Chapter 8

"You Lost Now You're Mine"
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The next day Jimin awoke to his alarm blaring from his phone once again. He got up groggily to turn it off, before stretching and heading towards the bathroom. He did his morning routine and then sat down at his table pulling out his laptop. He checked his email to see his dad had sent him all the things he needed to run the company for the upcoming months. He also asked Jimin to call him if he ever needed to talk. Jimin sighed reading the message from his dad, he’d honestly forgotten what happened yesterday when he’d woken up. But now it all came rushing back.

Jimin didn’t really know what to do about everything his aunt had told him. At first he thought maybe he should be angry at Jungkook’s father for getting him and his mom involved with his mess, but he couldn’t bring himself to be angry. He knew despite how tragic the event were for him that it was not Jungkook’s father’s fault. It was an accident . Jimin was beginning to hate that word. It wasn’t an accident that his mother had died. The person who’d shot her didn’t accidentally shoot her. Still, he couldn’t blame anyone but the shooter and the person who’d hired the shooter, but unfortunately he didn’t know who that was. He hadn’t bothered asking, knowing his aunt would have told him during the story if she had known.

While reminiscing about all that happened yesterday, Jimin started to wonder why he had suppressed his memories of those three months leading to his mother’s death. What had happened the day they’d been taken hostage? Jimin knew if he wanted to find out he’d have to use methods he’d usually use on patients on himself, or go see another psychiatrist. He immediately disregarded that thought, there was no way he was going to see another psychiatrist when he himself was one, though he knew that would be the better option. Jimin decided he would worry about remembering later.

Jimin went through his other emails and was surprised to find one from a colleague at the research center he’d worked at a few years prior to joining the one owned by Jungkook. The colleague had written about a new project he was starting and how he wanted Jimin to collaborate with him if possible, and asked Jimin to call him if he was interested. Jimin read over the proposal and it piqued his interest so he wrote the number down and decided he’d at least call and get more details about it later.

After reading his other emails and doing a little work for the company he got off his laptop. His dad had cancelled all his meetings for the upcoming months and just wanted Jimin to focus on stocks and any maintenance problems or emergencies that might arise from any of the hotels they owned. As such, Jimin would have a relatively easy time maintaining the company. Jimin headed towards Mrs. Jeon’s room after leaving his room. He knocked on the door softly before entering. Mrs. Jeon was sitting by the window again but she wasn’t looking out at the gardens, she was reading. She acknowledged Jimin’s presence with a glance. Jimin pulled up a chair and sat by her.

“Hello Mrs. Jeon, how are you today?” Jimin asked not expecting a reply.

“I see you’re reading, do you want me to leave and come by later?” he continued after a few seconds. Mrs. Jeon closed her book after placing a bookmark in it and then set it aside to gaze out the window. Jimin took that as a sign that he was welcome to stay and speak with her.

“Thank you for that Mrs. Jeon. So has Taehyung been able to communicate with more efficiently than before?” Jimin asked, wondering if Taehyung had managed to distinguish her little pauses. Mrs. Jeon turned to face him, her eyes piercing his before giving him a slight nod. Jimin was surprised by the sudden action, he hadn’t expected her to respond like that for a while yet. After all it had only been about three days, today being the third, since he started treating her.

Apparently, he wasn’t the only one surprised, though, he heard a gasp from behind him. He turned to see Jungkook staring at his mother with wide, unbelieving eyes.

“Mom?” Jungkook called out to her uncertainly. Mrs. Jeon glanced up at him but returned her gaze back to Jimin just as quickly. Jimin could hear Jungkook let out a small sigh.

“How are you doing mom? Do you need anything?” Jungkook asked coming to a halt behind Jimin’s chair. His mom did not respond, she just continued to stare at Jimin. Jimin shifted in the chair slightly as he too watched Mrs. Jeon’s movements. She was staring at him so intently like she was trying to figure something out like she was trying to read him.

“Mrs. Jeon, may I ask if you remember me?” Jimin decided to ask testing out a hunch. He saw her eyes widen slightly before going back to normal and then there it was again, the slight nod. Jimin smiled at her.

“Well that’s nice to know. I regret to say I don’t remember you, and did not even realize I knew you until yesterday. But I promise I will do my best to try and remember you.” Jimin said with a neutral tone, though in all honesty he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to remember. As soon as the words left his mouth, Mrs. Jeon reached out and grabbed his hand squeezing it tightly, her eyes wide. Jimin didn’t know what to make of that response and was mostly startled by the sudden movement. With each passing second her grip tightened on his hand until it actually hurt and Jimin winced.

“Um...Mrs. Jeon...could you please let go?” Jimin asked cautiously, but she didn’t, her grip tightening even more and she began to shake her head a little, her eyes still blown wide. Her sapphire eyes indicating hints of fear.

“Mom! Mom, let go! You’re hurting him!” Jungkook called out trying to pry her hand off. Apparently hearing she was hurting him got her to snap her hand back immediately, but she continued to shake her head at Jimin, her eyes almost looked pleading. But Jimin didn’t understand, what was she trying to say?

“I’m sorry if I’ve upset you Mrs. it because I don’t remember you?” Jimin asked in an attempt to figure out the cause of the rash behavior. Mrs. Jeon continued to shake her head.

“If not it because I said I’ll try to remember you?” he continued throwing out all possible reasons. At this Mrs. Jeon nodded a little.

“ don’t want me to remember you?” Jimin inquired furrowing his eyebrows, not understanding the logic behind that. Another nod came from Mrs. Jeon.

“Uh...ok then. I won’t try to remember you?...But if I end up doing so, I’m sorry in advance?” Jimin muttered uncertainly. Mrs. Jeon just stared at Jimin not moving once again, her

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Scarlet_Amara #1
Chapter 61: I can't man this is too much. I really didn't want it to end man it's just that good 😭😭 but every story has to have their final and you my friend have finished this with perfection. Thank you for your hard work and getting to the end, not a lot of people do. You have my honest respects 👍👍
Scarlet_Amara #2
Chapter 54: I SAW MY NAME!!!!
Chapter 8: Oh no, poor Jimin :"( Well at least now I know why Jungkook is so sus
Chapter 7: I knew it! He's so sus!!!
Chapter 6: I honestly thought he was going to leave without saying anything to Jungkook!!!
Chapter 5: Uno for the win!!!
Chapter 4: Oooooo he feels bad!
Chapter 2: Why is Jungkook so suspicious? Seems to me there is something more than meets the eye.
Eevery #9
Chapter 9: That moment youngi join the story and ur all excited ???????‍♀️???
haesucc #10
Chapter 54: sskskskksksks how did I manage to almost read all of it?!! this story is so good!