Day 6 in America

The Trip


Taeyang's POV 

The past few days were fun.

It was just us two – despite Ash and Vic in the other room.

Whenever we went out, it was just us. We took a lot of pictures.

She took me to where she grew up, places she hangs out at often, and the beach.

We rode a bike along the coast of Newport Beach. I think that was my favorite part. She’s not the best bike rider, so she struggled a lot. She’s scared of getting hurt so she tends to go an extra mile to stop fully and get off the bike.

But today is my first day without her. She’s going to work.

“Ash and Vic are going to the movies,” She said while getting dressed for work. “I’ll be back by 11 tonight.” Mag is a manager at a restaurant. She’s closing shift today. “I’ll try to get out earlier.” She crawled back on bed and gave me a kiss. “I love you.” She bolted out the room.

Seeing her leave, my heart dropped a little. She doesn’t need to work.

I make enough to provide for us all. Our baby, her mother, her and myself. We might not live in the most luxurious place, but it’s better than this place. I slammed myself back on the bed. “This has to work,” I said softly.

“Hyung,” Vic called out peeking his head in. “We’re going to leave soon.”

“I’ll get ready.”

I grabbed my phone. She’s only been gone for 10 minutes. I have another 7 hours to go. What if I visit her at work? I jumped out of bed and showered.

“You miss her already huh?” Ash asked when I got out of the room. “It’s written all over your face.” She teased. “I’m glad you guys are working it out. You guys look good together.” She smiled.

I chuckled. “I’m glad you guys are working out too.”

“I knowwww.” She jerked her head to the side with a huge smile. “Vic is my evvvverything.”

Ri started laughing and planted a kiss on her forehead. “You’re so funny, beautiful.”

I sighed watching them act. Ri is not that much younger than me and he got Ash, who is my age, all over him. It baffles me that his charms DOES work with the noonas.

“Do you think..” I felt hesitant asking, “we can stop by Mag’s place?”

Ri and Ash gave me a look, “you want to eat at her place?” Ash laughed. “That would be so cute! Did she ever tell you about her co-workers? Like, the other managers?”

I shook my head. “Why? Is something wrong?”

She started laughing. “Mag’s been working there for 2 years. She never..”

“I thought she graduated college?”

“She did, thanks for interrupting, but she did both. School and work. Anyways, they are convinced Ash and I are together. One guy, in particular, really likes her. You got competition, Taeyang.” She winked.

I felt awkward. “Competition?” And I felt upset. “Does she like him?”

Ash shook her head. “She loves youuuu!”

I rolled my eyes. I’m starting not to like Ash’s attitude. “Then why are you telling me this?”

She got up. “Chill out, Young-bae. I can’t believe I never thought about this. Let’s eat at her restaurant first. I just wanted to see if you’re the jealous type.” She patted my shoulder. “A lot of guys hit on her. She doesn’t pay attention to it. I just wanted to see if you trust her enough to know she wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”

“Ahh. Well, I am when I need to be.”

She nodded. “Good. Cuz she needs someone like that. Her ex-boyfriend was an idiot.”

I should thank him for being an idiot. I finally stood next to the door. I felt a little uncomfortable in this situation. Ash got up and pulled Vic by the arm. “Let’s roll out.”

Within 20 minutes, we arrived at the restaurant she works at.

“Hyung, go to the hostess and ask for Mag.” He snickered and waited out the door. “Go go go go go.” He pushed me inside.

“Ri, what the..” and there I was, inside the restaurant. The hostess was a young girl - probably 18. I glanced at her name tag. Park Hyun. Shoot. She’s Korean. I hope she doesn’t recognize me. She was writing something down, but she eventually looked up.

“Hi, Welcome to…” She paused and her eyes widen. Her smile brightened. “Omo. Hello! Oh my God!” She started fanning herself. She came out from the counter and walked up to me. , she recognizes me. “You’re Taeyang?!” She jumped and hugged me.

“Yes, I am. Hi.” I replied hugging her back. I started laughing. My luck, right?

Oh my God. Can I please have a picture with you???

I shook my head. “I’m sorry, but this trip wasn’t announced publ…”

She frowned and pouted her lips. “I understand.” She flutter her eyelids. “But oppa, I really am a big fan! I’ve been following your activities since you first debuted.”

