Chapter 48

"You Lost Now You're Mine"
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*Jungkook’s POV*

When Jungkook had arrived at the mansion, it was in a disarray, with bodyguards everywhere and everyone talking over each other. Jungkook had ignored everything and stormed into the mansion without a word to anyone. He’d went into his room slamming the door and letting out a long anguished scream. When Mr. Hwan, the guy in charge of keeping Jungkook safe came to check on him, Jungkook had taken his anger out on him.

“Why did you let him go! I gave everyone instructions to keep him here! Why! Why was he allowed out?!” Jungkook screamed at the poor man who wasn’t really to blame for this.

“We’re sorry sir..I was unaware..I..” The man was at a loss for words. Jungkook was his priority and no one had informed him about Jimin leaving, he’d only been told that Jungkook was in danger and that he was probably at the pier. He’d been gathering his men to go get Jungkook out of danger when Jungkook had come back and run into the mansion.

“Get out. I want to be alone. No one is to disturb me. Send Park Eunji up when she arrives.” Jungkook told the man and turned away from him. The man nodded and left.

Jungkook was not in his right state of mind. He was angry, worried, and panicking; his mind was a muddled mess filled with regret and hate. Why hadn’t he been able to see this coming? Jimin’s mother had warned them! She’d told them Myung was dangerous. Jimin had expressed his fears over his father getting to him. Jimin had said he didn’t think Jungkook and his mom could stop Myung. And Jimin was right..Jungkook hadn’t been able to protect him. He should have been more careful, he should have predicted this! Why hadn’t he thought of the possibility Myung would use him to get to Jimin? Why had he been so stupid?

Jungkook was pacing around his room going crazy. He was trying to think up a solution but all his mind was focusing on was the fact he’d been unable to stop this from happening. 

“Agh! Why?! Why am I so stupid?!” Jungkook yelled in anger clutching at his hair in frustration. He couldn’t focus, he couldn’t think straight...he couldn’t come up with an answer. He was going crazy and he didn’t know what to do. He sat down on his bed and pulled his knees to his chest and began crying. He couldn’t take it anymore. He really was a mess and he was so so worried. What if Myung had already harmed Jimin? Was Jimin crying right now? Was he in pain? Was he dying?!

“Please God...please help me.” He whispered in desperation.

A knock sounded at his door. Jungkook swiped at his eyes and went to answer it. Upon opening it he found Jimin’s mother standing there. She looked at him with worried and confused eyes.

“What happened?” She asked not waiting a second for him to gather his thoughts.

“He...Myung took him.” Jungkook whispered.

“I know that! I’m asking how?!” She asked in desperation, her own eyes reflecting all the emotions Jungkook was feeling.

“Myung used me...he took me, hostage, to get to Jimin,” Jungkook answered, tears rolling down his cheeks again.

“That bastard..” Eunji muttered as her eyes watered. She stepped forward and hugged Jungkook for a solid minute, both of them needing that time to calm down. “Tell me everything Jungkook. I need to understand exactly what happened to figure out what to do next.” Eunji whispered, her voice breaking slightly.

Jungkook nodded pulling away from her and letting her into his room so the two of them could sit at the table and discuss what to do. He was so glad he’d been thinking straight enough to call her, he really needed someone else to help him right now.

“Myung found me in my office...I was being dumb. I sent my bodyguards away after the meeting and went into my office alone. I didn’t notice anything amiss until I my laptop and saw someone had tried to get into it. Then all of a sudden someone was holding a rag to my nose and I inhaled it like an idiot. I was out before I could process anything….I drifted in and out of consciousness until we reached the pier...That’s when I was fully conscious but couldn’t do anything. Before I knew it Myung was calling Jimin and telling him to walk onto a boat. I was already being dragged away by the guy who’d been keeping watch over me the whole time. The guy was taking me to a taxi when he suddenly handed me my phone and told me to call Jimin. I did that just as we reached the taxi...I tried to tell him not to get on the boat but he didn’t listen. And then I was being taken back here. They’d paid the cab driver extra to ignore me when I asked to turn back and I didn’t have any money on me to make him do otherwise...I knew I should call you and so I did.” Jungkook finished.

