Say Those Things Now

The Thin Line Between You and Him

A/N: I already updated this on friday?-but AFF was weird and it deleted this chapter so if yeah... I'm putting this up so if you feel like you've already read this... you did. I'll be putting up a new chapter...soon though... Lost some subscribers and comments too because of it...sad... but it's okay, i only lost like one chapters... Did you guys lose anything?


Na Na's POV

Jonghyun opened the car door for me and I step out. The first thing I noticed was the glares I was receiving… Jonghyun was completely oblivious and he put his hands in mine with a peck. Jonghyun and I made way to our locker and noticed a small crowd in the lobby. Jonghyun shoved a little and was walking pass everyone else until I stopped him. It was the big TV that was supposedly for school news that caught my attention.

It was a pictures of me next to every shinee  member, next to Khun, Junhyung and even Joon. Not to mention the bolded letters on the bottom. I didn't know which one's worse, school or ultimate gold digger. I'm gonna go with the one.

It's funny how life can suddenly turn into this dramatic mess in just a mere second.

"Jonghyun. I knew that girl was no good the second I saw her." the random girl told Jonghyun and tugged on his arm. Jonghyun looked at her for a second before pulling away and made his grasp of me tighter. Jonghyun scoffed and dragged me away with to class.

Just before lunch, Jonghyun came up and shut my locker.

"Na Na." Jonghyun whined.

"Bwoh, you're don't-"

"No, it's not that. Are you okay?" Jonghyun asked with concern. I nodded in reassurance.

"Good." Jonghyun smiled brightly. I smiled but Jonghyun let out a sigh and hugged me.

"Don't be sad." Jonghyun pouted.

"I'm not-"

"Liar. I've seen that sad smile on your face a lot before." Jonghyun pecked my cheek and then on my lip. I laughed and put my arms around Jonghyun and kept my face in the crook of his neck.

"So is this the girl the great Kim Jonghyun is with now? I don't see it." A guy laughed along with his friend and turned. Jonghyun huffed, grabbed a pen out of my locker and threw it the guy who was in the middle. The guy looked back at glared at Jonghyun.

"Your girlfriend, Hyeon. I slept with her and I don't know see what you see in her either." Jonghyun scoffed. The guy widened his eyes and approached us. The guy was getting close and told his friends to leave.

"You going to punch me? I dare you." Jonghyun laughed.

"Let's see if the flower boy can take a punch then, shall we?"

The guy actually punched Jonghyun square in the jaw. Jonghyun fell onto the ground but quickly got back up. I opened my mouth and was about to yell at him when the guy bring his hand back but someone else stopped him.

"That's not a good idea." Minho threatened with scary eyes… I've never seen that look before.

"Woah. Another flower boy sticking up for the main one." the guy rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you get out of here before I call someone to punch your douche ego?" Key suggested.

"Pretty boy can't throw a punch?" the guy laughed.

"I can, but let's face it. Why get my hands dirty?" Key quietly scoffed.

"Well, I was never one against it. So." Minho stopped himself and kicked him hard. The guy got backed up with a shocked eyes.


"Okay. Unless you don't know how to count or want your kicked, get out and you don't limp for the rest of your life." Minho told his with his eyes rolled. The guy walked away but tried to make a threatening look.

"You guys didn't have to do that." Jonghyun said when the guy was out of sight.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm hungry." Key sassed but just walked away. Minho gave a  pat on Jonghyun's back before following Key out. Jonghyun chuckled and put his arms around me. I sighed and pushed his arms away. After pushing his arms away, I smacked Jonghyun in the arm.


"Bwoh? I slept with her? Really? Is that really something to brag about in front of your girlfriend?" I lectured and walked away from Jonghyun. Jonghyun called out my name but I ignored him and went into the cafeteria.

The entire day, I managed to ignore the egotistic/narcissistic/womanizing playboy--jerk-thing. I walked out of school and hid behind a bush to keep out of sight. I looked up from the bush but then felt a tap. I looked with wide eyes, but it was just Khun.

"You scared me." I laughed. Khun chuckled and squatted down.

"Are you hiding from Jonghyun? What did he do now?" Khun laughed.

"Ahh… let's just say Jonghyun's not the best with words."

"Na Na?" I heard a familiar voice call out.

"Mindgiving me a ride home?" I asked Khun with desperation.

