
Gyeoul - Winter



I fall down at the sofa in the living room and hide my face behind my hands.

My hair is still wet.

I left Hyukjae inside the bathroom so he could get ready while I went to my room the wet way I was to change into dry clothes.

I guess he'll take his time. I'm also quiet mixed up right now.

I couldn't go to eat dinner with everyone as if nothing happened when he didn't even say goodbye. When he left through the door it kind of felt like... he slipped away from me, something I can never allow, by all means.

I'm glad I came back. Even if his tears broke my heart, his words put the pieces together again.

My phone goes off as I sigh deeply. I look at the screen.

Hae Ri.


"Hey Donghae! Am I disturbing you at the moment?"

I shake my head even though she can't see it. "No, it's alright. I'm not really doing anything at the moment. What's the matter?"

"Chi Soo got the role! I had to call you immediately!"

"WHAT?!" For a moment I forget what happened before. I sit up straighter. "That's great news. Where's he?"

"In his hotel room, taking a shower."

"I want to congratulate him." I feel like a proud grandparent, grinning like an idiot. I knew it. He's got so much talent, they'd be idiots to let him go away.



"You want to meet up with us? We could celebrate it with a few drinks." she says. I bite my bottom lip. She sounds so hopeful. ... but actually I want to stay with Hyukkie tonight. Just to make sure he's alright.

"Sorry, Hae Ri--"

"You've got plans already?"

"Yeah... kind of. I would've come if it wasn't urgent."

"It's alright Hae."

"I'm so sorry. First I leave you behind in the morning and now this."

"It's okay, Hae. The ahjumma who cleans your dorms was really nice and made us breakfast when everyone had left.", she chuckles slightly. "Don't feel bad about it. I know your schedule is pretty stressful."

"It's not because of work."

"Oh...", she responds slowly. "Hyukjae?"

"Yeah. He--"

"Sorry, Donghae. Someone's knocking at my door. I need to hang up."


She cut the connection before I could say anything at all.

I look at the phone. She acted strange... really strange. I can feel it. Something's bothering her. I guess I need to talk to her when I have the time.

The minutes pass and Hyukkie's still not there. I get up and walk back to the bathroom door.

"Baby?", I knock slightly. " You're ready?"


"What's keeping you?"


Then the door slowly opens and Hyukkie sticks his head out. "Hae?"

Oh my god, he's too adorable to handle. He blow-dried his hair and his cheeks are still slightly red from the heat. I peck his lips before he can say anything. "What do you want?" I then ask, our faces dangerously near.

"Can we.. go somewhere tonight?" he asks silently.

"Go somewhere?"

He looks to the ground. "Just if it's okay. I really want to go out. Only a little while and nothing special. Just getting outside for a bit."

He's averting my gaze? What is he expecting? Me yelling at him? No, thanks. I did it too often lately, nothing I want to repeat. But wouldn't it be kind of risky to go out now?

"You know, we don't have to, Hae. It was just--"

I put a finger under his chin and pull him closer to me softly.

"I have an idea." I say,  my lips brushing against his while I speak.





"This is like the most badass car I ever drove in my whole life."

I'm totally overwhelmed by Heechuls new car. I don't know what he paid for it but it has got everything, and I mean EVERYTHING with that. But the best part of it would probably be the dark windows which give us the perfect shelter from gazes from outside.

"He really lend it to us?", Hyukkie asks carefully. "You're sure you didn't just steal the keys?"

"I asked him over the phone. He's okay with it. Calm down. No Heechul is going to kill you. I protect you." I smirk and look to him but he just points to the street. "Ya! Look at the street! I know your driving skills."

"Hey! I've become better!"

"Then proof it."

"I will. This will be the safest ride you'll ever experience." I say and have to slow down the car ab bit too hard because I oversaw the red traffic lights.

"Don't say anthing." I deadpan.

"I won't."

We didn't choose any particular place to go so I just drive around for a bit, sometimes glancing at him. He snuggled up against the seat and looks at everything that awakens his interest outside. He's calm. Sometimes he even hums the melody of a song that's played in the radio.

A street leads into a park. I drive inside and we end up at a parking lot next to a lake. It's quiet empty. Only two or three cars can be seen. There's another couple getting out of one of them.

"This is beautiful!" Hyukjae says with a beaming smile.

" Who's the king of finding romantic places?"

"Siwon of course."


He chuckles and bends over to me only to kiss me softly. " It's you."

"I should hope so too."

We sit there in silence for a moment. The couple outside walks to the lake and passes our car.

"This is great! Look!" I make a face at them and burst out into laughter when they can't see me.

"Hae! That's so impolite!"

"Come on. They can't see us anyway. Try it."