Eunji looked pale, she looked tired and unwell. She looked as if she hadn’t slept in days, and to a certain extent, that was true. She’d been so worried about what Myung might do and her worry had been eating away at her until now. Now...this was the breaking point for her. Her worst nightmare had come true and she didn’t know what to do. But not doing anything wasn’t an option. She had to take action, she had to save her son.

“I’m so sorry...I should have seen it coming. I should have been more careful.” Jungkook said softly after a minute of silence. He was still beating himself up over it in his head.

“’s not your fault. It’s Myung’s fault. Only his. Don’t go blaming yourself and don’t beat yourself over it. Especially not now. Jimin needs us to use our heads and save him, not blame ourselves.” Eunji said knowing Jungkook needed reassurance that it wasn’t his fault so that he would be able to focus.

“Okay..” Jungkook said as if accepting her words, but it was obvious he really didn’t. She was right about one thing. Now wasn’t the time to be hating himself. He should work on ideas to find Jimin and get him back.

“While you were drifting in and out of consciousness, did you catch anything that was being said?” Eunji asked biting her bottom lip as she looked at Jungkook with imploring eyes.

“I did...but none of it made sense since I only remember bits and pieces,” Jungkook answered lowering his eyes.

“Tell me what you remember.” She demanded.

“Myung was praising Jimin for something, I’m not sure what...and then he seemed disappointed it was weird how fast that change happened or maybe I was unconscious between the change?...Anyway, he was also talking to this woman with him at one point. She asked him about a shipment and he told her they had to make a stop somewhere...Etiuvum...Ethuvum illi or something?” Jungkook struggled with the pronunciation of the words Myung had said, “I’m not sure. It sounded like a different language.” He continued but stopped when Eunji raised her hand indicating for him to stop.

“Etuvum illai?” She asked, saying it perfectly.

“Yea! Something like that.” Jungkook answered confused on how she had said it so perfectly.

“It is another language. Tamil to be precise. He learned it as a kid thanks to his aunt, and he taught me when I showed an interest.” Eunji explained.

“Oh..what does it mean?” Jungkook asked.

“City of..nothing,” Eunji answered furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

“That doesn’t make much sense,” Jungkook said frowning.

“Maybe...maybe it’s actually a place? A nickname for a place, like how Las Vegas is sometimes known as the city that never sleeps?” Eunji offered and Jungkook took out his phone to do a search.

“Um...there’s a city in the USA called nothing...and then something about a place in Australia,” Jungkook said looking at the results that came up.

“...neither of those places sound right.”

“How come?”

“Myung hates the states, it was a lawsuit from there tha

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Scarlet_Amara #1
Chapter 61: I can't man this is too much. I really didn't want it to end man it's just that good 😭😭 but every story has to have their final and you my friend have finished this with perfection. Thank you for your hard work and getting to the end, not a lot of people do. You have my honest respects 👍👍
Scarlet_Amara #2
Chapter 54: I SAW MY NAME!!!!
Chapter 8: Oh no, poor Jimin :"( Well at least now I know why Jungkook is so sus
Chapter 7: I knew it! He's so sus!!!
Chapter 6: I honestly thought he was going to leave without saying anything to Jungkook!!!
Chapter 5: Uno for the win!!!
Chapter 4: Oooooo he feels bad!
Chapter 2: Why is Jungkook so suspicious? Seems to me there is something more than meets the eye.
Eevery #9
Chapter 9: That moment youngi join the story and ur all excited ???????‍♀️???
haesucc #10
Chapter 54: sskskskksksks how did I manage to almost read all of it?!! this story is so good!