First day with the boys

Don't hate me because I'm different

*Sniffing* *Sniffing* *Sniffing*

*What's that sent?*Yongguk opened his eyes slwoly, awaked by the smell. 

*Sniffing* *Sniffing* Himchan woke up and saw Yongguk already standing up. "Do you smell that to?", asked Himchan and rosed up with a yawn.

They left their room, just in the same time like Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo.

"Did you also smell that?", asked Daehyun and they all nodded.

"I think, it comes from the kitchen.", stated Zelo and they all followed him.

They gasped at the view infront of them. The table was FULL with food the guys hadn't seen, but it looked VERY delicious.

"Oh hey,  you're awake.", you turned around from the stove and looked at the boys. "I hope you don't mind that I cooked american food...but anyway you shouldn't really care, I bought it.", you winked and continued cooking.

"Are you cooking for an army?", Himchan shook, still because of the sight of food infront of him.

"Well you're six guys.", you turned around again with pan put some eggs in a plate. "And guys always eat much."

You looked proud at your work and clapped in your hands. "Food is ready!"

They were still looking at the food. Yongguk and Himchan seemed very surprised. When they thought about you cooking, they just thought about bread or soup.

Zelo looked unsure to Daehyun. 

"What's the matter?", you asked confused.

"Well...uhm...", Daehyun rubbed the back of his neck. "We kind of...never ate american food."

You looked at him with big eyes. This was also an surprise.



You took one of the plate and hold it towards Daehyun. "Taste it."


"Taste it."

He still didn't accept the plate and you sighed.

"I'm sure, you'll all like it, arasso? Trust me, I didn't poisoned it.", with gently eyes you hold the plate still at Daehyun who slowly took it.

"If I throw up, it's all your fault.", he warned. You rolled your eyes, but didn't comment. You looked curiously at Daehyun while he took one bite. He chewed slowly at the food, then he gulped and his eyes widen.

"Hyung?", Zelo asked concern.

"Oh my goodness, he's going to throw up any second! Jongup take a bucket!", Himchan yelled in panic. "Don't dare, Daehyun! Not in my kitchen!"

"This food...", Daehyun started and you raised your eyebrown. "IS ABSOLUTE PERFECT! I WANT MORE! GIVE ME MORE!", he sat down and took from every plate a bite, his mouth full with food, but he didn't hesitate to put so much food in his mouth that he almost couldn't breathe anymore.

"Aigooo~", Yongguk patted his back. "Eat slowly. This boy, geez."

"Does that mean we can eat it also?", asked Zelo shy.

"Yes I think so, let's eat.", Yongguk sat next to Daehyun and took also one bite from the food. His eyes rounded. *WOW*

"Sit down and eat, Himchan hyung and Zelo, it's great!", Jongup had also already started to eat.

Himchan sat next to Jongup and took one plate. He chewed the food and it was REALLY delicious, but he didn't said it out loud. Normaly he was the cook of the house and proud of his cooking-knowlege, but were just a way better than him.

Zelo sat finally down and started to eat. His eyes widen also. "Oh my god. Merry me.", he said without thinking.

"Yah! I did tell you that you're not my typ.", you couldn't help but laugh and this time it was a honest and happy laugher, what the boys immediately noticed.

*I like her laugh*, thought Daehyun while trying to swallow his food.

You stoped laughing and went to the fridge where you took some ice out and wrapped it around two towels.

You left the kitchen and laid down on the couch of the living room, putting one of your back, the other one at your face.

"Why don't you eat with us?", called Yongguk.

"I'm busy.", you called back and the boys shrugged and continued eating.

After almost 45 minutes the boys stopped eating and where about to clean up, when you arrived back in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?", you asked confused.

"Cleaning up?", stated Youngjae really intelligent.

"Yeah, I see that. But the better question is why? Didn't I told you, that I'll do that all?"

The guys looked at each other.  That was true.

"Never again washing dishes!", Daehyun high-fived Jongup and they left the kitchen.