I bowed. “Thank you, but… please do not upload the pictures.” I had to give in. She flipped her phone out and took a photo with me.

She squealed. “You’re my favorite, oppa! Then GD.” She giggled.

I scoffed. “Thank you.” I walked up to the counter and she finally went back to her spot.

“How would you like me to help you?” Her tone of voice changed. I looked behind her and I see someone watching her. Hmm. It looks like her boss.

“Would it be..” That person walked closer and stood right by me.

“Hi, is Hyun helping you out, sir?” His voice was stern. I looked up at him. He was tall, medium built. He looks young and he was white.

“Oh, Hyun has been helping me out.”


“Oh, John. He’s a star from Korea!” She fumbled through her phone and showed him pictures. “This is the guy I’ve been talking about ever since I started working here.”

He laughed as he glanced at the photo and me. “Oh. You’re Bang Bang?”

I started laughing. “No, it’s Big Bang.”

He snickered. “Everytime we close with Hyun, she blast your music through our speakers.” He shook his head.

I smiled. “Good exposure. Thanks Hyun.”

She started blushing. “I swear. Ever since I started working here, my life has been blessed.” She looked at me. “You’re amazing Taeyang!”

John finally cut in. “So, were you looking for a table for yourself? Or did you have company?” He asked.

“I, uh..” I paused and peaked through to see if I could get a glance of Mag. I pressed my lips. “Do you think.. I can speak to Mag, please?”

Both of them darted looks at me.  “Oh, okay.” John finally said. He grabbed his phone. “Can you tell Mag to come to the front please? Someone is asking for her.”

“Thank you.” I was stepping out when John stopped me.

“Excuse me,” I turned around to see him smirking, “How do you know Mag?”

I clapped my hands together. “We met when she went to Korea a few months ago.”

“Ahh,” He expressed. “Interesting. Are you guys..”

I nodded. “Yeah, we are.”

I glanced at Hyun with pleading eyes – hoping she won’t shine a light on this subject anywhere else but this restaurant. I gradually walked out the restaurant and told Ash and Vic to come in. I looked at Hyun and she started hyperventilating. “OMO! SEUNGRI!!!!”

John just stood there staring at her. “Hyun, calm down.” He giggled. He fixed his glare at me again.

“Young-bae?” I heard a familiar voice call out to me. She finally came out and pushed John out of the way. “Oh my God, you’re here.” She hugged me.

“So this is the person you’ve been hiding,” John said. “And this whole time we thought Ash was your girlfriend.” He laughed so loud. “Go take your break, I’ll take care of this while they are here.” He finally left the scene.

“MAG!” Hyun screamed. “So YOU ARE the girl Yuri hates?!”

Mag rolled her eyes. “Hyun, get to work.” Hyun pouted and just stood there.

“Thank you for coming here!” Hyun yelled while Mag took us to a table to eat.

I gripped her hand tightly while she sat us down at the table. John walked over and whispered something into her ear. Mag nodded. She turned to me and smile. “John said I can leave since he owes me.” She cheered. “Let me get my stuff.”

As she walked away, I saw the looks some of the guys were giving her. She was perfect. Her tight black skinny pants hugged her body so well. And I can imagine the fantasies boys have of her since she looks like a secretary. I never seen her hair tied in a bun before. And with a button up shirt, her chest were popping out like crazy.

“You see how all the guys are undressing her with their eyes?” Ash whispered to me. “You jealous?”

I shook my head even though I was. She shouldn’t be working here. “Is that the guy that likes her?”

Ash nodded, “but he’s cool.”

Mag finally walked back and she let her hair down. “Let’s go. I don’t want to eat here.”

We all left. I waved at John since I saw him glance at us.

And we went home.


Mag's POV

I finally walked into my house with Taeyang holding my waist.

“Baby,” he whispered in my ear. “Can I have you alone again in the room?” He started nibbling on it.

I looked back and saw Ash and Vic snickering. “Babe, please.” I pulled away from his hold and ran into the room – throwing my things on the floor. Taeyang beat me to the door. He opened it and hopped into bed with his arms spread. I laid on top of him. “You know we shouldn’t do this.” I traced down his face, over his nose, over his lips, and down his chest.

