Heart broken

Teach you how to love

I went the street with my suitcase along. The whole time i kept my tears, it wasn't worth to crying over him. Not anymore....

Exhausted i got out the bus. I'll go home, to my old home.

It wasn't worth anymore, i will only get hurt, if i keep this thing. It won't work, it never did. It hurt so much to let him go, more than all the pain sehun gave me togheter. But it was better, for both of us. I'm exhausted, it's hopeless. I loved him, i still do. But there won't be a future for us...

He was just the wrong men for me and i was the wrong girl for him. Maybe yoona is the right. Just trying. 


In a few steppes and i arrived at home. From far i could saw a male figure. Oh no, is it sehun??

Worriedly i thought. Ahh, no. Why should he!

I shook my head, he just have to be always in my mind!

As i stepped closer, i noticed that it wasn't him. Sehun doesn't look like him. The boy sat in front of the door and his back was facing me.

I didn't care anymore and took my key out. My key was always by me, no matter what. Accidentally it felt from my hand.

'oh' i bowed down to grabbed it, but a hand already got it. I looked up and saw these chocolates eyes.

It was the mystery boy. He got up and stood upright. And wow, was he tall!

I looked up and he was at least one and half head taller than me. He looked so familiar but why?

'long time not see eun' he smirked. My eyes widened and i remember. Omo, is it him?!? YES! IT'S HIM! NO ONE ELSE WOULD CALL ME LIKE HIM!

'junhong-ah' i smiled widely. It's him.

And the next second i was hugging him thightly, burieng my head in his chest.

'i missed you so much' he whispered in my ear

'i missed you more' i mumbled in his chest

Junhong  is here. He is back! Back to me.



(listen to exo-k heart attack)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1j8qPTylTo

Sehun POV

Happily i parked the car and quickly got out. There was a bad feeling in my mind the whole time, but i ignored it. What else could destroyed my day today? I smelled at the flowers and they were pretty. Good for eunji.

Hurriedly i unlocked the door and stepped in.

'I'M BACK' I yelled in the house. Happiness was in my voice. I stood there and waited her to came out of any rooms to hugged me or gretting me. But she didn't. Weirdly.

'eunji?' i asked

I looked in the living-room, kitchen, bathroom and garden. Where is she? Shopping?

The last room i didn't check was the bedroom. My heart beated faster against my chest. I had a bed feeling. Are you there? Please say yes!

'eunji?' i slowly opened the door. No. Nothing. She wasn't there.

'huh? where is she?' i asked myself.

Then i noticed a white paper at the bed. 

'what's that?' i muttered and grabbed it. Slowly and carefully i started to read it.


Dear sehun,


i won't be any longer live with you. Good news, isn't it? I packed my things already and left.

You don't need to face me anymore every day. You reached my limit, every day you hurt me. 

I'm sorry, i'm not too strenght to fight it. I can't fight it anymore. I'm exhausted and tired.

Do you know the pain i feel? Do you know what you have done? I guess not. 

I kept smiling and beeing happy. I kept cheering myslef for doing it. I tried to kept you happy,

But i'm too bad, look for another girl. Somewhere in the world will be a girl who can keep fighting it.

Who can keep making you more happiere than me. Who can fighting over the pain.

Did you know what was funny? That i thought i can melt your cold heart. 

That i can make you love. No, i failed. I tried to teached you what love is, but i itself, lost my love.

I'm not able to teach you anymore, did you understand? I fighted for you and asked myself everyday,

was it worth? Was it worth for you to take all the pain? Was it worth to teach someone like you love, when

itself lost her own love? Tell me, aren't you happy to see me left? I still don't know why i agreed to this marriage.

I don't how to fight it. I don't know how to make you happy. I don't know anything!

But you know what i know? You lost me. Gratulation.


In love 



Ps: Had fun to making out with yoona after the show? I hear you guys over the phone. Maybe 

you shouldn't call me when you making out with other woman. Check you phone if you don't know what i mean.



My heart broke a little more by every word. Tears running down. I've never cried for a girl before. 

'eunji' i muttered in pain. I creased the letter and threw it against the wall, angrilly.

I messed my hair and started to kicked everything. I flipped the bed, kicked in the door, hit the windows, messed the closet.

Her side was empty.

'ARGHHH! EUNJI!!!' I yelled through the empty house.

I beat at the wall and my hand bleeded. But i didn't care. Only she was now in my  head.

The flowers i bought for her earlier, i chucked it at the ground, then i stamped at it.

I tread at the shelves, the TV, i destroyed everything.

'EUNJI!' I yelled again



'DAMN IT! I LOVE YOU! YOU KNOW?!?' I hit the vases

'EVERYDAY; I LOVE YOU!' I beated the mirror. The mirror break appart in million pieces. Some of them hit my face. Exhausted i looked myslef in the broken mirror.

My face was cutted and my hand bleeded strong. The pain in my arm was still there, i got from tokio.

'eunji, don't go....' i muttered to myself as i looked in the mirror.

I looked around the house and it was a huge mess. Everything was destroyed, everything was full with blood. My blood. Frustation i ruffled my hair and started to kicked the chairs around.


I grabbed beers and drunk it. Heart broken i sat at the shattered sofa and gulped that down. It relaxed me. No it made me angrilier. 

'EUNJI!' I shouted drunkly again

Then i laughed. I laughed while my tears running down.

I don't know why i laughed, it was just so funny how i changed myself just for a girl. I destroyed the house for a girl! Earlier i never would do that! I was always a decent men. But she changed me.

I changed.

I can't sit around. i need to find her.

I got up and the alcohol showed theire sides. my head burned but i didn't care. All i care was now to find her.

It was raining outside and i found the way to my car heavily. Good think i didn't drunk much. My mind was still fresh. Well not that fresh.

I started the engine and looked for her.

'i'll find you. Even when i need to travelled through the whole world, i will find you.' i muttered

I will and i can.


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HellenWu #1
Chapter 33: although your grammar isn't fully right, but it's okay because I can understand the plot.. I really enjoyed reading your story.. don't give up and keep improving your grammar and writing.. thank you very much. >3
GreenDecember #2
Chapter 4: Sorry to say..but i hope u could improve ur english vocabs more..
Chapter 66: amazing story :))) author-nim i enjoyeeed reading it ^^
Chapter 20: Awww so cuteeeee *^*
Chapter 66: I love it~~ it's good.. no no it's great!! Aipp.. I think it's wrong xD it's the best!! ^^
Justmaili #6
Waah~~~ authornim this story was so good!!! I enjoyed reading it!!! *thumbs up*
woodythecowboy #7
Chapter 66: OMG this is such an awesome story outhornim~
Chapter 29: Hold up are they famous idol in this? Or just a group name for them.
Chapter 66: the ending isss sooooo niceeee :')
krishunxoxo #10
Chapter 66: aah happy ending !! I love ur story <3