"A maid monkey. Haha funny.", and Youngjae left.

You shook your head at Youngjae and took the plates. Since you were in his house, you shouldn't be THAT mean and defend yourself all the time. Being quiet was also sometimes a good thing.

Himchan left quietly the kitchen without even saying one word about the food.

"I go skateboarding.", Zelo announced and left the room. Now you were alone with Yongguk.

"Need help?", he offered.

"No, no it's okay.", you took the plates of his hand and started to wash. "Hang out with the others, I'll be ready soon."

So he just shrugged with his shoulders and left the room. When he entered the livind room, he stopped at the door. Sae Ra had clean up the whole living room.

"What the..."

"Unbelieveable, isn't it?", Himchan looked around surprised. "Since when did our house looked so clean?", Yongguk laughed and the others joined him.

"When I entered I was like: 'Where the hell, am I?' ", Daehyun laughed and the TV.

"First day and she already did so much...and it's not even 12 a.m.", said Jongup impressed.

They were all 4 sitting infront of the TV and watching a movie until you came in.

"Hey, I wanted to do the laundry. Can I enter your room and..." "Psssssh", they made all and concentraited again.

"Whatever.", so you took a big bucket for the clothes and entered the first room.

*Definitly Yongguk's room.*, you looked around and saw all the little sport equipments with posters of athletics and rappers. You took the clothes which were on the ground and continued looking around to the other side. There were mirrors and hair products. Really, nothing else, but a LOT of it. *Oh, Kim Himchan.*

Also there, you took the clothes which were lying on the ground and left to the second room.

"YAH! MONKEY! NEVER HEARD OF PRIVACY?", Youngjae threw a pillow towards you.

"It's not like, I would have something to see huh?", you raised an eyebrown and he blushed.

"G-get out. P-pats are not allowed in my room.", he stuttered.

"I'm doing the laundery.", you just entered and took the cloths of one side, Surely Daehyun's side, because there were only posters of girl groups or female actresses. You shook your head and took the laundery of Youngjae.

"XL, huh?", you teased and he throw again a pillow towards you.

"GET OUT!",he yelled, while you left the room chuckled. *Pabo*

The third room had to be Jongup's and Zelo's. At Zelo's side were pictures of skateboards and football players and at Jongup side were many CD's and pictures of Chris Brown.
You liked Chris Brown just like Jongup, but not for his personlitly, you liked him for his dancing skills.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE DOING HERE?", Zelo yelled behind you. You turned around and you saw, he only wore a towle around his hips.

*Damn it. He has abs.", you looked rapidly away.

"I-I am doing the laundery.", you took some clothes of the ground and turned immediately around that you accidently bumped into Zelo.

He hold you automatically at your waist, so that you wouldn't fall at the ground and your hands were on his nacked chest.

You both stared with big eyes in each other eyes.

"So", Zelo smirked. "Did you changed your mind and merry me? Because touching me isn't for free", he whispered...very hot.

You slowly looked down at where your hands were leaning, but before you could do a thing you heard someone yell: "HIMCHAN HYUNG! SAE RA IS SEDUCING OUR MAKNAE AGAIN!"

"GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OF OUR MAKNAE!", yelled Himchan, stormed into the room and hold you at your earlap and dragged you liked this out of the room.

"LET GO! THAT HURTS! I DIDN'T DO THING! GAAH", you shout but he mercyless dragged you to the living room with your earlap between his fingers.

"Yongguk, you have to punish her. She is still trying to seduce our maknae."

"No, I don't", you defend yourself in pain.

"What happened?", asked Yongguk tired. Really, it was like they were still in the kindergarten.

"He was coming out of the bathroom and she put her hands on his chest. He was half !"

"Is this true Sae Ra?", asked Yongguk with a rais brown.

"It's not like that...", you tried to explain but failed badly.

"Uh Oh, that don't look good for you.", commented Daehyun.

"You are not doing it better!", you growled.

"I didn't meant to.", he shrugged and his gaze was again at the TV.

"Then I have to punish you Sae Ra."

