
Teach you how to love

Sehun POV

S-s-he kis-sed me!! NO ONE DARES TO EVER KISS ME!! 

I quickly turned arround and anger was written all over my face. My head gots even red! I heard that ' screaming in happiness. Oh how i whish i didn't agrre. But what else is left? I had no other choice, the others were forced me. It would be much better if this would be only her... I looked arround and tried to look for her. But the people arround me were too close. 

Should i call her? No, the people will be confused.

Suddenly the other girls were begging also for a kiss. I wish i could kill them now. How dare they too be soo....y? Just because i'm an idol, they didn't need to be so crazy! But well, it's me. 

The people asked for more pics and autogramms and i only smiled friendly.

'HEY! GET OUT OF MY BOYFRIEND!!' someone shouted. Eunji?

I didn't see who it was, the people nearly swallowed me up. Someone pushed the people away and as i saw who it was i got disappointed. It was that .

The people muttered and then left. Woah, finally!

'Yes, just get out or you will see me!' the warned them and glared at them. I looked at her confused and then i went away.

'hey! Sehun-ah, you're my boyfriend now, don't you? In korean language it's called oppa? Don't it??' the suddenly cling at my arm. My eyes widened. Is she crazy?!?!

'oppa~~' she tried to say sweetly. I shook my head and free my arm. I gave her an are-you-crazy look and conntinue searching for her. All in my head was only to find eunji.

I guess she's gone... i sighed and left the game center as i couldn't find her. Maybe she is in the appartment. But it' impossible. I only had the key. Then she may wait there?

I went there with hope, but as soon as i arrived it faded away. I sighed and walked out of the hotel. It was raining again.

After minutes passed my mind gots clearer and i could remember.

Oh no, are we going to play hidden and find me game, again? Gosh i hate this game..

Last time by ou first dinner with my parents, i was forced to took her home after dinner. I remember how i yelled and shouted at her. I really regreted it. She cried, i made her cry...

I bet she isn't always that kind of girl, who is always happy. She's surely deep inside hurt and sad. I noticed it only a few days ago.

'damn it, eunji! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!' I yelled in the rain. My clothes are already wet and i stood in the middle and shouted after her. People surrounded me with umbrellas.

'where are you only...' i quietly whispered. I already searching for her about 2h. But 2h are nothing. I could also looking for her for years and i wouldn't stopped untill i found her. I would also travelled around the world only to find her. She messed my life up. She showed me a side of me, which i didn't noticed. A side of ..... 




Eunji POV

My tears were streaming down and my clothes got wet. If only i didn't agree to that stupid marriage, i wouldn't be so much hurt, like i'm already are.

Eunji, wha did you only do to yourself?

I wondered what sheun was doing right now. Is he looking for me? Is he still in that center surrounded ith his fan? I whish i would know tha he was looking for me, but i bet he wouldn't even care.

Lonely i walked the dark street down. It was midnight. At night the weather gots colder.

Aye~My tears were soon gets frozen

I rubbed my arms to made health. It was pretty scared here, that you could think a pedo is any time jumping out and snatch you. Hopefully god is good to me today and won't let it happen. 

The bright moon shones already up. The dark sky was full with stars. I stopped for awhile and watched it in awe. My tears stopped and i calmed down a bit.

The stars reminded me of something. It was his eyes. They were also always shining, just brighter. And he has that smile in his eyes. Oh and not to forget his rare smile. Whenever he smiles, what was really rare, his face lightened up. 


I smiled at the mind and my jealous and anger faded away. I shouldn't be angry at him anyways. We aren't even really married. It's only a contract...

The Rain was still falling but i never mind. All i wanted now was to see him. I walked the street up too looking for a taxi. Hopefully there were some, otherwise i have to ask people.

Suddenly i heard a whistle. Please not me, please not me, please not me!

I prayed inside and shuted my eyes.

'Hey there!~' a boy, who was taller than me hold my arm.

'ya!' i pulled my arm back. I turned arround and saw a group of boys. They looked pretty familiar. Wait, that is-

'ohohoh! Hey isn't that the girl we chased after and her fool boyfriend?' a boy asked drunkly. Omo it was smelling so badly. It was the scent of alcohol, very strong alcohol!

'so, wher is you boyfriend??' the boy smirked at me

Sweat pearls were built at my head. What i needed was Sehun now.

I got frozen at the spot. They were all smirking at me. Bad minds were flying through my head but i shook my head.

'let's go have some fun' the boy hold my wraist again.

'n-n-o, i'm fine' i stuttered and tried to free myself, but he was really strong. SEHUN-AH!!!

They smirked and laughed evilly. I closed my eyes and hope for a miracle. It's over, my life is over.

'YA!! LET GO OF MY WIFE!' someone shouted. I immediatly knew who it was. My hero, my husband, my Sehun.

My eyes lightened up and he steeped closer. I watched him and he was wet from head to toe. Did he take a shower with his clothes or what??

'ohh look who it is' the boy let go of my wraist and walked a circle around sehun. 

