Complications and Realization

The Thin Line Between You and Him

Jonghyun's POV

"Do you love her? Han Eul?"

"I'll learn to." Hyun Joong replied and fixed his tux.

"What about Kyung Mi?"

"It's just  wasn't meant to be, I'm over it."


"I know. But it's my wedding day. What else am I suppose to say?"

"That you still love Kyung Mi and you hate this idea of an arranged marriage."

"Why rain on mother's parade? I've learn that things are just better when I'm not fighting with her, and this will be good for the company."

"I sudddenly feel guilty."


"I have Na Na and-"

"Don't feel bad because you're happy. I would rather it be me than you."


"Because you're difficult, Jonghyun. You being married to a random girl, it's-it's-I just don't see it. I'm surprised you found a girl who makes you happy, and she likes you back. You can be kind of an sometimes."


"You're rude too." Hyun Joong laughed and grabbed the closest pillow to throw at me. I tsked and was about to throw it back but the door opened so I didn’t. The two of the other best man walked in and told us to get going. I fixed my tux a little before following everyone out.

I stood at my place beside Hyun Joong and scanned the crowd. I finally found Na Na beside Key and Taemin and aish. Taemin definitely has personal space issues… he's always so close to Na Na. I kept my eyes on Na Na the entire time and it took Na Na quite the time to look back. I smiled brightly and waved at her, Na Na smiled back and also waved.


Na Na's POV

The music began and the bride made her way towards the groom with two flower girls following behind. I looked at the bride in envy. She was very pretty and the dress she had on was simply exquisite. I wish I would be able to look half as beautiful as her when I get married. The bride finally arrived at the alter and took her place by the groom. The priest began with the usual long speech before the happy couple said their vows and kissed. 

The wedding was over and everyone made way to the after party outside at the garden. I was laughing at Onew's joke when I felt a hand creep into my waist. I turned and saw a very well dressed Jonghyun smiling.

"My Na Na looks so beautiful in her dress." Jonghyun whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

"Go away, the two of you. It's gross." Onew tsked and walked away himself.

"May I have this dance?" Jonghyun asked and kissed my hand. I nodded and Jonghyun gave me a twirl and I fell into his arms. I rested my face in Jonghyun's neck and inhaled the familiar scent. Jonghyun tightened his grasp of me and I accidently stepped on his shoe.

"Mianh." I pulled away and told him but Jonghyun smiled sweetly.

"Gwenchana. I like that my baby can't dance. I'm guessing Nichkhun never taught you then?"

"Ani. We really never danced…"

"Good. I'm glad to be your first." Jonghyun smiled held me close again.

"I'm surprised you're still taller than me." I laughed when I fell back right into his arms.


"Jonghyun, people are staring." I laughed awkwardly and tried to pull away when Jonghyun began kissing my neck.

"Let them. There's this guy that's been looking at you weird for a while now, he should know you're mine." Jonghyun mumbled with another kiss.

"It's someone's wedding day." I pulled away and glared at him with an eyebrow raised. Jonghyun sighed and pecked my cheeks.

"I'm just expressing my love." Jonghyun sighed dramatically.


Key's POV

I was chatting with some business people like I have to when I noticed Krystal sitting at the table...alone…staring at Jonghyun and Na Na with so much envy. It's sad. I excused myself and walked towards the girl.

"Who would have thought? You can look this pathetic. I don't know if I should laugh or pity." I sat down and told her.

"You always know what to say to make a girl feel better." Krystal sarcastically replied and folded her arms.

"I hope you're not planning anything." I warned Krystal and raised my eyebrows in suspicion.

"I'm smart enough to turn the car around when I see a dead end."

"I suggest you step on the gas pedal and actually move because just staring at the dead end won't get you anywhere." I advised.

"I'm out of gas." Krystal sighed with her eyes glued to the happy couple.

"Then take a cab."

"I don't want a cab. I want a limousine."

"Okay, let’s stop. I really don't know where this analogy is going anymore."

"I want Jonghyun."

"Why are so hung up on him? You are the last from clingy. Looking past your personality, you're not an ugly girl. You're one of the last girls I would think to need a man to be happy."

"That's what I thought too but what am I after looking past my face? Jonghyun looked past everything I wasn't and loved everything I was… What other guy can do the same? Na Na is the kind of girls guys falls for and she can surely find another. Why can't I have Jonghyun?"

"Because he doesn't love you anymore." I told her harshly, but someone has to tell her the truth.

"Why do you think I see a dead end? I need a drink." Krystal declared and got up.