He hesitates but when I start to poke him he sticks out his tongue out at them.

"That's all?"

"I tried!"

"You're too nice for your own good."

We look at each other and burst out into laughter.

As if nothing ever happened.

"Baby?", I say when were back to normal. I turn around a little to face him better. " Even if everything crashes down. We won't break up, right? I'll hold on to you no matter what."

He looks out at the front window, not answering immediately. His hand finds mine and we intertwine our fingers.

"I love you, Donghae. Is this enough of an answer?"

"Always.", I get closer. " Say it again."

"Today I tell you as much as you want. I love you."


"I love you."

"Now a little more passionate."

"I love you more than Kyu loves his games."

"That much?"


Our lips conflate into a passionate kiss. My fingers touch his perfect jawline, trail down to his throat where he's the most sensitive. I part our lips and cover his neck with kisses.

"Hae...?" he says, slowly getting breathless.

"Hmm?" I at his earlobe and feel how this drives him crazy.

"Can we go home?"

"What?!" I get up in an instant and want to start to whine about it when I meet his eyes.

"Can we... go home?" he says with more emphasis and now I get it.








I put another cup filled with soju in front of Heechul. He's kind of experienced in drinking so another one won't knock him out.


We're still at the restaurant and while everyone talks with each other we seperated a little from them and moved to the end of the big table.

"Something bothers me."

"And that would be?" he pours the liquor down and shakes a little afterwards.

" First of all: How did this person get all of our numbers?"

"That again?"

"Well. It's not like it doesn't bother me. I get quiet pissed off if someone does that to my brothers."

Heechul looks at the dark wood of the table and nods slowly. "Pissed off would be an understatement."

I put a spoon of rice into my mouth and chew it slowly. " And what bothers me the most: If this someone loves Donghae and thinks that he would be better off without Hyukjae. Why not giving the information he or her might have to someone who would bash them without hesitation? The media would love a story like this."

"Because there is no final proof. There aren't pictures of the two of them together. Only that fanservice stuff which everyone saw anyway. And that's the strange point."

"Strange point?"

"This persons knows either Hyukjae or Donghae -I think it's rather Donghae when I see what's happening to Hyukjae. Because being that sure about the relationship between them means someone told her about it. And that would explain the phone numbers."


He sighs deeply, looking at a bunch of girls at the table in the other corner of the room. " Just seems like the work of a woman in love."

I approach him. " Hyung?"


"Do you also... have someone in mind?"






"I'm sorry, Hae. But could you pick up Hyukjae?"

I frown. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"Well. He's...kind of drunk."





I write down the name of the restaurant he tells me and hurry up with putting my shoes on. "Give me Hyukkie for a second."

I really don't believe it. My baby drunk.... no way.


Someone screams into the phone and I nearly let it fall.

"Hae... Hyukkies stomach feels soooooo sick. Make it go away~."

He didn't lie.


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sry for the long waiting^^ going to upload the next days


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myeolchi5424 #1
Congratz for being featured :D
spyma04 #2
Chapter 1: Thanks author for this story! It's wonderful!
TaiShanNiangNiang #3
Chapter 46: So happy you were featured today and that I found your story! Really enjoyed your style of writing. Reminded me of how much I miss me a ton of EunHae! ;)
Congrats on being featured on the daily story section :)
Ice_siri #5
Chapter 46: Wow...this is just so awesome...I finished this in a day....too addictive. ...great read & thanks for sharing...
Chapter 46: Author-nim..its a very beautiful story ❤☺
This story.. is one of the best story that i read ♡_♡
U can't imagine how much i liked ur story ..actually I LOVED it ! The storyline was amazing..
Ur story deserve more Upvotes and subscribes.. sadly this type of story became really rare !!! I'm really happy that i find ur story and read it..
Thank u so much for sharing this wonderful story.. i hope u write more HaeHyuk..Thanks ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 46: okay i love this ff. i love kyu. i love heechul. i love eunhae. and above all, i love sj :)

but but, what happen to kyu? what happen to sj? and, how about eunhaeeeeeee.. authornim u r bad >.<
Haru_rin #9
Chapter 46: Complete ??? r u serius ...no way...
This fic way too good..
By the way I LOVE your fic too much ...
Gonna read the next of your fic..
This is so so good.. Why didnt this story have a lot of upvote, subbies and never featured?? I love this.. how eunhae describe their love for each other.. and kyu and chullies character.. I so love it.. I am not actually a haehyuk reader, but I really find hyuk cute here.. I love how you portray their characters.. not so childlike and cute hyuk, instead, the almost always shy and awkward hyuk, since I also find it cute..

Please, make a lot more of eunhae/haehyuk fic.. I will surely, definitely read it.. :)