"I don't know…" Khun playfully laughed but nodded.


Jonghyun's POV

I sat on the doorstep and waited for Na Na. Aish. Why did I say that today? I scratched my head and looked up into the pretty sky. I never found it pretty until Na Na told me about the star thing-how pretty things are there even though you don't see it. I snapped out of my day dream when I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up and saw Na Na. And, Nichkhun. I looked at Na Na and then at Nichkhun with not the nicest look.

"I'll-I'll just see-you…" Nichkhun nervously laughed and waved Na Na goodbye. After Nichkhun got in his car and drove away, Na Na opened her door and walked in without a word. I followed her in the house and then up her room.

"Na Na." I sighed. Na Na ignored me so I whined again.

"You know. This isn't fair. You're making me feel guilty when you did something wrong too." I complained.

"What, Jonghyun? Did I tell you to sleep around like-like-"

"No, Na Na. It's not about that. And I'm sorry. It's all in the past." I tried to defend myself and put my hands around her hips. Na Na tried pulling away but I held her closer.

"You know, I've been so stupid. I-I always tried to ignored the fact that you're this-this-player and not make a big deal of it. How do I know if I'm not just another girl your going to sleep with and throw away?" Na Na asked me with a sad look.  I sighed but stayed silent. I wanted to think before so I could stop myself from another stupid thing.

"I thought you were just jealous and mad, but I see that you think I'm going to leave you. I'm not. Believe it or not, I need you more than you need me. So that's why I get mad when your with Nichkhun. It's like every time I do something wrong, he's there. I'm scared to make a big enough of a mistake for you to leave me for Nichkhun. Don't ever, ever think your just another girl. You're not. I won't ever throw you away or leave you even if you do. I will stalk you to the end of time if you ever leave me." I chuckled hoping Na Na would laugh a little-to lighten the mood. Na Na did laugh so I found it safe to peck her.

"I was punched today. Kiss it to make it better."


"Na Na." I whined.

"Yah, no. You're-you're on probation!" Na Na declared when I kissed the crook of her neck.

"That's what you said last time." I said with my face still against her neck. Na Na tsked and pushed me away. I opened my mouth, about to protest, but shut my mouth in order to avoid another mistake. I pouted and took a seat on Na Na's bed. I looked at Na Na and saw her doing homework in complete silence. I kept staring at Na Na for what seemed like forever until she closed her books and put the pencil down.

"So you're done now, right?" I asked and sat up.

"Yeah. Finally." Na Na sighed and turned the chair around. I smiled when Na Na smiled.

"Am I off probation?" I asked and raised my eyebrows.

"What do you think?" Na Na asked when her eyebrows raised. She's giving me the look. I know that look, and that look is never a man's friend.

"Will shopping make you feel any better?" I tried again and smiled, hoping Na Na will say yes and forget all about it.

"No." Na Na simply answered. I pouted hoping Na Na will forgive my puppy dog face.

Yeah… No. I don't think it works on Na Na.

After a long while, I sighed and jumped in Na Na's sheet to hide myself in shame… I heard a chuckled so I peeked out of the bed sheets. Na Na tilted her head but didn't have the friendliest expression so I hid in the sheets again. I soon felt a weight on the bed and brought my head out. Na Na had a box in her lap and opened it, grabbing the alcohol thing along with a cotton ball. Na Na grabbed my face and looked at it for a long while for I'm guessing because of that punch eariler.

"Does it hurt?" Na Na asked without as much simpathy as I hoped to hear.

"Not as much as the pain I feel when you're mad at me like this." I dramatically sighed.

"Key's drama queen-ness is rubbing off of you."

"I'm going to tell Key what you said. That is unless you forgive me?" I asked with hopes that Na Na might just forget about it.

"Back to my original question. Does it hurt?" Na Na sighed and pressed on my bruise lightly.

"Ahh, kind of."

"Well, you can barely see it so that's good." Na Na smiled and rubbed my bruise gently.

"I'm fully forgiven, then?"

"...Only if you tell me how many girls you have slept with."

"…Um-well. Fine… Just. Just let me think for a second. There was her, her… not her…" I began and blinked a few times trying to recall all of them.


"Okay, fine. Just 6."

"Just 6? Fine, I guess it's not as bad as I thought. And does Krystal count as one of the six?"