I sighed and looked at the disappearing figure. My, my…. Love… what a complicated thing.


Jonghyun's POV

I dragged Na Na to my parents and smiled brightly upon introduction. Mother wasn't very friendly but dad was. Dad seemed to like her so I was happy. Mother was rude and excused herself after a minute. I sighed when dad went to catch up with mother, I'll work on mother.

After the wedding, I decided to take Na Na on a stroll in a nearby beach. I looked at Na Na and smiled. Na Na was looking out into the ocean with her pair of heels in hand after declaring of her sore feet. I let go of the grasp I had of her hand and took off my jacket. I grinned when she looked at me curiously and put my jacket on her. Na Na looked like she was about to retort but I gave her a peck to prevent her from saying anything. Na Na giggled and I took her pair of heels so she won't have to carry the heavy thing. I put the shoes in my right and held her hand with my left.

"Your mom doesn't like me." Na Na brought up.

"Mother's going to have to because she's not getting rid of you."

"Get rid of?"

"Nothing. Forget I said that."

"Jonghyun." Na Na said in a way that I can't ignore.

"Mother just gets in the way of things."


"Like today. Like the wedding. Like how hyung's married to a girl he barely knows because of mother."

"Why though?"

"Because of business… because of Kyung Mi… Because of other stupid reasons."

"Kyung Mi?"

"The girl Hyun Joong was separated from. The girl he loves. A sad love story…"

"Are we going to be just another sad love story?" Na Na asked after a long moment of silence.

"No." I confidently told her.

"Ugh. Your confidence is going to be the death of me."

"Bwoh? You love my confidence… You love me… And I love you. That's why we're not going to be a sad love story."

"It wasn't enough for your brother. Why would it be for us?"

"Because he got tried and gave up. But your Jonghyun is as stubborn as it gets so I will never let that happen. And I'm not joking when I said I'd stalk you till the end of time if we break up."

"But one day, if we do-"

"LALALALALA!" I tuned Na Na out and ran away.

"Jonghyun! Yah-"

"LALALALALA!" I continued without looking back.

I knew Na Na won't be able to catch up with me so I ran a little slower-a lot slower. Na Na was huffing and puffing when she caught me. I turned and saw Na Na bending over, trying to catch her breath. I chuckled and decided to carry her bridal style causing Na Na to be scream a little in surprise. So cute… I leaned in and pecked her.

"Aigoo. My girlfriend is heavy." I teased after another kiss.

"Yah." Na Na tsked and smacked me in the chest. Na Na got off and walked away with a glare.

"I'm sorry. I was kidding." I tried catch up and  tell her. I knew I was being ignored so I tackled Na Na lightly to the ground. I looked her in the eyes and kissed neck and moved up to her lips.

"Na Na." I pulled away and sat up.


"Do you want to get married here too?" I teased and Na Na rolled her eyes back with a laugh.

"What kind of a playboy are you? You're always talking about marriage."

"It's because I love you. And now you love me too."


Nichkhun's POV

"This doesn't taste as bad as it looked." Victoria exclaimed and took another bite from the pizza.

"Good, right?" I asked and Victoria nodded.

"Khun." Victoria put down the pizza and called out.


"You and Na Na…"

"We're friends. It's the pictures, right? Aish… I wonder who was the idiot that wasted their time and put those up." I rolled my eyes and told her. I looked at Victoria and she suddenly went from smiling to biting her lips.

"I… posted the pictures." Victoria admitted. I looked at her with wide eyes… What is she talking about?

"Bwoh?" I tried to laugh it off.

"I had Luna and Sulli to take them and put them-"


"K-Khun! Why do you sound so mad?"

"Why shouldn't I? Do you know that Na Na has a hard time as it is? Now-now everyone thinks she's this-this-"

"What? . Isn't that what she is?"

"Victoria!" I blinked and shot a glare.

"What?  Na Na was cheating on you-"

"Wait, what? You knew we dated? H-how-"

"Someone told me-and that-that person also told me Na Na was cheating on you with Jonghyun."

"Do you know how stupid that sounds? Jonghyun was new and they met during a project."

"Khun, you just think that-"

"No. I know that. Who told you this?"

"It doesn't matter-"

"Yeah, it does. Because this person's lying to you. I might have dated Na Na but I know that she has never-ever cheated on me. Na Na isn't like that."

"You just think that-"

"Victoria, when were you so gullible?"

"Gullible? I'm not-"

"Who told you?" I asked Vicotira again and she emit a sigh.