“I know, but I just want you for myself.” He replied by biting his lips.

“Every time you bite your lips,” I leaned closer to his face, “makes me want to kiss you.”

He laughed. “I know.”

I scoffed. “But really,” I sat up with him in between my legs.

“Babe,” he said while playing with the buttons on my shirt, “we should talk about what’s going to happen with us.”

I frowned, “I know.” I ran my hands on his chest. “Have you told anyone else?”

He shook his head. “But we need to. Does your mother know?”

I pouted my lips. “She has an idea.”

“Babe, we need to do this the right way.” He grabbed my hands. Right way? What is he talking about?

“I know this might sound crazy, but I’ve been thinking about this so much.” He moved my hands to his lips and kissed it. “You mean everything to me, Mageret.”

I laughed. I hate my full name. He gave me a confused look.

“Why are you laughing?”

I shook my head. “What have you been thinking about?”

He sat up and placed his hands on the small of my back. He pushed me closer. “Live with me.”

My gaze froze on his eyes. You can see he really means it. His piercing eyes staring deep inside me. His lips were trembling. His eyebrows were scrunched together. I placed my hand on his chest again, and I felt his heart beat accelerate. His eyes started wondering my face, waiting for me to respond. What do I say? What about my mom?

“I.. uh..” My voice was already shaky.

He kissed me passionately. I could feel everything he felt through his lips, his tongue. We parted and he started at me again. His hand was going up my back and it’s on my neck. “Baby, please. You can’t go through this pregnancy alone. I have to be there.”

He’s right. But live in Korea? Leave everything I have here? My family hasn’t even met him. “Young-bae, I …” I paused and just stared at him again. Why does this have to be goddamn complicated?!

“Baby,” He pleaded. This time worry was filled in his eyes. He sighed and his lips. “I can provide everything you need. You don’t need to work.”

“What about my mom?” I finally blurted out. “You haven’t met her or the rest of my family.”

He smiled faintly. “I’m here aren’t I?” He kissed me again. “Let’s see them tomorrow.”

I gave in. “Fine. Tomorrow.”

He embraced me and gave me another kiss. This kiss was playful. Pulling back as I lead in. Going in too deep. And soon, I felt his warm hands on my and I laid right on top of him. I shot a stare at him and pressed my lips. “Baby, come on.” He pleaded. He waved his hands in the air. “It’s been 48 days – 6 of them I’ve been sleeping right next to you.” His hands were on my back again, but instead, it was going lower gripping the top part of my . “It’s not like you can’t do it anymore.” He raised his eyebrows at me.

I leaned in for a kiss and deepening it as I started ing my shirt. As I took it off, I laughed. “Since it’s been that long, are you still good?” I teased. He growled and quickly got on top of me.

“You’re not getting any sleep tonight.” He grabbed my hand and pinned it above me. He pecked my lips. “None.”

And the rest was history.

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foundationgirl #1
i like this one too!!

not all of the story ive read are good but this one is nice!! :Dd
blapstar #2
Love your story! I read the one at your livejournal before this one and loved it so much that I had to read this version too
I loved your story, really cute
bobo_vip #4
wae did it end? ;_; <br />
omgosh i cant believe he has to go in 4 months!! D:<br />
ohyeahhhsecrets #5
awwwwwwwwwww<br />
<br />
you guys make my heart melt <3 hehehehe <br />
<br />
thanks! i have another story if you guys wanna subscribe to it [=
pandabearasian #6
I loved this story so much! > < Thank you for making such an awesome story :D!<br />
cri_mson #7
awwwww...<br />
I'm speechless<br />
the honeymoon chapter is so sweet<br />
and the ending is perfect<br />
<br />
I LOVE this story, definitely going to miss it<br />
thank you for sharing this story <3
bloomingwater #8
Awwww I'm going to miss this story. Thank you for writing it though. It was long but really enjoying ! :)
ohyeahhhsecrets #9
haha. it was getting WAY to long. and completely different from how I envisioned it. but thanks for sticking along. haha.
ooh TWIST...can I just say big bang in uniform = hoOoOoOoOoOoOoOtt...ok that out of the way, that was a super sweet ending<br />
<br />
good story :)