"But why? I didn't do a thing!", you defended yourself again.

"So you weren't in the room of Zelo."

"I was, but..."

"And he wasn't half ?"

"He was, but..."

"Himchan, take her upstairs. She's not allowed to leave her room for the whole day"

"WHAT THE HELL?! IT'S ONLY 1 P.M. AND-AAAAAAH HIMCHAN LET GO!", you yelled when he dragged you upstairs on your earlap again.

You fell on the ground of your new room and he closed the door behind him. Then you heard a little *click* and footsteps goin down.

*Hell no? Did he just locked me?*

You tried to open the door, but nothing. It didn't open. They really did lock you.

"LET ME OUT!", you yelled but no reply. "YAH! YOU'RE NOT MY PARENTS! LET ME OUT!", you banged your fist against the door, but still no reply.

*Damn these boys!*, you thought bitterly and pouted quietly in your bed.


6 p.m. and they still didn't opened the door. They were really crule when it come to their innocent maknae. Yeah, innocent, my .

The words of him were still in your head.

Because touching me isn't for free...

And he said that in a such dirty and y voice, my , innocent was the COMPLETLY WRONG word to discribe him in this moment.

*He's not that innocent how they think*, you thought amused. Family member are often blind.

You heard a fast *click* from the door and the door opened. You rose up immediately to look at the tall maknae.

"The hyungs decided to let you out now.", he smirked.

You stood up and looked at Zelo with mercyless eyes. "You should have defended me."

"Let's just say it was a pay back from last time.", he laughed and walked down stairs.

You didn't wanted to addmit it but this Zelo...this mean like that...kind of. It reminds you of... *DON'T*, you stop your own thought and gratefully your phone rang.

"Hello?", you answered the call.

"Be here in thirty minutes.", and your boss hung up. *I really do hate him*, you thought angry while you packed your little bag with your-a bit to y-cloths. Normaly you would just dress up at home, but well...wearing things like this infront if six guys? Definitly no!

And if they would knew as what you're workin, they would definitly kick you out. You know, korean pride and so one.

You ran downstairs and they were all wearing a jacket and shoes. "Where are going?", you asked.

"Uhm, training?", answered Himchan.

You blinked a few times then you face-palmed yourself. Dance training, of course!

"Let's go.", Jongup smiled friendly towards you.

"I'm sorry...", you said, while you put your shoes on. "I have to work. My boss called me."

"Oh really? Then where a-"

"Bye!", you stormed out and left the boys dumbfounded.

"Does...does that mean, we have one free evening?", Himchan clapped in his hands. Yongguk shrugged "Seems like."

"WOOOOHOOOO!", They all high-fived each other and decided to just lazzy around, because in the end you would clean up anyway.

Now it was past 1 a.m. and you weren't back.

"You don't think something happen to her, do you?", asked Zelo concern. They all shook their heads, but they just tried to comfort their maknae. The truth was they were ALL a bit concern. Even Daehyun, Himchan and Youngjae.

"Let's get some rest, I think, we are just overreacting.", Himchan suggested and they all stood up and walked towards their rooms to sleep and see if you would come tomorrow.


It was now 3 a.m. and Himchan was sitting infront of his laptop in the living room.

He had earphones and was smiling brightly.

He kept down a giggle and continued watching exited.

"Really now?", he heard a voice behind him and jumped up. He almost got an heartattack.

He looked into your tired and judging eyes.

"W-W-What a-a-a-are you d-d-d-d-doing here!", he pointed with a shaky finger at home.

"Coming back from work.", you answered simply.

You turned around and left him dumbfounded in the same spot, but when you reached the stairs you stopped.

"At least...", you started. "It could have been a man AND a woman, don't you think so?"

And with this you left Himchan, who thought of commit suicid right now, in the dark living room.


Here I am again. I thought of writing this chapter, before I would forget everything :D
So here again.
Thanks for everyone who had comment and are going to maybe :D
Love ya! Hopefully you liked it ~~



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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
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Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
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Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~