The Trip


The boys tackled me to the ground. "YOU'RE FINALLY A DAD!!!!!!" They pushed off of me and helped me up. 

"CONGRATULATIONS, HYUNG!" Maknae screamed in my ear before pulling me into a tight hug. "YOU'RE A DAD!"

Ji and Dae joined in. "You've been waiting for this to happen, and now it's here! How does it feel, Daddy?" Ji teased. "Man, we're uncles now."

"Is it a boy or girl?" Top asked with his arms crossed. He has that smirk on his face that yells disbelief. "I know you've been waiting for this to happen, but I never thought it'll happen now."

"It's a girl," I replied. "It's a girl, and she's beautiful."

Ri grabbed my shoulder. "What's her name?"


"That's a beautiful name, hyung!" Dae hugged me again. "I can't believe I'm tearing up for this."

"Can we go see her?" Ji asked. "I'm still in disbelief. You made a baby, Bae. A baby." He patted me on the back. 

"I know. This still doesn't seem like you at all," Top added. "So are you going to ask her?"


"Don't act clueless, Bae," Ji said. "You've been anxious this whole week." He patted my pockets. .

"How did you guys know?" I turned and eyed Ri - did he tell them?

"Hyung, I didn't," he raised his hands waving off the accusation.

"I knew it!" Top yelled. "That confirmed it."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you guys serious?"

"I told you I didn't say anything," Ri said.

"Soon, okay? Now shut up. Hannah is sleeping."

I pushed the door open, and I see Hannah in Mag's arms. 

"Hey mommy," Ri called out tiptoe-ing next to her. "Omo! She's beautiful. She looks just like you!" He leaned in and kissed her. "Uncle is going to fight so many boys later."

"You better. I don't know if Bae is going to be able to handle all that hostility," she teased. "But her skin is so much like Bae's. Doesn't she look like an angel?"

"Bae isn't an angel," Ji laughed, "he goes to church all the time, but he's far from it." He faced me and winked. 

"Guys, not in front of my daughter, alright?" I demanded.

"She can't understand yet, hyung," Dae corrected. "Besides, she needs to know who you really are." 

I rolled my eyes. "Hannah, baby, appa is an angel. Your uncles are just jealous." I kissed her forehead.

Top walked closer to Hannah. "Hi Hannah, I'm your Uncle Seunghyun - the hot one. I'll be looking forward to getting to know you. It's a blessing you guys are going to have each other. Treat Appa and Umma well," he kissed her forehead. "I'll be here too." 

"Wow, I haven't seen you like that before," Mag gasped, "come here." She hugged him and kissed his cheek. And believe it or not, Top started to blush.

"We're gonna leave you guys alone, ok?" Ji said. "I know you guys probably want alone time. YG is gonna stop by tomorrow morning. Call us if you need anything. We love you guys," Ji gave us a kiss and hug goodbye. The rest of the members followed.

I walked closer to her and grazed her hair pushing it behind her ear. "Baby, I love you. You were amazing," I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Hannah," I kissed Hannah's hand. I couldn't really take my eyes off of her. How can this tiny little person be my world already? She's only been here for a few hours. "I still can't believe it."

"Believe what?" She didn't face me. Hannah has her full attention.

"That we're parents," I sat in a chair next to her, "That Hannah is our daughter. Our creation. Our everything." I kissed her arm. "Can you believe it?"

She turned to me, "Baby, of course I do." 

"Can I hold our daughter?"

She handed Hannah to me. "I'm still exhausted, but I can't seem to sleep." She shut her eyes. "I think it's all this adrenaline." She puffed.

"I know. I still can't believe this baby came out of your stomach." Hannah is asleep. Her eyelashes are so long. And her fingers are so tiny. Our baby is so beautiful. "Hey baby," I rubbed her cheeks. "I love you." I poked her nose softly. Everything is so small. My cheeks started hurting from all this smiling. "Oh my God, baby.. look." Hannah yawned - formed a perfect O and it pouted itself closed again. "Baby.." I turned to face Mag, and she's asleep. 

She looks so peaceful - resting. After that huge ordeal, she finally can relax. I started humming. 

"Excuse me, sir," a nurse popped in, "It's almost 10pm, did you want me to bring in a sleeper for the baby?"

"That would be great."

She nodded and within a few minutes, they brought in a sleeper for the baby. "Here you go," she grabbed Hannah from me, "she's going to be asleep for awhile. Giving birth is a very stressful time for the mother and the child."

"Thank you."

The nurse bowed and walked out. I brought the sleeper closer to us and locked the gear in place. I got ontop of the bed and forced space for myself. Mag rolled over, and I laid there hugging her. "Baby," I whispered in her ears, "are you asleep?" She rolled over to face me. 

"I don't look disgusting to you?" she laughed. She placed her hands under her head. 

"Never, babe. You're always beautiful even when you're scary," I smiled.

I caressed my hand on her face, pulling it closer. "You mean everything to me," I bit my lips. "Hannah and you are my world."

She blinked. "I know. I love you so much, babe," she grabbed my hand that was on her face. "You're going to be an amazing father."

I stared at her. This woman, Mageret, has impacted my life so much the past year. It may be fast, but everything is perfect. There's no other way to put it. She completes me. Hannah and Mag are my life. 

I gave her a deep kiss - sneaking in a little tongue. When we broke, her lips were still pouted and her eyes were still closed. I rubbed her cheek. "Baby, will you marry me?"

Her eyes darted open. Her lips were still in place. She finally blinked a few times. "What?" Her hand gripped my hand a little harder.

"Will you marry me?"

She started to form a smile. "Yes, I will marry you." 

I leaned over and kissed her again. I hugged her closer to me - squeezing her.

"Baby," she whispered, "not too tight. I'm still very sore."

I loosen my grip, "I'm sorry. I love you."

She smiled and traced my lips. "I love you too, fiance."

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foundationgirl #1
i like this one too!!

not all of the story ive read are good but this one is nice!! :Dd
blapstar #2
Love your story! I read the one at your livejournal before this one and loved it so much that I had to read this version too
I loved your story, really cute
bobo_vip #4
wae did it end? ;_; <br />
omgosh i cant believe he has to go in 4 months!! D:<br />
ohyeahhhsecrets #5
awwwwwwwwwww<br />
<br />
you guys make my heart melt <3 hehehehe <br />
<br />
thanks! i have another story if you guys wanna subscribe to it [=
pandabearasian #6
I loved this story so much! > < Thank you for making such an awesome story :D!<br />
cri_mson #7
awwwww...<br />
I'm speechless<br />
the honeymoon chapter is so sweet<br />
and the ending is perfect<br />
<br />
I LOVE this story, definitely going to miss it<br />
thank you for sharing this story <3
bloomingwater #8
Awwww I'm going to miss this story. Thank you for writing it though. It was long but really enjoying ! :)
ohyeahhhsecrets #9
haha. it was getting WAY to long. and completely different from how I envisioned it. but thanks for sticking along. haha.
ooh TWIST...can I just say big bang in uniform = hoOoOoOoOoOoOoOtt...ok that out of the way, that was a super sweet ending<br />
<br />
good story :)