I Think It's...

Is Everyone Here Like This?!


“AH!!” L.Joe screamed, covering his bare chest with his arms.

“I’m Sorry!! I thought you were done!” I screamed, quickly running out. I heard a commotion from inside as I leaned on the wall outside. Oh my God. L.Joe’s chest was so…well built… I was blushing at my thoughts. I have to apologize to him later. They all came out.

“Were you that curious Ji Yong-ah~?” Niel joked.

“You guys took so long!” I yelled, still embarrassed. L.Joe came out. “I’m sorry about that.” I said. His face was really red.

“It’s fine…” he said getting redder.

“Oh you two~ Anyway, let’s get to the gym!” Sandeul pulled me along. It was the size of a professional basketball court. There was a teacher already there.

“Ok everyone, get into 2 teams!” he yelled. Sandeul stuck to my arm, not letting go. They all gathered near me.

“How are we going to choose?” Gongchan wondered.

“Well who wants to beat Ji Yong-ah and who wants to help Ji Yong-ah?” CNU asked.

They all distributed into two teams. It was CAP, CNU, Baro, Ricky, Niel and Jinyoung against me, Sandeul, Gongchan, Chunji, L.Joe, and Changjo.

We started. CNU was already ripping across the court, he was so fast! He made a basket before anyone could stop him. I just started in awe. Are they all this amazing?!

“Haha don’t worry, CNU’s the basketball team captain, so he’s like three times better than us.” Changjo said. Still that was so cool!

We started again, this time it was our ball. Chunji got the ball running to the basket. I was open near the basket. No one was really defending against me…

“Ji Yong-ah!” He threw it, as I made the basket.

“Whoo!” Our team cheered.

“Pssh. It was an assisted basket. I’ll just see how good you are.” CAP said, he looked really serious. He quickly got the ball running to the other end. Now Baro started blocking me. CAP threw the ball to the basket. I jumped up grabbing it and throwing it to Chunji, who was open. He ran back to the other side, making a basket.

“Ooo~ she caught CAP’s shot.” Niel and Ricky jeered at CAP.

“That doesn’t mean anything yet.” He took the ball back, looking really intense. Their team ran past ours, this time CNU blocked me. He was so tall in comparison to me!

CAP started running to the basket, passing it along to Baro. CNU was still guarding me very well. I quickly went past him grabbing the ball as Baro shot. I passed it to L.Joe, but everyone seemed to look at me in amazement. We made the point, but there was a silence. Did I do something wrong??

“Ji Yong-ah would you like to join the basketball team?” CNU asked me.

“What!?” I was shocked at the sudden offer.

“You were able to get past me, not many people can do that easily. I think you would be a great addition to our team.” He said smiling.

“Ok, I’ll think about it.” I smiled back. We finished playing and went back to the classroom after changing. I looked at that schedule in the classroom. Hmm…tomorrow is soccer. I love soccer! It’ll be fun.

“Ji Yong-ah, let go back to the dorms.” Gongchan said. We went back, everyone was sitting there.


“So I was wondering, what teams are you guys on?” I asked them.

“Let’s see, for basketball it’s CNU as the captain, CAP, Jinyoung, Chunji, and Changjo.” Gongchan said. No wonder they were so good today.

“What else?” I asked.

“For volley ball it’s Captain Gongchan, Niel, Ricky, Baro, and Changjo.” CAP said.

“For soccer, Jinyoung is the captain and there’s Chunji, Changjo, Sandeul, and Ricky.”

“Changjo is on like all the teams.” I said.

“Just a few~” Changjo smiled.

“For tennis/badminton, L.Joe is the captain, with Gongchan, Ricky, Sandeul, and Niel.”

“This is so much information at once…” I said trying to remember everything.

“You’ll remember soon enough, there’s still more though.” Cap kept talking.

“For wrestling, I, CAP, am the captain, along with Baro, Chunji, L.Joe, and CNU.” That sounds like a weird team…

In track, it’s captain Sandeul, with Jinyoung, Ricky, CAP, and Baro.”

“And lastly swim captain Chunji along with Niel, L.Joe, Changjo, CNU, and Gongchan.” I was so confused by the end of the explanation…

“So which teams are you going to join?” Ricky asked me.

“I like most the sports so we’ll see later.” I wonder which one I’ll join. CNU already offered me basketball.

“Well it’s getting late, we should all go back to our rooms.” Changjo suggested.

“Oh yeah guys, I forgot to tell you, last night Jinyoung attacked Ji Yong in her sleep!” Sandeul mentioned. Everyone’s eyes widened.

“WHAT?!?!” They all yelled. Niel grabbed me away from Jinyoung.

“He even had his arm around her waist this morning!” Baro added. They were gossiping ahjummas.

“We can’t let her stay with him!!” Ricky yelled.

“We’ll be taking Ji Yong-ah to our dorm for the night then~” Niel and Ricky pulled my arms to a different building as the dorm 1 people ran with us. I guess I’ll be staying in dorm 1 today…


“So who do you want to room with for today?” Niel asked me. “CAP and CNU live in the 1st room, Chunji and Changjo in the 2nd, and me and Ricky in the 3rd.” The six of them stared at me. I really only feel comfortable with one of them, so…

“I’ll stay with Chunji-ah.” I walked next to him. He smiled. Why is his smile so dazzling!?

“Ooo not Chunji and Changjo, but just Chunji~!” Niel teased. Changjo, Chunji, and I went to their room.

“Ok, me and Changjo will sleep in the same bed, you can sleep on the top bunk.” Chunji said.

“Oh. I can just sleep on the floor.” I said.

“What!? You can’t sleep on the floor.” He said lying on the bottom bunk. I climbed up to the top bunk, putting my head on the pillow. It smells really nice~ I wonder who sleeps here usually… they must smell great~

“What you two are sleeping already?!” Changjo asked surprised.

“Yeah, so come here sweetie~” Chunji joked.

“It’s only ten, we can stay up longer.” He said.

“Ok!” I got up, coming down from the top bunk. Chunji didn’t want to get up.

“Nah~ You two have fun…” he said still lying on the bed.

“Aww…Chunji-ah…” I used my sad eyes. He smiled.

“Fine, just for you.” We all sat on the ground.

“Let’s play something fun.” Changjo said. “Like truth or dare. Muhahaha!” We agreed.

“Ji Yong-ah truth or dare?”

“Truth.” Who knows what the dare would be in a school of boys.

“Mmm…Do you like anyone at the school?” Changjo asked evily.

“I’ve only been here for two days!!” I yelled at him.

“Fine fine, how about is there anyone you think is cute?”

“…A lot of you are cute…” I said thinking.

“Who’s the best though?” It’s like he was interrogating me.

“I think…”


So I decided to update one last chapter for the day, they bug me sitting all alone in my computer with just me to read them...

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 81: Haha. I knew it. It's always the first guy.
iamawesome_rheacia #2
Chapter 69: Spoiler.

And l.joe is forever alone.
Chapter 31: I ship her with Jinyoung T^T Please authornim more of her with Jinyoung //knows this story is complete but wants to wish + continues being stubborn
Chapter 56: Reading this for the second time ! Oh how I love this ff<3
Cant wait to read this! Gaaahhh have to do homework 1st :(
ChocolatePandaCookie #7
Chapter 79: Someone please tell me how to subscibe?
Chapter 8: KYAAA L.JOE-AH!!! If nothing happens with Jinyoung soon, I'm gonna ship L.Joe more and more! XD
Chapter 5: LOL I burst out laughing at the end XDD I ship her with L.Joe just sooo badly right now XDD