Chapter 12

"You Lost Now You're Mine"
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Mrs. Jeon was eating breakfast when Jimin entered the room. Taehyung was there animatedly talking to her while she listened. Jimin greeted both of them. Taehyung greeted him back while Mrs. Jeon gave him a small nod in acknowledgment as she continued to eat. Taehyung and Jimin talked with each other and they would occasionally ask Mrs. Jeon yes or no questions to include her in the conversation. After Mrs. Jeon finished her food Taehyung left with the tray so that Jimin could start his session. Jimin started the session by asking her questions about how she’s feeling and doing. He asked her a few questions about herself to try and get to know her more. He also shared details about himself from time to time.

“Have you given Jungkook a hug yet?” Jimin questioned after a while. Mrs. Jeon shook her head.

“Are you planning to?” Jimin pressed on. She nodded a look of determination crossing her eyes for a second before disappearing just as quick.

“Well, I’m glad about that. Has he come to see you this morning?” Jimin asked. She shook her head.

“Ah, well he should be coming soon then, maybe give him a hug then?” Jimin suggested, and Mrs. Jeon hesitated but then nodded again.

“I’m glad to see you’re willing to do this. I really am.” Jimin sid with a smile. Jimin asked a few other questions and then excused himself when Jungkook came in. Jimin gave Mrs. Jeon a reassuring pat on the back before leaving telling Jungkook he’d see him later.

“Where are you going?” Jungkook asked before Jimin could leave.

“My room,” Jimin answered about to close the door behind him.

“Wait! I know you haven’t had breakfast yet so you’re joining me again please.” Jungkook said causing Jimin to sigh. He was getting really tired of Jungkook’s pickiness on his eating habits, but he didn’t really have a sound argument for why he should be allowed to skip breakfast. Thus Jimin let it be.

“I’ll join you, just come get me from my room when you’re done,” Jimin said finally closing the door before Jungkook could say anything else. With a small sigh, Jimin walked away and into his room. He really hoped Mrs. Jeon would take his advice and give Jungkook a hug, but he had his doubts. While Mrs. Jeon had seemed determined, she was also really scared, and often fear trumps conviction. As such, Jimin couldn’t be a 100% sure that Mrs. Jeon would hug Jungkook anytime soon, but he really hoped she would.

Jimin was about to read a book while he waited for Jungkook when he heard his phone ring. He picked up his phone glancing at the caller ID before answering.

“Hey Yoongi, what’s up?” Jimin asked wondering why Yoongi had decided to call.

“Just wanted to update you about the project. My proposition was rejected an-” Yoongi began but was cut off by Jimin.

“What? Why?” Jimin questioned.

“I was just about to explain so shut your trap and listen kid.” Yoongi grumpily murmured before continuing. “As I was saying, the proposition got rejected, and I thought that was weird so I checked their reasoning and couldn’t find anything written on the form. So I called to see what was up with this. Turns out a newbie made a mistake and confused my proposal with someone else's and so now I have to resubmit it and start over with the process, even though it wasn’t my mistake. While I plan to write a strongly worded letter to the director about this, I just have to deal with what’s done for now. So all this is to say, I wanted to know if you’re still on board for starting in four months. Because I’ve decided we are starting then and not a moment later. I think we’ll be beginning near the first week of October probably on the third or fourth. Will you be able to start then?” Yoongi finished.

“Hmm...yes. I should be available by then.” Jimin answered after a moment's hesitation. Jimin heard a knock on his door and went to answer it, still talking with Yoongi.

“Good, then plan to start on the fourth of October at the latest date ok Park?” Yoongi cleared up sternly. Jimin opened the door and put a hand up to Jungkook without glancing at him before going back toward his bed.

“Yes, sir. I got it. Anything else, Yoongi?” Jimin asked with a small hint of sarcasm in his voice. He heard Jungkook enter his room and close the door behind him.

“No, that’s it for now. Talk to you later Jimin.” Yoongi stated before hanging up, not even giving Jimin a chance to say bye. Jimin chuckled a bit at his senior’s behavior before placing his phone down on the table and then turned to face Ju

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Scarlet_Amara #1
Chapter 61: I can't man this is too much. I really didn't want it to end man it's just that good 😭😭 but every story has to have their final and you my friend have finished this with perfection. Thank you for your hard work and getting to the end, not a lot of people do. You have my honest respects 👍👍
Scarlet_Amara #2
Chapter 54: I SAW MY NAME!!!!
Chapter 8: Oh no, poor Jimin :"( Well at least now I know why Jungkook is so sus
Chapter 7: I knew it! He's so sus!!!
Chapter 6: I honestly thought he was going to leave without saying anything to Jungkook!!!
Chapter 5: Uno for the win!!!
Chapter 4: Oooooo he feels bad!
Chapter 2: Why is Jungkook so suspicious? Seems to me there is something more than meets the eye.
Eevery #9
Chapter 9: That moment youngi join the story and ur all excited ???????‍♀️???
haesucc #10
Chapter 54: sskskskksksks how did I manage to almost read all of it?!! this story is so good!