Chapter 16

"You Lost Now You're Mine"
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The next day was rather hectic for Jimin. He was awoken at three in the morning with a phone call from his dad who didn’t realize the huge time difference that existed between the two countries. While apologizing he asked if everything was ok and if Jimin was having any troubles with the business. Jimin tiredly answered his father's questions and then promptly fell back asleep once his father hung up only to be awoken an hour later by another phone call, this time from his aunt.

“Auntie it’s four o'clock in the morning over here, why are you calling me?” Jimin whined tiredly as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“I know it’s early and I’m sorry sweetie. Your dad and I are both sorry, but I need you to do something for me and I really couldn’t wait to ask you later.” His aunt replied sounding very apologetic.

“What is it?” Jimin asked sighing, abandoning all hopes of getting any more sleep.

“I need you to go to the hotel and into my office. In the first cabinet, you’ll find a file labeled ‘56LM’, I need you to fax over the last five pages of the contents in it.” His aunt answered.

“Hmm...what’s in the file and why do you need it?” Jimin questioned as he got up and headed towards the bathroom.

“I can’t tell you what’s in it and please don’t look at the content when you fax it over. I’m trusting you on this Jimin.” She instructed. Jimin knew she was being serious when she used his name rather than her usual ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey’.

“Alright, I won’t ask. But why do you need it? And why now?” Jimin asked again.

“I just do, it’s important you get to me as soon as possible.” His aunt replied. He could hear the urgency in her voice and wanted to question her further but knew it was better he didn’t.

“This isn’t related to the company, right? Because you do realize I made you go on vacation to relax and not deal with work.” Jimin made sure.

“It’s not. It’s something personal that I’ve been working on...I’ll tell you about it someday but not today. Just please hurry and get it now.” she pleaded.

“Alright, I’m getting ready to go now. I’ll call you when I start faxing it over,” he replied.

“Thank you, thank you so much Jimin. I’ll talk to you soon, bye for now.” She said before hanging up.

Jimin sighed once more wondering what all this was about but didn’t dwell on it as he quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth. He didn’t bother changing from his sweats and t-shirt since he knew no one would be at the office this early in the morning beside a few hotel staff members. He called a taxi and then started leaving his room. As Jimin was leaving his room he realized he had to inform Jungkook about his needing to leave the mansion. He didn’t want to wake the younger up so early but his aunt had sounded desperate for the file and so he went up to Jungkook’s room and knocked on the door. He waited a bit and then knocked again but louder when he didn’t hear anything. He heard a small ‘wait a second’ and so he did. Jungkook opened the door a moment later rubbing at his eyes when he registered the fact Jimin was standing there he looked surprised.

“Did you need something?” Jungkook asked giving Jimin a questioning look.

“I’m sorry to wake you so early, but to be fair it’s your fault for including I had to get your permission before leaving the mansion, oh and that’s why I’m waking you, I needed to inform you I’m leaving the mansion for a bit,” Jimin said quickly before turning on his heel and walking away, praying he’d be fast enough to avoid any questions.

“Ah wait!” Jungkook exclaimed running to catch up with and grabbing a hold of Jimin’s arm, effectively pulling him to a stop.

“Where are you going this early in the morning? Why do you have to go? What’s going on?” Jungkook fired his questions at Jimin.

“My aunt called me and she needed me to do her a favor. She sounded really pressed for time and so I’m leaving to run the errand for her.” Jimin explained.

“What’s the errand? Why can’t it wait?” Jungkook asked curiously.

“I don’t really know. She wouldn’t tell me, but she made it sound urgent and important, so please just let me go. Go back to sleep I should be back before you know it.” Jimin answered as he pulled his arm away.

“Where are you going? I’ll drive you.” Jungkook offered but Jimin shook his head.

“I already called a cab, you go back to sleep. I can tell you’re tired and you shouldn’t drive when you’re tired.” Jimin insisted.

“I’m not that tired.” Jungkook persisted but he yawned.

“Jungkook you usually stand up straight but when you are tired or bored you slouch slightly, and you are slouching quite a bit now. Also, your eyes are red, meaning you didn’t sleep much, I’m betting you stayed up late and didn’t go to sleep more than two hours ago, so you need to rest. I’ll be fine on my own and this shouldn’t take long, so please just go back to sleep.” Jimin pleaded with a small pout.

Jungkook stared at Jimin for a second before giving in with a tiny nod. “Fine, careful, it’s still dark out so it’s dangerous.”

“I’ll be fine Kookie, it’s just a quick errand I won’t even be walking outside since I’m taking a cab. Just go back to sleep ok?” Jimin said placing his hands on Jungkook’s shoulder and turning him around and lightly pushing him towards his room.

“Alright, I’m going…” Jungkook yawned once more, turned back around to face Jimin and gave him a quick hug before scurrying off to his room. Jimin smiled and then raced down the stairs to wait for the taxi. It didn’t take long, and pretty soon he was on his way to the hotel. He made his way up to his aunt’s office, punching in the security code before opening the door. He the lights and made his way to the cabinet. He found the file and then called his aunt.

After sending the files he put them back and as he did he noticed another file next to it with his mother’s name on it. It was a thick file, much bigger than all the other files in the cabinet. Jimin knew he shouldn’t look at it but he was really curious as to what it might contain and couldn’t help himself. He decided to take a quick peek just to see what was in it. He brought out the file and opened it. The first thing he noticed was that it was filled with pictures which were divided into small sets.

Pictures of his mom, pictures of him, and pictures of Jungkook as well from when they were younger. He didn’t recognize many of those photos and so he began to go through them taking in all their details. It took him over five minutes just to get through the first set of photos. There were at least twenty sets of photos from what he could tell and he knew it would take him a while to go through them all and so he convinced himself that his aunt wouldn’t miss the file and that he’d return it before she came back, and honestly no matter what he did, his aunt would never truly be mad at him, much less hate him for it.

Jimin gathered the file arranging it so none of the contents would spill before turning off the lights and closing the door. He made his way out of the hotel and to the cab he’d asked to wait for him since he knew he wouldn’t take that long to run his aunt’s errand. After the short cab ride, he was back at the mansion locked in his room with the file open and pictures spread all around his bed.

He tried to keep the pictures in the order he found them since his aunt was a stickler for detail and had a precise way of organizing her things. She would notice anything out of place in her files if Jimin messed with them and so he made sure to be extra careful in keeping everything in order and separate.

The rest of the night, or maybe he should say the early morning, was spent gaz

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Scarlet_Amara #1
Chapter 61: I can't man this is too much. I really didn't want it to end man it's just that good 😭😭 but every story has to have their final and you my friend have finished this with perfection. Thank you for your hard work and getting to the end, not a lot of people do. You have my honest respects 👍👍
Scarlet_Amara #2
Chapter 54: I SAW MY NAME!!!!
Chapter 8: Oh no, poor Jimin :"( Well at least now I know why Jungkook is so sus
Chapter 7: I knew it! He's so sus!!!
Chapter 6: I honestly thought he was going to leave without saying anything to Jungkook!!!
Chapter 5: Uno for the win!!!
Chapter 4: Oooooo he feels bad!
Chapter 2: Why is Jungkook so suspicious? Seems to me there is something more than meets the eye.
Eevery #9
Chapter 9: That moment youngi join the story and ur all excited ???????‍♀️???
haesucc #10
Chapter 54: sskskskksksks how did I manage to almost read all of it?!! this story is so good!