The Trip

I woke up to Taeyang's snoring. His mouth is opened and it's attacking my face with his morning breath. I cuddled closer to him, putting my head under his - feeling relieved that the breath is going over me. I reached for my cellphone that's on his nightstand. It's 2:30 already. We gotta go.

Ashhhh. We gotta go at 3 k?

I ran my fingers through his hair watching him sleep. I ran my fingers on his cheekbones, his lips, his nose. He's one of the most gorgeous guys I've ever laid on. No, he IS the most gorgeous man I've ever seen - I can't believe I'm right here with him. Especially . I laughed to myself - recollecting what happened the past few days. It's way out of character, but I'm damn glad I did it.

"Hey," I whispered half hoping he'll wake up. "Taeyangg, wake up," I said a little louder. 

I felt his arms hug me tighter. "Pleaseeee. I want to look at you." I asked again.

He opened one eye. I couldn't help giggling. "You're so cute." I whispered while hugging him as tight as I can. He started smiling a little. I pouted. I started drawing circles on his chest. I know I won't be able to see him in person for a week. I'll see him on TV atleast. After that week is over, I know he's going to be busy - very busy.. he'll be going on shows, doing fanmeets, and rehearsals. I'm leaving in two weeks. 

"You have to go soon," he said softly. I can feel him breathing slowly. "I'm going to miss you." His lips are pressed on my forehead. 

"I'm going to miss you too," I whispered back. I rested my head on his chest while listening to his heartbeat. I sighed.

I felt his head jerk and he moved his head to look at me with his eyes half way opened. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. I felt him rubbing my back. "You sure?" he asked again.

"A week is a long time," I admitted shamefully. I really don't know where this thing we have is gonna go. And I'm feeling attached already. Really attached. I'm scared. I don't want to be a love sick puppy by the end of this thing. I have, if I want to be technical, 19 days left with him, but 7 of them I can't see him. So, I have 12 days with him.

"I know," he said softly. He finally opened his eyes fully and looked at me. "But, who says I'm really going to listen?' 

"You can't do that," I said loudly while slapping his chest. I couldn't help but smile.

"Maknae already has a plan," He said confidently, "He's king when it comes to stuff like this." He chuckled. "Don't worry, I want to see you as much as I can before you go back home." He leaned in for a kiss.

I felt comforted with that. I want to see him as much as I can, too.

But what's going to happen? I have so many questions I want to ask, but I feel pathetic doing it. Is this really a fling? like Ash said? Or is it more?



It feels more.

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foundationgirl #1
i like this one too!!

not all of the story ive read are good but this one is nice!! :Dd
blapstar #2
Love your story! I read the one at your livejournal before this one and loved it so much that I had to read this version too
I loved your story, really cute
bobo_vip #4
wae did it end? ;_; <br />
omgosh i cant believe he has to go in 4 months!! D:<br />
ohyeahhhsecrets #5
awwwwwwwwwww<br />
<br />
you guys make my heart melt <3 hehehehe <br />
<br />
thanks! i have another story if you guys wanna subscribe to it [=
pandabearasian #6
I loved this story so much! > < Thank you for making such an awesome story :D!<br />
cri_mson #7
awwwww...<br />
I'm speechless<br />
the honeymoon chapter is so sweet<br />
and the ending is perfect<br />
<br />
I LOVE this story, definitely going to miss it<br />
thank you for sharing this story <3
bloomingwater #8
Awwww I'm going to miss this story. Thank you for writing it though. It was long but really enjoying ! :)
ohyeahhhsecrets #9
haha. it was getting WAY to long. and completely different from how I envisioned it. but thanks for sticking along. haha.
ooh TWIST...can I just say big bang in uniform = hoOoOoOoOoOoOoOtt...ok that out of the way, that was a super sweet ending<br />
<br />
good story :)