' suho asked the rest

'anyi' chanyeol answered

'nope' d.o said

'nothing' baekhyun shook his head

'well, me too....Should we care?' he asked

'i wrote him many times, sms, but he never answers them...' kai told them

'somethings fishy here' chanyeol said

'yeah, seems like...' d.o agreed

'let's call eunji and ask what happened' chanyeol suggested

'silly, do you have her number?' baekhyun hit him playfully

'......' chanyeol glared at him and hit him back

'i do, i can ask jaengmi' kai smirked

'huh? Jaengmi?' suho asked

'nea, it's her best friend' kai smiled

'oh, okay then ask jaengmi for her number' d.o said

'one moment' kai disappeared in his room.



'here we go' kai handed them a paper with her number

'great, let's call her!' baekhyun rubbed his hands

'but...who?' d.o asked. Everyone looked at everyone, but no one really dare to call her.

'let's play scissors, stone, paper!' suho said

'one, two, three' they all said


'ahhh~no!!' chanyeol hid his face in his hands

'come on! Be a man and call her!' d.o commanded

'arrasso, arrasso, calm down' chanyeol said

'why always me??' he muttered before he disappeared in his room.


'should we eavesdrop on?' kai asked. They all smirked and nooded. Then they went to chanyeol room door.


~by chanyeol~


'yeobseyo?' a girly voice asked through the phone

'uhhhh, hello' chanyeol didn't know what to say

'who are you?' she asked

'umm, chanyeol. Sehun's friend' he answered

Eunji's heart stopped as she heard sehuns name.

'oh, yeah?' she asked unsure

'umm, is he...okay?' he questioned her

Eunji didn't know how to answer. She couldn't say yes, he would ask why and she must say, because of her.

'ummm,.....yes. I have to, bye' she lied and quickly hung up

'wait-' chanyeol heard the beep and sighed


Suddenly the door swungs open and exo was laying at the ground, smiling akwardly

'boys, we have to drive to sehuns home, now' chanyeol said. Of course he noticed her lie. She was a really bad liar.

'wea?' they asked in chor

'no question, kaja' chanyeol hurried them


So they drove to sehun and eunji home.



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HellenWu #1
Chapter 33: although your grammar isn't fully right, but it's okay because I can understand the plot.. I really enjoyed reading your story.. don't give up and keep improving your grammar and writing.. thank you very much. >3
GreenDecember #2
Chapter 4: Sorry to say..but i hope u could improve ur english vocabs more..
Chapter 66: amazing story :))) author-nim i enjoyeeed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: Awww so cuteeeee *^*
Chapter 66: I love it~~ it's good.. no no it's great!! Aipp.. I think it's wrong xD it's the best!! ^^
Justmaili #6
Waah~~~ authornim this story was so good!!! I enjoyed reading it!!! *thumbs up*
woodythecowboy #7
Chapter 66: OMG this is such an awesome story outhornim~
Chapter 29: Hold up are they famous idol in this? Or just a group name for them.
Chapter 66: the ending isss sooooo niceeee :')
krishunxoxo #10
Chapter 66: aah happy ending !! I love ur story <3