'it's the fool' he answered. His friends laughed. Then i remebered the situation, where it was also like that. I got in trouble with these fools and sehun was protecting me again. That was the day where we rode our bike, where he bought me Seunji. And now that were these fools again.

Sehun glared at him coldly and balled his hands.

'look, he's angry' the boy joked over him. I panicked. Sehun wouldn't, or is he about to?

I worriedly looked between them. Sehun was alone against that group of boys.

And now i wish right now, that i didn't run away. I'm so stupid! Just because of me, he always got in trouble too. Aish!

'sehun,let's go' i whispered to him

Sehun ignored me and glared further at them.

'sehun-ah' i ruffled his arm. He pulled his arm away from me and looked at me with angry eyes. There were fiere in it.

Oh oh

And then it happened. Sehun punched the boy at his nose and he felt to the ground. Angrilly he commanded the others. Now sehun was fighting alone against 4 tall boys.

I got frozen and panicked. There was adrenaline in my body. I looked around, trying to help him. Why are we only in a dark alley? Why??

Then i saw a piece of wood next to the junk. Quickly i grabbed it and went to the fight. I took a deep breath. With shaking hands i hit the wood with all my power at one of these guys. He felt  to the ground, but luckily there cames no blood out.

 'HEY!' his friend shouted angrilly at me.

'you dare to hit my friend?!?! HUH? ??' He grabbed my collar and was about to slapped me. Out of worried i closed my eyes. But luckily sehun kicked him from behind.

'you can open your eyes' a soft voice chuckled. I slowly opened it and saw sehun heavily breathing and all the other boys laying at the ground. He smirked at me and i couldn't believe it.

HE WON AGAINST ALL THE BOYS! I've never expected him that strong!

'sehun-ah!~' i happily cheered and hugged him. He frozen and looked at me. I heard his heavy breath and felt his wet clothes.And second later i felt his strong arms wrapped around me.

'don't ever run away from me' he whispered in his huskily voice. I nooded and enjoyed the moment. We were hugging each other in the rain.

'let's go home' he said between his breath. I nooded and we turned arround.

'arghhh' sehun suddenly moaned in pain.

'SEHUN-AH!' I panicked. He kneed at the ground and his breath gots only more heavier!

Blood were stroming out of his left arm. I knelt down and helped him up. 

'don't mess with us' a boy at the ground laughed evilly. He threw a knife in Sehun's arm, then he closed his eyes and layed further at the cold ground.

'sehun-ah' tears were coming out again

'arghh, eunji...donn't cry' he moaned in pain and my face softly

I nooded and sobbed. I helped him up and walked with him slowly back to the hotel.

'HELLO?? WE NEED HELP!! HERE IS AN INJURY!!' I shouted in nowhere as i walked with him through the street. It was empty expect of some pedos, who were looking after some kids.

'HELLO???' I shouted always again.

'let it be' sehun muttered huskily. My tears streamed down and sehun's whole weight was left at me.

'keep on, sehun-ah' i said breathing heavily. I can do it.

I pulled higher and closer too me and then finally i saw a taxi.

'TAXI!!' I shouted, my lunge nearly burned.

The taxi stopped and we got in. He looked shocked at sehun but he didn't say anything. Good.

I told him the adress and he hurried there.

Sehun's head lay at my lap and i was full with his blood. I his head and hair softly and cried.

'i ~breath~ told you not to cry, didn't i?' He muttered. I wipped my tears, but they didn't stop. Annd they couldn't. In situation like that i'm allow to cry. I'm allow to cream all my pain out. 

He moaned a few times in pain and he wasn't stop bleeding. My hear hurts to see him like that.

'keep going, we will arrived soon' i whispered to him.

Then we finally arrived after 10min. The worker were also looking at me shocked nad confused but kept silent. I got in the elevator with sehun. 

Arriving at our appartment door, i looked for the key in sehun's pocket. It was a little bit unique, because i had to touch him. 

I opened the door to our bedroom, and put him softly at the bed. I wrapped his hurt arm with bandage and then i kissed him at the forehead. After looking at him in awe, i felt asleep next to him.

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HellenWu #1
Chapter 33: although your grammar isn't fully right, but it's okay because I can understand the plot.. I really enjoyed reading your story.. don't give up and keep improving your grammar and writing.. thank you very much. >3
GreenDecember #2
Chapter 4: Sorry to say..but i hope u could improve ur english vocabs more..
Chapter 66: amazing story :))) author-nim i enjoyeeed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: Awww so cuteeeee *^*
Chapter 66: I love it~~ it's good.. no no it's great!! Aipp.. I think it's wrong xD it's the best!! ^^
Justmaili #6
Waah~~~ authornim this story was so good!!! I enjoyed reading it!!! *thumbs up*
woodythecowboy #7
Chapter 66: OMG this is such an awesome story outhornim~
Chapter 29: Hold up are they famous idol in this? Or just a group name for them.
Chapter 66: the ending isss sooooo niceeee :')
krishunxoxo #10
Chapter 66: aah happy ending !! I love ur story <3