"...okay. Not 6. 7." I smiled hoping Na Na won't be mad.


"Don't break up with me." I pleaded but Na Na ignored what I said.

"When did you sleep with her?"

"A… a while back…"

"A while when?"

"Like, the middle or beginning of my junior year of high school." I admitted.

"Was she your first?"

"...Yes… You're not breaking up with me, right?" I asked, a little scared but Na Na smiled and shook her head. I smiled at my cool girlfriend. But this conversation raised my awareness to something…

"Did you sleep with Nichkhun? You didn't, right?"

"Yah, why do you already sound mad? I didn't even answer."

"Answer then."

"No, I didn't. Why are you being so pushy when you slept with 7 girls?" Na Na retorted with wide eyes.

"Mianh, it's just-I don't know. I get jealous when I think of those kinds of things," I laughed and grabbed a hold of her tightly.

"But I would pick a minute with you over those nights any day. I wish I can take all of those back, but I know I can't." I told Na Na and cuddled her closer, "so, were you and Nichkhun waiting till...marriage or something?"

"We don't talk about that kind of stuff… not even marriage. Just, briefly I guess." Na Na causally said with no idea how jealous I feel at the moment.

"What did you guys talk about?"

"Like how Khun wants a baby boy and joke around." Na Na laughed. I pouted at the fact that she's laughing. Aish. This girl.

"Well, when we get married, I want two baby girls. And a boy, if you're up to it." I laughed. "And I want a little doggie. I want to name him… Roo."

"Roo?" Na Na laughed.

"Yes, Roo. And we should get Key as the god mother. Minho as god father. Taemin as god brother. And Onew… Onew as god...god uncle."

"Yah, they're all your friends!"

"You can get whoever you want too. Like… I don't know… who are your friends again."

"Shinee is fine… I don't have friends really… except for shinee." Na Na admitted.

"Yah, you should make some more friends."

"At this time? I think not. Let's… let's just not remind me of that. Please."

"Fine,  let's go back to our future, then." I laughed and Na Na laughed along. "How do you want me proposing to you?"

"Under a shooting star?" Na Na answered in a joking kind of way.

"Arraso. Be prepared for my proposal if there's a shooting star. I'll have a ring in my pocket ready everyday and wait till there is a shooting star.

"Whatever, Jonghyun." Na Na laughed.

"Yah, I'm serious! This will be how I'd propose to you."

"Don't you think you're getting too ahead of yourself. We haven't even got to the I-love-you stage yet."

Na Na chuckled and the room suddenly turned silent. I was thinking about what i should say next, not knowing what would be the right thing to say.

"Na Na." I called out and turned her head so she'd be looking at me.


"I love you."

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I didn't realize how long my chapters actually was untill today. Some have told me before but i just never realized it. I hope you guys don't get bored a lot...


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BBlingKimmy #1
Chapter 51: It's sad that you're discontinuing this story but it's okay :) I can totally understand how you feel! But don't ever give up writing story! I will look forward to it ^^ I will still support you.
Bluechunsa #2
Chapter 51: I'm kinda sad that you just ended the story like that but I'm pretty sure they got married and had beautiful babies. When I read the part where Jonghyun proposed to NaNa, G.O's 'play that song' started to play on my phone making it more romantic. XD
Chapter 51: Noooo! This can't be!! Well I hope you get an inspiration to make another wonderfully awesome story using exo members then!! And lol I get you... Exo is pretty darn charming (especially with all the variety shows they are on right now... Rookies and variety shows :)) anyways though... I will patiently wait for your next story author-nim!!
Its been so long since i read this and its still amazing . Update when u can
Chapter 50: this freaking story gives me way to much feels: I got angry, sad, cried my life, was extremely happy to the point my cheeks were burning, and I feel this is near the end or so, but I do feel.. accomplished? Being human and having feelings truly is something awesome, and even if I might sound weird and nobody understands what I'm saying, I don't care 'cause that's what I feel. :3 thank you!
BBlingKimmy #6
Chapter 50: Lovely stories!!! update quick! Hahaha ^~^
Shining4life #7
Chapter 50: So cute and sweet<3
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Chapter 50: Yay! They are engaged!! 2min really do need girlfriends though. ^_^
My husband better be like this LOL
Infinitely4k #10
Chapter 50: Aww so sweet!