"What? How does she… Why does she even know about any of this-of me and Na Na?"

"She wanted to protect me-"

"Okay, Victoria, I think your 'best friend' is using you. You need to talk to Krystal and fix this-apologize to Na Na."


Na Na's POV

"It's dark… shouldn't we go back to the hotel now?" I looked at Jonghyun and asked.

"Arraso. Let's go." Jonghyun agreed and kissed my hand.

Jonghyun and I walked to the car in hands and back to the hotel. We walked to the reception and Jonghyun was talking with the lady but all I could notice was how the girl was acting towards Jonghyun. I frowned how Jonghyun doesn't notice anything… Does the lady not see me?

"Na Na." Jonghyun called me from my thoughts.


"There's only one room left, the wedding planner messed up all the room reservations so we're sharing. Arraso?"

"Arraso." I nodded.

Jonghyun grabbed my hand and walked to our room. Jonghyun opened the suite and wahhh. I jumped on the big bed and covered myself with the fluffy blanket. I sighed in comfort and Jonghyun jumped on the bed also. Jonghyun was moving in for a kiss when a knock was heard from the door. Jonghyun got up and open and saw a smiling Taemin.

"Here, Key said your clothes are here." Taemin handed Jonghyun the bag. I got up and took the bag from Jonghyun so I could change and sleep. I went to the bathroom to change and went back out to see Jonghyun changed too. Jonghyun was leaning in to kiss again but a knock interrupted him. Jonghyun groaned much louder and got up.

"Taemin, why are you here again?"

"Key locked me out."


"Can't I-"


"Wae? Na Na!"

"Don't bring Na Na into this! Go! The lobby has a nice rug."

"Jonghyun! Just let him sleep here." I told him.

"But Na Na-"

"Yay." I heard Taemin and he came running in and jumped on the bed. I chuckled but laid back down. Jonghyun came in and I heard a tsk before he suddenly came in between me and Taemin.

"Taemin, there's a couch."

"Hyung, you know that I have sensitive skin-"

"What does that have to do with the couch?"

"Goodnight!" Taemin yelled and turn the lamp off from hid side.


"Jonghyun, let's just sleep."

"Arraso, Na Na." Jonghyun sighed and reached for the lamp beside to turn the lights off. Jonghyun pecked my lips and then held me tight as we fell asleep. Just as I was almost asleep, I heard weird mumblings. I sat up and thought it was Jonghyun but no... he was quiet. I thought it was Taemin but he wasn't even on the bed.

"Na Na?" Jonghyun grumbled and sat up.

"What is that noise? And where's Taemin?"

"He's on the floor. Just let him be. Taemin sleep talks-that's why Key kicked him out and left the kid with us."

"Shouldn't we help him back up on the bed?"

"He'd just fall right off again. Here. I'll be nice and give him a pillow." Jonghyun suggested and threw on of the pillow down.

"I want to be sweet." Taemin sang.

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I didn't realize how long my chapters actually was untill today. Some have told me before but i just never realized it. I hope you guys don't get bored a lot...


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BBlingKimmy #1
Chapter 51: It's sad that you're discontinuing this story but it's okay :) I can totally understand how you feel! But don't ever give up writing story! I will look forward to it ^^ I will still support you.
Bluechunsa #2
Chapter 51: I'm kinda sad that you just ended the story like that but I'm pretty sure they got married and had beautiful babies. When I read the part where Jonghyun proposed to NaNa, G.O's 'play that song' started to play on my phone making it more romantic. XD
Chapter 51: Noooo! This can't be!! Well I hope you get an inspiration to make another wonderfully awesome story using exo members then!! And lol I get you... Exo is pretty darn charming (especially with all the variety shows they are on right now... Rookies and variety shows :)) anyways though... I will patiently wait for your next story author-nim!!
Its been so long since i read this and its still amazing . Update when u can
Chapter 50: this freaking story gives me way to much feels: I got angry, sad, cried my life, was extremely happy to the point my cheeks were burning, and I feel this is near the end or so, but I do feel.. accomplished? Being human and having feelings truly is something awesome, and even if I might sound weird and nobody understands what I'm saying, I don't care 'cause that's what I feel. :3 thank you!
BBlingKimmy #6
Chapter 50: Lovely stories!!! update quick! Hahaha ^~^
Shining4life #7
Chapter 50: So cute and sweet<3
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Chapter 50: Yay! They are engaged!! 2min really do need girlfriends though. ^_^
My husband better be like this LOL
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so sweet!