The Trip

-Taeyang & Mag-

She sat there completely still. It's been a few minutes since I called out to her, but she just sat there. I finally made my way to my bed and sat at the corner. She seems terrified of me. She tilted her head back and took a deep breath. She finally faced me. She looks... horrible. Her eyes are puffy. Her nose was red. Her skin was pale. I couldn't say anything to her. I don't understand - she's the one that hurt me and she's the one that's been crying?

"...hey," she muffled out rubbing her eyes. 

I went to my dresser and grabbed her tissue.

"Thanks," she said while grabbing a few to blow her nose. "Sorry," she managed to smile.

"You're welcome," I nodded. 

We sat there for awhile. Mag kept rubbing her fingers together and taking deep breaths here and there. I ended up laying on my back playing with my ring.. contemplating on what I should say to her. 

"You know," she began, "I really like you." She took a deep breath. "I understand why you don't want to talk to me, but I want you tomhear my side of the story first."

I kept staring at the ceiling. I don't want to hear this. I don't want to hear her lies. I closed my eyes - trying to block out the words she is saying. 

"I never slept with Kyle," Her voice started to crack, "I just slept over his house because I got drunk."

I bit my tongue.. because I got drunk.. Stop drinking then.

"And last night," she blew her nose, "Kyle wasn't suppose to be there." She took a deep breath again and cleared . "He just showed up and he kept trying to touch me. Feel me. I felt disgusted and disrespected." Her voice became stronger. I started to clinch my hands. Kyle. That.. ert. Maybe she is telling the truth. "Do you have any idea how embarrassed I feel knowing that you witnessed that? Knowing that you saw that? When you've been on my mind since I first met you?" Her voice got louder and I finally looked at her. Tears were running down her face. 

"Do you?" She asked while staring straight in my eye.

I turned towards the ceiling, ignoring her question. How am I suppose to really believe her? 

She sighed. She leaned over, trying to grab my hand. I flinched.

"Do you.." she whispered, "hate me?" Her eyes squinted. I felt it burning my face. She went back to her corner and got up. She grabbed a few more tissues, and I can see her wiping her eyes. She headed out the door.

"Mag," I whispered. I sat up, hands together. I looked down at my feet scrambling through my brains to find what to say to her.

She looked at me leaning towards the door. "Taeyang," she paused while looking at her nails, "you have no idea how horrible I feel." She crumbled to the floor... crying.

I stared dumbfoundedly. I never seen, or heard, anyone cry like that. I went over and cradled her.

"Mag.." I pleaded trying to get her to move to the bed. "Mag, come on." She wouldn't move so I tried lifting her. 

She pushed my hands and just curled up against the door.

I don't get it. Crying this much.. over me? I finally just sat next to her, trying to touch her face. She flinched. I pressed my lips together and shook my head. I can't believe this.

"I feel like," I whispered leaning a little closer, "there's something else you're hiding." I tried looking at her eyes.

She stared at me. She bit her lips. "I feel used." She mumbled.

I leaned closer to her, "I feel used."

She slapped me across the face. " you, Taeyang." She got up and reached for the doorknob. I grabbed her wrist.

"Are you kidding me?" I yelled at her. Her eyes are filled with anger. I got up staring down at her.

"I just ing told you how I felt. Do you have any idea how it feels when the one person you want thinks your..." she paused, took a deep breath, and looked at the ground, "a ?" she flung my arm off her wrist and walked to the corner of the room.

"Do you have ANY idea how I feel?" I yelled at her again. She didn't turn around, she just stared at the wall. "I've NEVER felt like this about anyone. I've never acted like this with ANYONE. And when Maknae said you slept.."

"I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH KYLE," She yelled cutting me off. "Can't you understand that? Do you have any idea how it feels when someone keeps touching you when you say no? I stopped talking to Kyle when we got back from Jeju, but that idiot keeps coming around."

I stood there with my arms crossed. She walked up to me and stared straight at my face.

" you," she said under her breath and walked out the room.


The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache. I hate to admit it, but I cried myself to sleep. I hate that my pride gets in the way of my thinking. I rolled on my back and realized I hit someone. "What the.." I whispered loudly. That person flinched.

"Sorry," she got up. It was Mag. She got up without facing me and went for the door.

"Mag," I spoke out, "stay here." I sat up.

She turned to me. She looked shocked, "Why?"

"I'm sorry." I took a deep breath. "I really am. I was stupid to be so stubborn last night.. or the past few days. I should have listened and understood what you meant." I reached my hands out.

"Talk to me when your morning wood is gone," she looked me up and down and scoffed while walking out the door. 


I took a shower and headed out of my room. I saw Mag talking to Jiyong in our lounge area. Jiyong kept eyeing me right when I took a step out of my room. I walked up behind Mag and grabbed her shoulder.

"Sorry, Ji. Can I borrow Mag for a second?"

She politely removed my hand off her shoulder and got up. "Sorry," She said to Jiyong.

We headed to my room. I looked back and saw Jiyong eyeing me as I shut the door.

"Mag," I began. She sat at the corner of the bed where I found her last night. 

"Shut up," she yelled. "I didn't sleep in here last night trying to make a move on you."

"I.. I did.." 

"Shut up and let me finished," she cut me off. "I was headed back to Vic's room when I heard them . Your house is huge. I felt scared if I slept on the couch alone." She got up and headed to the door.

"Stop." I yelled putting my hand firmly on the door. "You listen."

She stood there - staring at me with her eyes. They're puffy - but they have an innocence to them. "What?"

"I meant what I said earlier. I'm sorry," I took a deep breath, "I was stupid and stubborn. Extremely stubborn."

She rolled her eyes. 

"I'm being honest right now." I grabbed her by the shoulders. "Look at me," I begged, "please?" 

She finally looked at me again. This time, she looked a bit convinced. The anger in her face was slowly disappearing. She broke out of my grip and sat back on the bed, facing me. "What happened?"

"I believe you," I said sincerely, "Maknae has been telling me that you can't stand being around Kyle. I guess I kept ignoring it. I assumed you liked him better since you lied about being with me." I shrugged. I gestured her to come to me. She finally got up, arms still crossed.

"Then," she started leaning closer to my face, "tell me about Yuri." She took my phone out and flashed it in my face.

. I forgot about Yuri.

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foundationgirl #1
i like this one too!!

not all of the story ive read are good but this one is nice!! :Dd
blapstar #2
Love your story! I read the one at your livejournal before this one and loved it so much that I had to read this version too
I loved your story, really cute
bobo_vip #4
wae did it end? ;_; <br />
omgosh i cant believe he has to go in 4 months!! D:<br />
ohyeahhhsecrets #5
awwwwwwwwwww<br />
<br />
you guys make my heart melt <3 hehehehe <br />
<br />
thanks! i have another story if you guys wanna subscribe to it [=
pandabearasian #6
I loved this story so much! > < Thank you for making such an awesome story :D!<br />
cri_mson #7
awwwww...<br />
I'm speechless<br />
the honeymoon chapter is so sweet<br />
and the ending is perfect<br />
<br />
I LOVE this story, definitely going to miss it<br />
thank you for sharing this story <3
bloomingwater #8
Awwww I'm going to miss this story. Thank you for writing it though. It was long but really enjoying ! :)
ohyeahhhsecrets #9
haha. it was getting WAY to long. and completely different from how I envisioned it. but thanks for sticking along. haha.
ooh TWIST...can I just say big bang in uniform = hoOoOoOoOoOoOoOtt...ok that out of the way, that was a super sweet ending<br />
<br />
good story :)